Chapter 5

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AN: Here's the next chapter. Happy reading ☺️☺️

"No. No. And absolutely not!" Mew said disapproving the three options presented by Gulf's team. The first two were presented by Pink and Mild and the last one that gained the most criticism was presented by Max.

Gulf's team had presented the best they could in the given time. They had even done overtime to come up with the best plans!

However each plan lacked details and Mew is very attentive to details. Gulf knew that it was futile arguing with Mew. Especially when it is about work. Mew had always been a perfectionist. But having detailed plans at this stage was also too much to ask from the designers.

"Alright. Let's work on our flaws and get better plans guys." Gulf tried to motivate his team

"What do you mean by that?" Mew frowned.
"You call this 'the best', when you couldn't even come up with a decent plan? No one goes home before we finalise the plan. Now go get working!" Mew yelled.

To put your heart and soul into work and get told off like that. Each and everyone was offended but no one said a word. They quietly left the room and got back to working. It was almost midnight when Mew at last approved a plan.
The team was exhausted and relieved at the same time.

Next day everyone came in early to work on the specifications and detailing. Throughout the day the team would discuss issues with Mew and get abused for mistakes.
Gulf tried his best to defend their work but Mew was more experienced.

"OMG Gulf! Why is your husband such a devil!" Pink complained
"Ex-husband!" Gulf insisted
"Is this why you divorced him?" Talay asked curiously.
"Stop talking nonsense and get back to work befor the devil sees you" Mild intervened. Gulf thanked him silently

It had become a routine to leave office at midnight and come early the next day. And still get scolded for shitty work.
Max suffered the most as Mew would often pick on him. Gulf felt guilty for his state.

"Gulf can you do something about this Dracula?" Pink whined.
"Look at these dark circles. I will die single if this goes on!" She kept ranting to Gulf

"Dracula?" Gulf took sometime to realise she was referring to P'Mew.

"Yes! The blood sucking devil! Your husband" Talay added, frustration clearly visible on his face.

"Ex-husband!" Gulf and Mild spoke at once

"Yes we know. But you are his wifey! Seduce him or do whatever it takes to make him leave us alone!" Max demanded

Gulf was annoyed. Why is he being nagged so much. If people are not okay, they should talk to P'Mew. Why the hell are they annoying him.

"By the way, it's 10am already. Why isn't he here yet? Has he gone back to his coffin!"

"PINK!" Gulf snarled at her

"How dare you say that for him!" Gulf was agitated. No matter how obnoxious P'Mew is, no one is allowed to talk ill of him.

"Ahem", fair almost pale looking man, dressed in a black coat and shirt cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"PTul.." Gulf was surprised to see him.

"Hello. I am Mr. Tul Pakorn. Mr Supasit had an urgent appointment and will not be available for a few days. I will overlook the progress until then.
Gulf can you please update me on the progress?"

Gulf nodded and showed him the way to Mew's cabin.
"How are you?" Tul asked half sitting on the table with his hands crossed.
Tul was completely opposite to Mew. He was soft, calm and more mature than Mew. He analysed every situation very well before deciding the course of action rather than getting driven by his emotions. He was direct and straightforward. Traits that Mew lacked.

"Good." Gulf answered in a tiny voice
"Is Mew nagging you too much?" Tul chuckled
Gulf smiled too.

"Not really. He is constantly picking on my friends though "
"That is so Mew. He could never talk to you directly. So.. brief me regarding work"

Gulf updated Tul on the progress and way ahead as agreed with Mew.
"Thanks for the brief. You can get back to work now." Tul dismissed Gulf.

"P'Tul.. why is P'Mew doing this? What does he want from me?" Gulf asked hesitantly.Tul knew there was no point in lying.

"He wants you back with him"
"But he was the one who pushed me away"
"That is between you and him. You know him better than me. "
Gulf gave a heavy sigh." I will get back to work"

"Gulf... what are you hiding?" Tul confronted Gulf.

Gulf froze.

"Remember the guy you fought with in the club. Mew asked for his details. I gave it to him. Now I can't seem to find that guy." After a long pause Tul continued
"I respect your boundaries but you know eventually I will have to find out." Tul warned Gulf.
Gulf became very nervous. Gulf left the room without another.

It was 6 in the evening when the meeting was over. Tul was more easy going than Mew. The team was comfortable sharing their opinions and ideas.
"I guess we can call it a day. Good work guys. I will see you guys tomorrow" Tul adjourned the meeting

"Mr. Pakorn.." Max gathered his courage
"May I request you to please handle this project from now on. I really cannot work with Mr. Supasit. "
Tul smiled. "I am just an employee like you Max. Mr. Supasit owns the company. I am afraid I have to decline your request.
What did you even do to Mew to piss him off so much?." Tul wondered

Gulf squeezed Max's shoulders.
"I am sorry Max you have to suffer because of me"
"You owe me big time" Max swatted his hand.
"Yeah. I know. Let's go home. "

AN: I hope you like it so far. Do let me know! ☺️

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