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When Hades said he was Nico and Bianca's father Percy was stunned, he had never expected that the two were children of Hades! The oldest of the six eldest gods and one of the most powerful beings in existence with his domain and power growing with every death. He was shaken from his stupor when Amanda started mimicking the Imperial March from star wars making everyone look at her annoyed, bar Nico and Bianca who simply looked confused. "Sorry," Amanda said sheepishly "couldn't resist.".

"Daughter of Hermes?" Hades deadpanned and pinched the bridge of his nose when they nodded, "Why am I not surprised?".

"Because you've dealt with Hermes for eons." he suggested nervously.

At his words Hades returned his glare to him full force, "Now tell me demigod," the Lord of the Dead said in a slow dangerous voice "why shouldn't I kill you were you stand?".

"Don't you dare!" Bianca yelled jumping in front of him as if to shield him while drawing a knife that he assumed was given to her by one of the girls while Nico copied her actions with a resolute nod.

"You would defy your own father?!" Hades growled at them but Percy could see the pain in the god's eyes at what happened.

"I do have a reason why you shouldn't kill me Lord Hades." he said firmly before the twins could reply, gently moving Nico and Bianca behind him so they weren't in any danger, an action which he could tell the Lord of the Dead noticed.

"And what would that be son of Poseidon?" Hades asked.

He glared at the lord of the dead hard enough to make the ancient being flinch slightly, "Know this Hades I have no quarrel with you but if you ever insult me trying to relate me to that bastard I will make you fade.".

Hades looked surprised by the animosity in my statement and confused at my words, before he could ask however Bianca did it for him, "Percy," she asked faintly causing him to turn to her and try to contain his blush "is Poseidon the one who abandoned you?".

Hades looked shocked at the question and even more so when he nodded sadly. Shaking himself he turned to the god in front of him, "Alright Hades," he said trying to sound calm "you wanted to know why you shouldn't kill me and here it is. I have a message for you from my grandfather Zeus.".

"And what would my dear brother want?" Hades asked sarcastically.

"He wishes to make amends with you," he said causing Hades jaw to drop in shock "he sent me with this to give to you.".

He pulled out a scroll from his backpack that Zeus had given to him when he spoke to him before he left for the quest. Raising a shaky hand Hades summoned the scroll over to himself and opened it causing a holographic image of Zeus to appear in front of them sitting on a simply chair and wringing his hands nervously. "Brother," the holographic Zeus began sadly "I know I am the last being you want to speak to but I beg of you to listen to me. I know I have not done much, if anything, to deserve to be called your brother over the eons and have only been cruel to you but I wish to try and make amends. I know that I was out of line with my actions sixty years ago against your lover and your two children and I know that I doubt I have any chance of earning your forgiveness. I was a fool who let his paranoia get control of him and listened to the dark voice in my ear. Ever since the death of Thalia I have been thinking about my mistakes and all of them point to my arrogance and cruelty towards my family. Now I have a grandson who respects me and makes me prouder than I can remember being in years, I have a wife who I am finally able to reconnect with and build a steady relationship, my sons and daughters are closer than they've been in eons, and now I want my brother back. Please Hades, please at least try to forgive me I beg of you. I have already rescinded your 'banishment' in the underworld, you can leave whenever you want as long as it doesn't get out of control. I know both you and Persephone have wished there was a way to end your marriage and simply remain friends, I talked Hera into allowing a divorce if you two wish it and I had Athena look up a spell that would remove the effects of the Pomegranate seeds, I even give you permission to bring Maria DiAngelo back and immortalize her as your new wife if you wish it. The last thing I intend to do in recompense is something I wish for you to be at Olympus to see. I swear on the Styx that I mean everything I have said." even from a recording thunder boomed "Please brother, be mad at me if you wish it but not with the innocent who have done nothing, only I am to blame.", with those words the hologram sputtered out and Hades, who was silently crying, fell back into his throne.

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