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He could feel the change in the waters when he left the coast of Ogygia coast for the shores of Camp Half-blood, the magic of the hidden sanctuary pulsing at his presence as if greeting him. The sound of a war horn ripped out from the shore, demigods in gleaming armor readying on the beach. Focusing his power, Percy pushed the raft onward on a wave to his home.

"It's Percy!" the voices of the Stoll brothers yelled out from a watch tower "Percy's back!" the cheer was mimicked and carried by the warriors of the camp. Quickly he saw the crowd part down the middle as a figure dressed in so much black that it could only be Nico led a group to the shore.

Seeing the familiar faces, the son of Artemis grinned, seeing the loving eyes of his girlfriend he urged his wave on faster, leaping from the raft before it reached the beach, running over the surface of the water. Seeing him coming Bianca laughed, tears of joy running from her eyes as she ran to meet him, the water splashing around her as she lunged and tackled him. Not caring about the myriad of eyes watching then he crashed his lips against hers, pouring all the love he could into the kiss as she returned it with equal intensity.

"I told you I'd come back." He whispered into her ear, running a hand through her hair as the others held back to give them some space.

"Where were you?" Nico asked as the others began to approach "You've been gone for weeks."

"I landed on Ogygia," he winced and rubbed his shoulders "not the most pleasant of landings. I got patched up by Zoe's sister Calypso and came back as soon as I could."

"I had a feeling that's where you were." The familiar voice of Chiron spoke up, walking to the beach at a slow steady pace "Many great heroes wash up there when they go missing."

"And you didn't tell us?!" Clarisse yelled angrily, the daughter of Ares showing her bloodline as she glared at the ancient centaur.

"I wasn't sure if he was there or not," Chiron held out his hands in an attempt to pacify the enraged warrior "and I knew that even if he was there then nothing could keep him from coming back. He's rather stubborn that way."

Snorting in amusement at his teacher's reasonings he clasped arms with the ancient trainer "It's good to be home Chiron. Now," his face turned serious "what have I missed?"

"We have good news, bad news, and awkward news." Nico explained as Chiron and the rest of Percy's inner circle headed for the big house, the rest of the demigods scattering to go back to doing their task with renewed vigor at the return of their leader.

"Bad news first." He sighed, falling into what others had dubbed his 'commander persona'.

"Quintus is gone," Chiron scowled "he slipped into the Labyrinth a few days before Nico and the others returns with Hephaestus. We don't know where he's going or why but it could be that he was a spy."

"We'll be sure to keep an eye out for him." He nodded in understanding "I'm assuming the good news is about our deal with Hephaestus?"

"He came through," Amanda nodded "the Labyrinth utilizes a massive amount of the Mist as well as Magic. The trick is using a clear-sighted mortal."

"Which leads to the awkward part." Nico sighed as Bianca gripped Percy's arm tighter and he had a feeling he knew what they were talking about.

"Percy!" hearing the voice he had already assumed was there the son of Artemis turned to the big house porch to see an armed and armored Rachel waving at him eagerly.


"You've failed me." Her voice was cold as she glared down at the cowering Empousai "I gave you a task. One single, simple task, and you couldn't accomplish even that."

"Please!" the Empousai screamed as she thrashed in Pollux's grip "Mercy!"

"Take her to the Arena," she ordered dismissively as a Laestrygonians begins to drag the vampiric monster off "she can provide entertainment for Antaeus."

As the sound of the Empousai's screaming faded away Miranda approached her "Have you prepared for the ritual Thalia?" the daughter of Demeter asked, Pollux walking next to his lover.

"I…will be ready when the time comes." She allowed, fighting to keep her voice level at the thought of the ritual she was required to do for those she was sworn to.

"Very good my dear," the cold resonating voice of Kronos echoed through the thoughts of her, Pollux, and Miranda "it's a relief to see that you aren't about to run away from your family." Shivering she tried to block out the presence of the lord of time, the Titans having begun keeping a presence in the mind of their demigod followers and allies to discover spies.

"Your trust is touching gramps." She snarled, the stress of the upcoming ritual making her fuse shorter than normal.

"Remember who you serve." Kronos's voice hissed "And remember you have nowhere else to go. The Olympians would never accept some silly boy crazy girl back into their fold, not after all you've done to them."

"Perseus is a man, not some boy," she hissed back before smirking "and he bested Atlas with ease, imagine what he could do to your washed up corpse." Ignoring the scornful huff, she felt the presence of Kronos retreat.

"Was that wise Thalia?" Pollux asked with a frown, "Kronos' power is matched only by his pride. If you keep insulting him in such a manner then our efforts to keep Lord Perseus safe."

"Kronos isn't the one in charge here," she denied, "as much as he wished to act like it Gaea is the one who hold the true power in this army. She is…curious about our Lord, she won't wish to destroy her source of intrigue, especially so soon."

"Is there any other task you need us to complete?" Miranda asked, the eyes of the daughter of Demeter losing a hint of their madness showing genuine concern, it was as touching as it was surprising.

"There are several leads and rumors on ancient relics and weapons of power. Pollux, I want you both to follow up on these and find the items. They could be of great use to us in the coming war and would be of even better use in the hands of our Lord when he joins our side." The son of Dionysus nodded and, after giving Miranda a loving kiss goodbye, vanished in a faint purple mist, the smell of crushed grapes lingering for a moment before dissipating.

"And me?" Miranda asked, "I assume you have something that needs more stealth than my Pollux is known for."

Taking in a deep breath she looked Miranda in the eye "Go to New Rome and fine Jason Grace. I want my brother by my side for the coming days."


Face set in stone, the ancient maker brought his hammer down upon the metal before him, sparks ringing out from the impact. His workshop had been almost the exact same as it had always been. Tools left in their proper places, schematics in the cubbyholes, the improved versions of the wings that cost him his son on the wall.

"I don't have the time to rest." The old man grunted and forced his body to continue working "It likely won't be long till they get here." Mrs. O'Leary whined at him as he worked, the sweet girl clearly worried for her old smith.

"Don't worry girl." He gave her a tired smile and rubbed her head, the hellhound's tail wagging happily in response to the attention "I just have work to do…a lot of wrongs to right and this is the first step." With that he resumed hammering on the metal, bringing forth a masterpiece to the world, one that would be a paragon even among his creations. In the background, sitting ignored and cracked open, was the safe where he kept his most important creation, the string, a safe that now sat empty.

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