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In a flash of light Percy Jackson appeared on the road leading to Camp Half-Blood with his Girlfriend Bianca, her brother Nico, his pet wolf, and his Mom who was dropping them off. "Alright behave everybody," his mom said giving them all one last hug, "Nico that means no cursing," the son of Hades pouted "no picking fights for Percy," here he joined his friend "and Bianca…try to keep an eye on these two.".

"Hey!" he and Nico yelled out "How come you don't tell her to stay in line?".

"Because she spend all her time keeping you too out of trouble." His mom said teasing while Bianca giggled at their expressions. "Oh and Percy," she added "just because I said no picking fights doesn't mean you can't fight back if someone starts something.".

Here he grinned happily while Bianca shook her head in mock despair "The camp is doomed." the daughter of Hades said amused while Nico laughed along with him.

Shaking her head in amusement his mom waved at them before flashing out. "Alright guys," he said smirking as he took his girlfriend's hand "let's head to camp.".

The trio quickly headed up but when the rounded the bend they stopped dead in their tracks, for attacking the hill were two Colchis bulls that were running in and out of the boundary like it wasn't even there. Growling when he saw that the demigods under attack were being led by Clarisse and Amanda he charged forward, Nico and Bianca close behind while his wolf, Romulus, bounded alongside.

Thinking fast he picked up a rock and hurled it at the closest bull to get its attention, while this worked the second bull ignored him and charged at Amanda, knocking the daughter of Hermes into a tree before falling unconscious to the ground.

Behind him he heard an animalistic roar of fury as Nico saw Amanda go down and the son of Hades charged the second bull, drawing forth his weapons as he ran. As soon as they were willed up the weapons appeared, the weapons were a pair of dark grey, almost black, hooks that curved back down from the head and reached the top of the handles, the hooks glowed purple which veined down the weapons stopping just before the handle's leather grip and the metal hook was adorned with spikes before it curved down, the two weapons were attached to chains of the same color. Yelling furiously, the son of Hades swung his chain and hooked the bull at one of the joints before giving it a furious pull and ripped the bronze leg clean off before he leapt forward and used his hooks to rip the bull's bronze skull apart. At seeing it's companion so mercilessly destroyed the first bull laid down and cowered from the son of Poseidon.

Laughing at the looks of shock on the demigod's faces as they stared at their savior he called out "And that is why you never hurt someone Nico cares about. His style is to wound you before getting in close and tearing you apart. Plus he's pretty good at channeling demigod strength as well as using his chains.".

"Percy!" Clarisse yelled before running forward and scooping him and his girlfriend up in a tight hug.

"Is Amanda okay?" he asked Nico as his friend rushed over to check the unconscious demigod.

"She took a pretty good blow to the head but some rest and ambrosia and she'll be fine." Nico assured him, the relief clear on his voice.

Smirking slightly he threw a glance at Bianca who nodded gleefully, "Hey Nico," he called out "why don't you take her to the infirmary so she can wake up by her boyfriend?".

Blushing furiously Nico growled "She's not my girlfriend." But picked up the unconscious daughter of Hermes and carried her to the infirmary.

"What was that about?" Clarisse asked curiously as he and Bianca laughed.

"It all started the first week after Nico, Bianca, and I got back to the hunt." he told the daughter of Ares as they all walked back into camp and told the story.

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