Calvin 8

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A few months ago I would've come outside all timid and shyt, letting Ziggy fill my head with a confusing concoction of lies, half-truths, and delusions... but I wasn't that dude anymore. Maybe I was gaining confidence from being with Izaia, or maybe I was simply coming into my own but whatever the case I didn't have time for the bullshyt... Despite it being a somewhat chilly night, I walked outside shirtless, muscles rippling in the moonlight and a steely look in my eyes. When my eyes locked with Ziggy, for a moment he looked a little intimidated but he was a master of manipulation as well as hiding his emotions and greeted me with a friendly smile... That didn't last long because the second I was within arms reach, my hand was around his neck, forcing him against the side of the house and lifting him off the ground. The look of fear in his eyes brought me a sense of satisfaction because it showed me that I wasn't the only one who changed, no longer was I the dude who would believe any and everything his 'best friend' told him and Ziggy knew that. Watching as he tried to recalibrate his plan while also fighting for breath.... I let him go and he crumpled to the ground gasping for air, I kinda felt bad because at one point this was my best friend... but not anymore.

"I'm.... I'm kinda liking the new you Calvin, it's sexy...." Ziggy laughed in between gasps of air.

"I told you about coming here Ziggy, I don't fuck with you like that and honestly, I should be the least of your worries. Marcelino hasn't forgot about you trying to get with Piru and he promised that if he ever caught you... well, when he makes a promise he's really good about keeping them." I said. "Then there's Mauricio and what you were doing to Ja'Koda... Nayquinn and you trying to blackmail him... Denzel simply doesn't like you and Ka'Jai... well he's pretty much indifferent towards you, so again, why are you here?" I asked.

"I can't come to see my best friend?" Ziggy asked playfully, but see the thing is I wasn't in the mood for games. "Woah.... chill." He said grabbing my hand as I started to dial Marcelino's number. "I miss when you were timid..." Ziggy said. "Though now I'm wondering if you throw dick with this same aggression, it might be kinda h...." Before he could finish I punched him dead in the mouth and he fell against the house.

"You're stalling and I'm annoyed so unless you wanna deal with everyone else, I suggest you start talking...." I said looking down at him as he held his mouth with blood dripping between his fingers.

"Damn that shyt just made my pussy wet...." Ziggy said laughing, though I was done with his games and turned to head inside. "Chill...." He said blocking my path. "The reason I'm here is because I wanted to talk to you about what I saw the other night. You see I was coming by to talk to you and I saw a bunch of dudes carrying Coach K out and tossing him into the back of this black van.... I didn't know what I was seeing but I heard that Coach K OD'ed and I was wondering if maybe there's more to the story." Ziggy said and I'm not going to lie... I truly didn't give a fuck.

"That nigga tried to keep me doped up on pills... he tried to dictate where I go to college... and he kept the fact that my mom had died a secret so he could win a fuckin football game... Him croaking was his only redeemable quality... We're not friends Ziggy, stop coming over here." I said starting to walk off.

"Really? You're really going to toss me to the side for those niggas?" Ziggy asked, he sounded hurt and I almost felt bad for him... then I remembered that it was his actions that caused this, not mine.

"They've never given me a reason not to trust them... you've given me multiple. Sup Lino...." I said as Marcelino walked around the side of the house holding a trash bag. I couldn't tell you what happened next, all I know is Marcelino came back twenty minutes later completely outta breath.

"That nigga is fast I'll give him that..." Marcelino said crashing on the floor, still trying to catch his breath. "Dafuq did he want?" He asked.

"Some dick, but I'm not a cheater... I guess he's still feenin and he could've had it but he fucked that up.... Anyways, what's going on with you and Piru? Are you coming to the party that Supreme is throwing him?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

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