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"What happens if Kampe catches us?" Amanda whispered as they moved carefully to the cell, not wanting to draw the attention of the colossal monster that had just left it.

"Percy could probably take her out with his light speed technique. Right?" Nico replied, the son of Hades' statement turning into a question at the end.

"No." Percy sighed sadly, "I can't use that ability anymore."

"Wait what?" Nico looked at him confused, an expression shared by the others, "Does it have a ten year cooldown or something?"

"Or is it something you can only ever use once?" Amanda added on.

"Neither." He denied, "The problem is how that ability works. It absorbs the light from the moon to channel and direct that power into moving at the speed of light but to fuel it the users body starts using a vast amount of energy. Creating and using that power until they either die, cut off the power, or collapse into a coma from sheer exhaustion when their body can't keep up with the strain. The problem is that the person's body is always pumping out the highest amount of divine energy that they have within them as it refills constantly."

"So what's so bad about that?" Bianca asked, his companions not seeing the problem with the power.

"The problem is that I've become too powerful." He explained "A mortal body can't handle the kind of energy my body would produce if I used that power again at this point. If I was a god I might be able to do it but it could possibly make a god fade if they had enough power to begin with."

"So you became so strong…that you can't use your strongest ability." Nico asked in bewilderment.

"Yeah…so let's try not to get caught. Alright?" he said with a strained grin as the others nodded quickly. Getting to the cell he poked his head in to see Briares, last of the hundred handed ones, a titanic figure that few could match in raw strength…sobbing in sheer fear and despair.

Briares was shrunk down to the size of a human, with pale skin akin to milk. The ancient being whore nothing but a loincloth as if it was a diaper allowing its full scar covered body to be seen. The lower half of Briares could have passed for a human's if it weren't for the gigantic feet with eight toes apiece but it was the top half that really drew the eye. Briares did indeed have one hundred different arms, all sprouting from the immortal's chest at varying angles and spots, some sticking out freely while others tangled up with each other. Several of the hands were covering Briares' face as the figure wept, other hands were playing with spare bits of metal and wood lying around, assembling and disassembling different items at a breakneck pace, some hands scratched at the floor, some made shadow puppets, and some were even playing Rock, Paper, Scissors.

"Briares." He whispered as the sobbing stopped and the figure looked up in shock, tears still coming out as the giant sniffled. Looking at the now revealed face he saw that it was long and sad, with a crooked nose and teeth to match all underneath eyes that were a solid brown, as if molded out of clay.

"R-run away while you can demigods." The figure choked out "You will die if Kampe catches you. Die…or worse."

"We're not leaving without you." He said firmly, "I refuse to leave an ally of Olympus behind to suffer under that scaly bitch." Briares winced and looked around nervously, as if afraid Kampe would hear the insult and return because of it.

"You must flee!" Briares insisted "Kampe is back! The Titans will rise and throw all who do not follow them into Tartarus. You must flee and find a place to hide while you still can."

"Yeah, hiding isn't a Percy thing to do." Nico snorted "And while it would be a dangerous fight my money would be on Percy over Kampe. He killed Atlas after all, as well as three other monsters from the top ten."

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