Chapter 19

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Mew and Gulf's first marriage anniversary was approaching. Realizing that he couldn't fix his troubled marriage, Gulf decided to focus on repairing his friendship with P'Mew instead. As a gift for their anniversary, Gulf crafted a beautiful couple promise ring, intending to surprise him at the office.

"Happy anniversary, Sir," Jane, Mew's receptionist, greeted Gulf with a smile as he approached her.

"Thank you, Jane! Is P'Mew in his office?" Gulf inquired, acknowledging her well wishes.

"Yes, he is. I'll inform him that you're here to meet him," Jane replied while dialing Mew's extension.

"No need. I'll surprise him," Gulf cheerfully winked.

Gulf entered Mew's office without knocking, only to be taken aback by the sight of Fai hugging Mew.

"Gulf! What are you doing here?" Mew asked, taken aback by Gulf's sudden appearance.

"Sorry for disturbing you. I didn't realize you were busy," Gulf arrogantly replied, glaring at Fai, then Mew, before storming out of the office.

Mew immediately instructed his bodyguards to stay close to Gulf. He didn't want a repeat of their previous altercation.

"Jane! Why didn't you inform me that Gulf was visiting?" Mew inquired, frustration evident in his voice.

"Because Sir, he wanted to surprise you on your anniversary," Jane explained.

As the realization of their forgotten anniversary dawned on him, Mew pulled at his hair in despair. How could he have forgotten such an important day?

The guards informed Mew that Gulf was visiting Mew's parents at the mansion. Determined to make it up to Gulf, Mew decided to cook a special dinner for him.

Gulf had already been through a lot. Mew realized that his smile no longer reached his eyes. Perhaps, they both needed to spend quality time together, to open up and share their feelings, just like they used to. Mew deeply missed Gulf's genuine smile and his instinct to confide in his beloved P'Mew.

"Gulf, my dear! How have you been? It's been so long," Mrs. Jongcheveevat exclaimed with delight upon seeing her son-in-law after a long time.
Gulf smiled politely and greeted her, embracing her warmly.
"Is Mew treating you well, my dear?" Mrs. Jongcheveevat anxiously inquired. They were now joined by Mew's father in the garden, enjoying a cup of tea. Gulf reassured her that everything was fine between him and Mew.

"Father, may I speak with you privately?" Gulf hesitated, seeking a private conversation.
Mrs. Jongcheveevat excused herself to prepare some snacks for Gulf.

"Are things becoming too difficult for you, Gulf? I can reprimand Mew..." Mew's father expressed concern.

"Of course not," Gulf interrupted him.

"Father, please don't misunderstand me. Mew and I have always been best friends to each other, but..." Gulf grew increasingly nervous.

"But...?" Father encouraged him to speak his mind.

"But... things have changed since our marriage. We love and protect each other, but was this marriage truly necessary?" Gulf held great respect for Mew's father, having known the family since childhood, and being doted upon by all of them, Gulf knew that Mr. Jongcheveevat would even sacrifice Mew's well-being and happiness for him.

"I had promised your father that I would protect you at any cost. You are old enough to understand the nature of our business, Gulf. To answer your question, yes, it was absolutely necessary to strengthen our bonds and ensure your safety," Mr. Jongcheveevat explained.

"But, Father, Mew is not happy with me. And neither am I. Can't we allow him to live his own life? If that means I have to handle the business, I am willing to do so. Can't we let him be happy?" Gulf expressed his concerns.

Mr. Jongcheveevat pondered for a moment.
"Is Mew in agreement with you?" he asked.

Gulf panicked and admitted, "Mew doesn't know that I came to talk to you."

"Gulf, Mew and I are merely handling the business on your behalf. It is your inheritance. If you wish to take charge of it, we will support you. I understand that Mew may protest, but I will handle it. After all, we are here to serve you. Whatever you desire will be our command."

"Father, please don't embarrass me like this. You are my family. Please don't alienate me," Gulf pleaded.

"However, let me warn you. If you enter the business, your relationship with Mew may further deteriorate. You know how stubborn he can be, especially when it comes to you."

It was true. Mew had done everything possible to keep Gulf away from the business.

"In that case... let me think about it some more. Until then, may I ask you for two favors?" Gulf requested.
Mr. Jongcheveevat nodded in agreement.
"I want to resume my training and I don't want Mew to know about my plans until I'm ready to reveal them."

"I will arrange it" Mr. Jongcheveevat assured Gulf, though he felt disappointed that Mew couldn't take care of Gulf himself.

And so, Gulf's training began. Sessions were arranged discreetly, sometimes taking place at his university, and other times under the pretense of visiting Mew's parents. Mew grew suspicious on occasion, but Gulf had become skilled in the art of deception. He honed his fighting abilities, practiced with weapons, learned to read people, and became more attuned to his surroundings—gaining knowledge and skills necessary to survive in the mafia world. If he was to be accepted as the mafia king, he had to instill fear and become invincible.

On the other hand, Gulf was constantly thinking of ways to convince P'Mew to let him handle the business. He even sought advise from his new BFF Kao.
"P'Mew is over protective. There is no way he will divorce me, no matter how much this relationship is smothering him" Gulf expressed his concern to Kao
"What if you want to marry me?" Kao suggested out of the blue


"Gulf, I know what Mew means to you. But as I got to know you better, I think I have fallen for you. I really like you Gulf. Even when I know your heart belongs to Mew. Is there even a slightest possibility that you could be with me?" Kao confessed.

Gulf was lost for words. He considered Kao his best friend but he never led him on.
"I don't know what to say" Gulf was caught off guard
"Say yes. Mew will be free to go to Fai and we can be together. At least give me chance to love you Gulf"
Gulf contemplated Kao's words and finally said yes to Kao.

AN: Double update! Have fun and enjoy the journey. ☺️☺️

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