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"Now who dared to take my son!?" Mom demanded glaring at the assembled campers as she slowly grew in size until she was in her full fifteen foot form.

"That would be the cowering blonde guy with the face scar." Percy said laughing.

"FINALLY!" a voice yelled out from nowhere before a blonde man appeared in a flash of gold.

"What do you mean finally Apollo?" Mom demanded suspiciously.

"I'm the god of truth." Apollo laughed, "I know and see almost everything and have known about my nephew practically since the day you found him. I wanted to wait for you to claim him though since I figured you wanted him to be a secret. But now I can finally meet my nephew!".

"You kept the secret for me?" Mom asked her brother in shock.

"Of course," Apollo smiled, "I may be immature but I am still your brother and I still care about you. I will do anything I can to protect you. But please stop hitting me!".

"Then stop acting so immature." Mom said swatting him only this time with an air of playfulness instead of anger whilst the campers looked on in shock at two gods acting like a normal family.

Apollo's face took on a sad expression, "Please," he all but pleaded "ask me to do almost anything but please not one of the few things that keeps me sane.".

Shocked mom asked "What do you mean?".

"I told you I see almost everything that happens. This means that I see almost every evil committed in the world. I hear every lie, every half-truth. I know all of the evil in this world and I have to constantly witness its work.".

Eyes widening Mom ran forward and hugged her brother, "I didn't know." she said softly.

Before Apollo could respond however a thunderclap shook the heavens making both gods roll their eyes, "Great dad's throwing another hissy fit." Apollo muttered making another thunderclap boom.

"Before we go Zoe and Phoebe need to do something." Artemis told her brother before nodding to the two hunters.

Smirking the girls walked over towards the boy who kidnapped him and pulled him out of his seat before they both kicked him between his legs leaving him crying on the ground.

The group of five then vanished in a mixture of gold and silver until they were in the throne room of Olympus being glared at by Zeus and Hera, "Hey pops." Apollo waved cheekily him, Mom, Zoe, and Phoebe chuckle.

"Be silent Apollo." Hera snapped, "We are here to decide on Artemis' punishment.".

"On what grounds may I ask?" Mom asked coolly.

"For breaking your oath!" Hera snapped.

"But I never broke the oath." Mom smirked and he could tell she was enjoying herself.

"But you said he was…" Zeus began before being interrupted.

"Have you never heard of adoption?" he asked making the king of the gods blush in embarrassment.

"Then who is your birth parent?" Athena demanded.

"The one that abandoned me or the one that died trying to save my life?" he asked in a cold voice as thinking about that day brought both joy and anger to him, joy of meeting his mother and anger that he was abandoned by his father.

"What do you mean abandoned?" Hephaestus asked showing a surprising amount of concern, before he remembered that Hephaestus was abandoned by Hera.

"I was only seven months old and my birth mother took me to my biological father's domain, we were literally standing in it, before a monster that is usually loyal to my biological attacked us and killed my mother." he growled.

"How did you survive?" Ares asked in shock, "Did Artemis save you?".

"He used his demigod powers to kill the Cyclops." Mom said, pride evident in her voice.

"Wait a minute did you say Cyclops?" Hermes demanded, "They are normally loyal to Poseidon… YOU BROKE THE OATH!" Hermes yelled out pointing at the god of the sea.

"Zeus broke it first!" Poseidon pointed out scared.

"I admit that but at least I didn't abandon my child!" Zeus yelled angry at Poseidon, "But now Perseus is my grandchild and I trust Artemis to raise him right.".

"He is my…" Poseidon began only for Mom to cut him off.

"He is not your son anymore!" she yelled angrily, "He is the son of the Moon and the Nephew of the Sun!".

"The friend of the traveler!" Hermes said standing up.

"An apprentice of war!" Ares said surprising them.

"A forger of destiny!" Hephaestus joined them.

"How dare you take my son from me?" Poseidon roared leaping to his feet.

"You abandoned him!" Apollo yelled pulling out his bow before anyone could do anything.

"ENOUGH!" Zeus yelled making everyone turn towards him, "Artemis adopted Perseus and that is not about to change. I do not know if that will remove him from the effect of the prophecy but even if it does not I am tired of running from it! I trust Artemis to raise him right.".

"Thank you father." Mom said smiling at Zeus who returned her grin.

"But in the meantime I wish for him to stay at Camp Half-Blood for at least the summers so that he can meet other demigods besides those in the hunt." Zeus said.

Sighing Mom nodded, "He will stay in my cabin then.".

"No he will stay in mine!" Poseidon yelled angry.

"Why would I stay in the cabin of someone who isn't my parent if I've already been claimed?" he asked in mock confusion which made the sea god fume.

"You tell him little bro!" Zoe said happily as she and Phoebe moved to flank him.

"It is decided then!" Zeus said, "Perseus shall spend his summers at Camp Half-Blood and the rest of the year with the Hunt." and the council flashed out.

"Now let's go back to the rest of the Hunt so you can say goodbye." Mom said hugging him as they relaxed for a moment.

"You know they will probably want to visit the camp now right?" he asked smirking "To both see me longer and to do to my kidnapper what Ze and Phe-Phe did.".

"Got that right bro.!" Phoebe laughed ruffling his hair.

"Hey!" he complained while they all laughed at him.

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