Ka'Jai 5

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As usual, when I pulled up to Kairo's there were a bunch of dudes posted out front I'm pretty sure all of them were armed but I wasn't worried about any of them, for the most part, they were coo... but there was this one that was always on my dick. I got out of the car and a couple of the dudes nodded and one asked what cologne I was wearing (Gentleman Givenchy) and I noticed that hatin ass nigga Nigel giving me the evil eye. I knew he wanted Kairo, it was written all over his face and I could feel his jealousy burning every time I showed up, the concept of jealousy was so weird to me... like instead of going out and finding his own dude he wanted mine. Objectively speaking Nigel wasn't an ugly dude, I'm sure if he put the effort in he could have a stable of dudes but he wanted Kairo... which sucked for him because even though we were doing the whole 'friends' thing... he knew and I knew where Kairo's heart was and that shyt drove him crazy. I finished up my conversation and walked inside, Kirk was sitting on the couch getting his hair braided by a naked woman while another naked woman gave him a manicure and a third handled his blunt; he nodded to me and a fourth popped her head up from his lap, took a deep breath, and went right back to doing whatever it is she was doing....

"Man, your dad is wild....." I said walking into Kairo's bedroom, Kairo wasn't in there but I could hear him moving around in his bathroom. "So umm.... he just does stuff like that on a regular basis?" I asked.

"No it's his 'birthday month' and he figured since he's turning 40 he wants to celebrate the entire month. Personally, I think it's going to get progressively worse as we get closer to his party." Kairo said from the bathroom. "Okay, I'm ready...." Kairo said stepping out of the bathroom and the first thing that crossed my mind was 'fuck that party', my dick sprang to life as Kairo stood before me, I was speechless. "Have you given any thought to my offer?" Kairo said snapping me out of my lustful daze, which he definitely caught.

"Umm, offer? What offer?" I asked trying to pull my gaze away from him but I couldn't seconds later he was standing in front of me unbuttoning the top button on my shirt.

"Me.... you.... Montego Bay for my birthday.... I know we're only friends but after all the bullshyt we've been through these past few months,  we're finally in a good place and I think a trip would be good for us... Plus I know you want to get away from that group home." Kairo said.

"I'll have to run in past the staff, but I'm sure Big John and Will won't have an issue with it...." I said as his hand moved down my chest until finally resting on my dick, I didn't fight it, my hands moved towards his ass, pulling him close to me. "I really don't wanna go to this party but it's for work so I don't really have a choice, I'd much rather stay here with you...." I said suggestively. Kairo seemed to understand where my head was at and smile, his grip on my dick tightened and he started to tilt his head back suggesting that he wanted a kiss.

"Ayy your dad wants to talk to you...." Nigel said killing the moment. I told Kairo I needed to use the restroom while he walked off with Nigel, I did a quick check in the mirror to make sure it wasn't too obvious what was about to happen and the only evidence was the bulge in my pants, though I'm certain that would go down before we got to the party.

When I got downstairs, it seemed like Kairo and Kirk were having a heated argument, the ladies were nowhere to be found but that nigga Nigel was listening closely with a devious smirk on his face, I kept my distance and waited until finally Kairo threw his hands up and walked over to me.

"Looks like I can't go without a security detail... my dad promises that I won't even notice they're there." Kairo said annoyed, I shrugged because I wasn't in a position to challenge Kirk. Speaking of Kirk he motioned for me to join him and and I walked over to him to see what he wanted.

"Kairo doesn't seem to understand or care of the position he's in... without going into too many details some competitors of mine would love nothing more than to exploit my one weakness... I'm just being careful." Kirk said.

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