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"So why was there a border patrol anyway?" Percy asked once Clarisse had finally stopped chasing them.

At the question the previously grinning Clarisse dropped sadly, "Thalia's tree was poisoned." She told them, pointing to the massive pine "It happened a few days ago and since then the barrier has been getting weaker and weaker.".

"Who poisoned it?" Bianca asked in horror.

"Nobody knows," Clarisse told them "we just woke up one day and found the hole in the tree with the poison seeping out of the puncture hole.".

"Are there any suspects?" he asked warily.

"Luke for one," Clarisse answered with a shrug "although someone accused Chiron for some reason. Due to the accusations Zeus had to send in a second Director to help Chiron and to keep an eye on things. He should be getting here later today.".

"Alright," he said nodding "let's go check on the lovebirds.".

Chuckling, the two girls followed him up to the infirmary where they found Nico sitting at Amanda's bedside, gently stroking her hair as he remained unaware of their presence. Smirking he motioned for quiet and pulled out a phone Hephaestus had made that wouldn't sent out signals to monsters before filming the scene for future blackmail.

After getting enough film he put the camera away and couched loudly to get Nico's attention causing the son of Hades to yelp and jump in fright. Chuckling at his friend's affronted expression he walked and sat down next to the bed, "So how's she doin?" he asked, humor leaving his voice.

"No change so far," Nico admitted while holding tightly to Amanda's hand "I thought that she would be awake by now but…" here the son of Hades trailed off.

"Oh she's awake," he said amused "she apparently just like you stroking her hair.".

"Damn it Percy," Amanda muttered as she sat up while Nico fell of his chair "how'd you know I was awake.".

"Breathing pattern," he replied with a shrug "plus you were smirking.".

Here the daughter of Hermes flushed in embarrassment at being caught before glaring playfully, "Not a word to anyone, got it?".

"Not a word about how you enjoy your boyfriend playing with your hair?" he asked innocently while Clarisse and Bianca laughed at the two blushing demigods in front of him.

"Percy stop picking on them," Clarisse chided playfully while the two in question sent her grateful glances "it's not their fault that they're totally smitten with each other." The grateful looks quickly vanished.

"All joking aside," he said seriously getting everyone's attention "I've got a bad feeling about the next few days. I think that we're somehow going to be tied in with the poisoning of the tree.".

"You think we'll be accused?" Nico asked shocked.

"More like I think our asses will be put into another dangerous quest trying to find the cure for the poison." He explained getting nods of understanding form the others.

"With our luck you're probably right." Clarisse agreed as she leaned against the wall.

"Do you have any idea on what a cure might be?" Amanda asked as she sat up in bed.

"One," he admitted with a wince "but I have the feeling that my Mom would literally knock me out and drag me off somewhere she could watch me if I went after it.".

"What is it?" Bianca asked surprised as she knew that his Mom generally trusted him on his own.

"The Golden Fleece," he explained which got looks of shock from his friends "I know where it is.".

"YOU WHAT?!" Amanda yelled out in shock.

"So do most Satyr's even if they don't realize it," he replied with a shrug "they think it's the power of Pan but it's actually the fleece.".

"Where is it?" Nico asked warily.

"The Triangle." he said gravely making their eyes widen in shock.

"The Bermuda Triangle?" Amanda asked shocked "As in home to the sea of Monster? Den of the Scylla and Charybdis, cove of the Sirens, and home to whatever the hell has survived since the first monsters?".

"Pretty much," he shrugged "I think Polyphemus is the one with the Fleece right now on his island.".

"You're just full of good news, aren't ya?" Clarisse groaned out as she flopped onto the bed behind her.

"Sorry," he apologized "I'm just saying it how it is.".

"We know," Bianca groaned as she sat down next to him "but the fact that you're probably right about us having to get it isn't the most cheerful thought.".

"Let's just go down to dinner," he said as he faintly heard the sound of the conch shell being blown "we can think about this situation later.".

The group quickly walked down but when they got the pavilion they stopped in shock upon seeing the emaciated man in the tattered prison jump suit sitting at the head table. "Who's that ?" he asked confused.

"Don't know," Clarisse answered just as confused as he was "never seen him before.".

Shrugging they all went to their tables and got their food but before they could eat the man in the prison suit stood up with Mr. D, "Greetings demigod urchins," the man said sneering at them "I am your new Activities Director Tantalus.". Groaning he slammed his forehead onto the table at the name, he knew the story and could tell that he was going to hate this summer. "Is there a problem here?" Tantalus asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah there's a problem," he growled "I refuse to listen to a murderer like you.". An outbreak of whispers met his accusation as the other demigods listened to his words "Why would anyone listen to a man who had his own children murdered, cooked, and served at a feast.".

At this point all the eyes in the pavilion were glaring at Tantalus with hatred, "You will listen to me because I have authority over you…whoever you are." Tantalus growled.

"I am Perseus Jackson," he snarled as he stood "son of Artemis.".

"S-son of Artemis?!" Tantalus gasped out in shock as he reeled back and tripped over the bench.

"And I am Percy's girlfriend," Bianca stood up followed a moment later by her brother "Bianca DiAngelo, daughter of Hades.".

"H-Hades?!" Tantalus screamed in fear as he all but ran backwards, trying to get away from the children of the underworld.

"Stay in line or we will make your punishment far worse when you return to the underworld," Nico growled while summoning the hooks "and that isn't a threat… it's a promise.".

"What is his punishment?" a son of Athena asked curiously which got the attention of the other campers away from the cowering Tantalus.

"He was forced to spend eternity in the middle of a pond underneath a tree of fruit," Nico explained "but every time he bent down to drink the waters would recede and every time he reached for the fruit it grow out of his reach. He was doomed to eternal hunger and thirst.".

"How could you possibly make that worse?" Tantalus asked in fear.

"He could fill the pond with piranhas and make it so that anything they ate would grow back but the pain would be magnified." he offered making Nico smirk evilly and the punished soul shudder in fear.".

Shuddering at the thought Tantalus quickly said "I am here to aid Chiron until the matter involving the poisoning of the tree has been resolved. I am also reinstating the chariot races. Enjoy dinner." Before turning and fled like a bat out of Hades from the pavilion.

"Well that was entertaining." Chiron chuckled making the demigods assembled laugh at the situation.

"Are the Chariot Races really starting up again?" Clarisse asked eagerly from her seat.

"Yes they are," Chiron admitted "teams of two on the chariot but a 'pit crew' is allowed. The winning team will have no chores for a month.".

Catching the eyes of his friends he grinned knowing that they all planned on entering, "Let the games begin.".

Son of the Moonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن