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Gazing at the spot that, only moments ago, held the woman he loved the shock at her vanishing was quickly disappearing, being replaced by a blood boiling rage at those who took her. The sound of whirring helicopter blades drew his attention as he spun around and saw a mortal helicopter fly towards them and aim the weapons at the group. Normally he would have mist manipulated the mortals into leaving but when he saw the titans symbol on the side of the whirring machine his rage found a target, charging forward and began focusing his icy magic into his back as the moisture from the air and ground rose up and formed icy wings from his back as he leapt, shooting into the air with a yell as he used his wings and wind power to keep aloft while he charged the helicopter. The mortals didn't stand a chance as he saw the machine's weak spot and struck it with his water covered and enhanced fist before tearing apart the damaged spot causing the machine to begin dropping before he kicked it so it began falling down the cliff face and into the ocean.

Going to the ground he dropped his wings as he turned to his friends who remained just as Clarisse and Amanda shot at him and pulled him close, both crying their hearts out onto his shoulders . Dropping to his knees he held them close as the last of his rage finally left him, leaving only the heartbreak he had been feeling without end since Bianca left him and the fresh pain of her kidnapping. Soon more pairs of arms encircled them as he felt the divine presence of his mother and the hunt. Slowly he began to let out his pain, crying into the arms of those who loved him as his fatigue caught up with him and he slowly cried himself to sleep.

With a jolt he shot awake before taking in the familiar surroundings of a silver Hunt tent as he turned and saw his mother, asleep in a chair next to his cot. Groaning he pushed himself up before he noticed something felt off and realized that the extra scent he had carried was gone. His surprised gasp was enough to wake his mother whose eyes shot open as she saw him awake and screamed "PERCY!", pulling him to her as footsteps began charging towards the tent.

After everyone had seen him, and given him a hug that felt like he was being crushed by a grizzly bear, his mother chained him to a chair and ordered him to explain where he had been and what all had happened. Latching onto the chance to focus on something besides the memory of Bianca's horrified face when she was taken he began his tale.

He explained how, after he had exhausted his powers, he had fled to the nearest train station and began making his way towards Alaska via busses, trains, and boats as he made his way to an abandoned area of the frozen state. After arriving he had focused his powers deep into the icy ground, molding the ice and earth beneath his feet into a labyrinth of his own, giving the land beyond the gods its own labyrinth as the great creation of Daedalus could not enter the frozen state. He poured all of his power into the maze he formed, letting his energy shape it and create the traps before entering it and walking to the center, able to get anywhere through it due to it being imbued with his power.

After reaching the center he had performed the ritual where he took the other demigods scents and added it to his own before he had begun training in his labyrinth.

It had taken six hours for the first monster to enter the labyrinth. The moment the hypoborean, a surprisingly violent one, entered his labyrinth he felt its life force and could senses where the beast was…and how quickly it had taken for the lumbering creature to fall into a pit full of stone spikes. Focusing a bit more power he created a depression in the floor that had a small model of his labyrinth with a small snow version of himself in the center to keep better track of who entered hid domain.

So for the next three months he had trained and allowed his maze to kill of the entering monsters until his power over the waters told him of the monstrous creature that had entered the oceans near one of his labyrinths entrances.

Son of the Moonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن