Chapter 6

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AN: Hey guys double update 😊
Thank you for your votes and encouragement.
Happy reading ☺️☺️

The next day, everyone in the office seemed to be relaxed and well rested. The fact that Mew won't be coming to office for a couple of days made everyone feel comfortable and happy.

Everyone except Gulf.

Seeing Mew again had made him greedy. He wanted to see him, be in his presence, bicker with him, touch him once a while. His smell was something he remembered so vividly and it hadn't changed. Suddenly, he remembered P'Tul's words. His heart wanted to believe P'Tul. He wanted to believe that P'Mew wants him back. But why now. Why after such a long time. What if...

"Gulf which colour scheme do you think is better?" Pink brought him out of his thoughts.

"Dracula is back!! I just saw him park his car downstairs" Talay shouted.

"But Mr. Pakorn said 3 or 4 days. It's been only 1 day" Max panicked
Everyone was horrified except for Gulf who was smiling like a fool.
"What are you smiling for?" Mild asked Gulf
"Nothing" Gulf pretended to work.

"Gulf in my cabin! Now!" Mew barked walking straight to his cabin. Gulf followed in haste

As soon as Mew entered his cabin, he saw Tul working at his desk
"What are you doing here?" Mew frowned
"I should be the one asking you that" Tul was shocked to see Mew back so soon as well.

Just then Gulf entered the cabin. Mew immediately went to hug him. Gulf flinched but eventually let him be.
Gulf felt Mew's hands tighten on his waist. He could feel the stress Mew was in. Like Mew had a traumatic experience.
Gulf slowly run his hand on Mew's back to comfort him.
"Is everything alright?" Gulf asked after a while in his softest voice.
Mew opened his eyes at his question. He has to lie again.
How can he let his sweet, innocent and kind Gulf be a part of his dark world. The world he himself didn't want to be a part of. He squinted his eyes to shut, squeezed Gulf some more.
"I am tired. That's all"

Tul let out a deep breath shaking his head and continued working.

'Tired? something is bothering you P'Mew. Can't you tell me? Why can't you tell me. It's just like old times. Always acting suspicious. I was naive then to trust you with all my heart. But it doesn't matter now. Slight hint of anger flashed on Gulf's face which was soon replaced by worry when P'Mew held him tighter.

Both of them hugged for a while without any words when Gulf's phone vibrated.

"P'Mew I need to take this call" Gulf whispered. Mew hummed but did not let go Gulf. Gulf gave up and answered his call while still in Mews hug.

"Yes... I will be right there" Gulf tried to wriggle out of P'Mew's hug. But he was too strong for Gulf.
"I have to go home"
"What?why? Who called?" Mew asked looking at Gulf, his grip still tight on Gulf's waist.
"P'Mew please, I have to leave. Let me go" Gulf said rather sternly and Mew released him immediately.

Gulf left in hurry without any further explanation.

Tul chuckled. "Are you that scared of him? One look from him and you obey his every word"

"Shut up Tul" Mew was not amused at all

"Is he going to her, Tul?" Mew asked dejectedly.

"I don't know Mew. Do you want me to tail him?"Tul asked calmly
"Or perhaps you would like to ask him like a civilised person?"
"Fuck off!" Mew dismissed him. Tul rolled his eyes.
"By the way, how are you back so soon?" Tul enquired.

Mew did not answer him. He sat on the couch, his head pushed back, eyes closed.

Two days ago Lhong, Mew's other best friend who helped him look after all his dirty business had called him up, apprising him about some issues in the business.
This was not the first time a certain group was acting notorious. Mew, being the head of the mafia clan in Thailand had to put them in their place. Mew had to go down personally to sort the issue so that other groups don't meddle with him again. He wanted to send out a clear message, to not mess with him. Now with Gulf back in his life, it had become more imperative.

Mew was in a room full of serious looking men. He was sitting on a chair with his leg crossed over the other and hands rested on the armrest, wearing black shirt and cold, murderous expression on his face. His eyes piercing at the gentleman in his late fifties, sitting across him. The gentleman's face was wrinkled but one could still see the pride he had. He was trying his best not to show any fear.
Next to him was a man, kneeling on the floor. His hands tied behind his back and blood dripping from his face. He was shivering, anticipating an unknown fate.

"Were you aware that your man was doing funny business in my territory, Florence?" Mew asked in a dangerously low voice.

"You can't talk to me like that Mew! You are just a newbie. Don't forget I used to do business with your father. Show some respect!" The gentleman in his late fifties retorted.

"I do not like repeating myself" Mew said sternly.

The man flinched but kept his composure.
"I was not aware" he stated.


Gunfire was shot and the man kneeling on the floor dropped down lifeless, blood pooling around his body.

Mew put his gun back in his holster. Face still as cold as before.
"I cannot forgive and I certainly don't forget. If you are not aware next time, it will be your body on the floor." Mew got up ready to leave and motioned Lhong to clear up the mess.

Mew immediately went to the comfort room and scrubbed his hands hard. The cold face was now replaced with disgust and hatred. No matter how long he had been doing this but taking someone's life would always be traumatic. He did not want to do this. He did not want this life. However he was well aware that if he shows his weakness he would be as good as dead. If he tried to leave this world, Gulf would get sucked right in. This was not okay with Mew at all

"Mew.... Mew... wake up" Tul tried to wake Mew up, who had drifted off to sleep on the couch

"Is he back yet?" First thing Mew asked after waking up was about Gulf.
"No.. let's go home to get some rest" Tul suggested.

AN : I am on vacation so expect couple of more chapters. 😊

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