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It was a rare night where the house was completely empty, well except for the staff but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way... for months we had put up with their bullshyt and we had come to the conclusion that it was over. Thunder crashed in the distance as heavy rain hammered the house, I looked over at Will waiting for the signal, Anjo was waiting by the front door and DeMarcus was posted in the kitchen, by the back door. Another thunder crash and my phone vibrated in my pocket, I knew it wasn't anyone besides Josiah and as badly as I wanted to answer he was going to have to wait... this was much too important to put off and I knew talking to him was... lengthy. Thunder shook the house and for a second the lights flickered, but it didn't last long, the door to the staff office opened and Coach K walked out and looked around. I glanced at Will who gave me that smirk.... when Will smirked I got nervous because that meant he was thinking and with someone like Will, well you never knew what was going to come out of his mouth or what he was going to do... unpredictable would be the one word I used to describe him and thankfully we were aligned on this matter. Will didn't play about any of the young men in Brittany Hills ESPECIALLY Nayquinn and given what happened earlier.......

"Ayo Coach, let me talk to you for a second..." Will said and Coach looked like he was going to argue but thought better of it before joining me and Will in the living room. "Ayy so I'm going to say this once and only once... Put your hands on ANY of these boys again and I'm beating the fuck out of you." Will said calmly, to his credit Coach K laughed.

"Man fuck you and them kids... Nayquinn was talking back so he got popped in his mouth. Do you think because that dusty dark bitch Tonya and the fairy Marcus filed an appeal to keep the purchase from going through means I'm supposed to give a fuck what y'all think... I don't it's only a matter of time before Mr. Reagan takes full control and Devin is gone and when that happens....." Coach said with an evil smirk. "Them boys need discipline and not that soft shyt y'all be trying to give them... so if they step out of line again....."

"So what you're saying is you plan on hitting them again?" Will asked as the smile on his face grew even larger. "Well... I did try to warn you." He said shrugging before flying across the room.... I'll say this much Coach was a big dude but Will was holding his own and as badly as I wanted to jump in I knew that wasn't my role.... 8:08 PM......

The power went out and for a second the sound of Will and Coach fighting continued and then there was silence, I wasn't entirely sure if the plan worked but at 8:12 the lights flickered back on and Coach was on the ground hogtied while two men stood over him. The first I knew, his name was Smoke and we'd had plenty of conversations about what was going on here and he wasn't a fan, the second... I wasn't sure but he was a light-skinned dude who seemed to be enjoying this a little too much.

"Anjo... get the door." Smoke said and a few seconds later Devin Cunningham walked in. His hair was longer than I remembered and he looked like he had bulked up just a tad but for the most part he looked the same. "Don't worry me and Cronus will deal with him... John, you know what you have to do right?" Smoke asked and I nodded. "Aight....." Smoke said and the lights went out again only to come back three minutes later, Smoke, Cronus, and Coach were all gone leaving us with Devin.

"We got a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it, so we need to get started...." Devin said and I knew the second Will smirked that there wasn't any going back... we were locked in and from here on out, I was going to have to do some things that went against my nature. The thing that scared me was the fact that I was okay with it.... the new staff had to be dealt with and Reagan... he was the worst of them all, I just hope Devin knew what he was doing because if not.... this could all blow up in our faces..........................



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