Chapter 26

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"Dada, where is my boyfriend?" Alexa's innocent enquiries stinged Gulf's heart.

It had been two days since the incident but Gulf remembered it, like it just happened. On the day of the incident even though Gulf had planned everything meticulously, Mew had his doubts. Kao had been his partner and close friend for four years which only meant that Kao could predict all of his moves well.

And so Mew did something unexpected.

He reached out to his father for assistance. Mr. Jongcheveevat couldn't refuse Mew, given Gulf's life was at risk.

As anticipated, Florence caught Tul and Lhong off guard, but Mr. Jongcheveevat's timely intervention saved them all, except for Mew. Mew remained unconscious after his operation. Gulf hadn't left his side for even a minute. Time seemed to halt for Gulf when Mew was shot in the chest. Gulf was numb, utterly lost, unable to comprehend anything..

Gulf refrained from eating, avoided talking to anyone, and stayed glued to Mew's bedside, looking at him intently all day long, hoping and praying that he would wake up any minute. This continued until he collapsed, unconscious from exhaustion. He was immediately put on IV and sedated so that his body could rest.

Rose thought perhaps Alexa could help pull Gulf out of his grief and give him the strength to face the situation. However, her innocent remarks only made him cry harder, and all he desired was to return to Mew's room. It was only after Rose's constant persuasion that Gulf agreed to rest. Gulf had just fallen into slumber when Tul entered his room and informed him that Mew was finally awake and out of danger. Rose turned around to shush Tul but was too late. Even though he was heavily medicated, Gulf was still alert, and he immediately dragged himself to his Phi's room.

"Nong!" Mew struggled to get the words out of his mouth

"What happened?" Mew asked worriedly looking at Gulf in hospital overalls, in an extremely drowsy state.

Gulf, without uttering any words and with great struggle to stay awake, pushed himself on top of his Phi while mumbling some incoherent words. But he could not fight the medications any more and was in deep slumber as soon as his head hit Mew's chest.

Looking at Mew's discomfort, Tul tried to get Gulf off of Mew but Mew gestured him to stop.

"When did he sleep last?" Mew asked in a hoarse voice

"3 days ago" Rose quickly replied..

"We want to rest" Mew said closing his eyes, while slightly adjusting his position on the bed to accommodate his sleeping baby.

Next morning, Gulf woke up with a jerk hitting Mew's stitches on the chest. Mew flinched in pain.

"P'Mew, you are awake!" Gulf could not contain his happiness.

"Ouch...Nong careful!"

"Ow.. i am sorry. Does it hurt?" Gulf asked worriedly.

"No... my chest is numb since you slept on it for 16 hrs!" Mew chuckled

"I do not care! Do you have to be cocky as soon as you wake up?"

"It wasn't me who was sleeping.. but seriously who sleeps for 16 hours?" Mew teased Gulf

"Dada!!!!" Alexa excitedly burst into the room, waving her little hands at Gulf. Rose followed closely, attempting to stop Alexa, but Gulf signaled her to let Alexa be.

He affectionately kissed Alexa, cradling her in his arms, and gave Rose a gentle peck on her forehead.

Mew felt an intense pang of jealousy. He knew that Gulf still loves him and that they were still married. However, the fact that Rose was the mother of Gulf's child deeply affected him. He appreciated Rose's support for Gulf when he was alone, but he absolutely hated their closeness. Did they have to kiss each time they saw one another? And why did Gulf always have to smile so endearingly at her?Tul noticed Mew's disdainful look towards Rose. Mew quickly averted his gaze.

Tul coughed to gain everyone's attention and asked Rose if she could assist him in getting something for Gulf. He was probably hungry. Rose agreed and promptly left with Tul and Alexa, leaving Mew and Gulf alone in the room.

"Did you eat something Phi?" Gulf enquired. However, Mew looked away.

"What are you sulking at?" Gulf asked irritated

"Do you have to kiss her in front of me?"

"Who? Rose?"

Mew rolled his eyes

"haha.. you are jealous!" Gulf laughed at Mew

"Nong! Its already hard enough for me to accept that you had ... that you slept with her.. and on top of that.."

"What! Who told you that?"

Mew rolled his eyes for the nth time

"Do you think I am stupid?"

"Phi... I really did not. We do live like a family and I love her but not like I love you. This is more like a sibling relationship" Gulf clarified.

Confused Mew asked again,," Then... what about Alexa?"

When Gulf decided to part ways with Mew, he meticulously arranged to take over the business. He met with his father-in-law in secret and persuaded him to allow Mew to lead a separate life abroad and Gulf to handle the entire business. He was well aware that Mew would never let Gulf get involved in the business. so he had to make Mew believe that they were separated.

Immediately after parting ways with Mew, Gulf approached Kao with a proposal for marriage. Gulf believed that if he were married to someone else, Mew might leave him alone, and Kao seemed like the ideal candidate.

However, Gulf overheard Kao conversing with someone on the phone, planning to betray Gulf and seize control of the business. It was then that Gulf realized Kao was a double-crosser, not a friend. However, Gulf's realization came too late, as Kao captured him. For two months, Gulf endured torture at the hands of Kao, pressuring him to comply with their plan. It was the most traumatic period of his life.

Then, one day, Gulf found a fleeting opportunity to escape. Despite being badly bruised and injured, he managed to flee. He was being pursued by Kao's men and, in sheer exhaustion, leaped from a bridge into the river.

Despite an exhaustive search, the men failed to locate him.

It was Rose who eventually discovered him washed ashore. She brought him home and tended to his injuries. During his recovery, Gulf opened up to her. Gulf realized that Rose had no family. When asked, she revealed she was an orphan who had been in a toxic and abusive relationship. Her partner had abandoned her for someone else, leaving her pregnant and alone, worrying about her child's future.

Gulf identified with her struggles, having experienced a similar relationship with P'Mew. Gulf promised Rose that he would take care of her. When Alexa was born, Gulf found a new sense of purpose in his life. Since that day, Gulf yearned for a new life devoid of betrayal, far from the clutches of the mafia world. He approached his father-in-law, urging him to let Mew carry on with his business and not to look for Gulf.

Mr. Joncheveevat was taken aback by this sudden change of plans and sought clarification, but Gulf remained silent, refusing to answer his inquiries. Mr. Jongcheveevat concluded that Mew was the root of the problem.

"What!! you are not her father!" Mew exclaimed pleasantly surprised.

"Biologically!" Gulf insisted.

"Come here you punk! You have made me fall in love with you all over again" Mew hugged Gulf tightly

"Ahem " Tul coughed at the door.

"Breakfast is here!" he showed the packet in this hand.

When Mew saw Tul trying to avoid eye contact with him, he asked Tul if he could talk to him privately.

"YOU DOG! You knew Gulf was not her father and yet you let me believe it" Mew said angrily

"How else could you have realized how much you loved him?" Tul replied with another question.

"You wait until I get better and then... " Mew drew a horizontal line on his neck with a thumb

Tul chuckled "Aawww you are so cute!" and left leaving an agitated Mew fuming.

AN: And this brings us to our final chapter.. awww I don't want it to end!!! Stay tuned for more....

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