Denzel 10

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Out of the twelve dudes who lived in Brittany Hills, eleven of us got along pretty well for the most part... sure there were a few arguments and a couple of fights here and there but we usually got over it pretty quickly and were right back to being boys. However, there was one who seemed to hate everyone here, one who caused trouble at least once a week, one who everyone has fought at least once and that was Roland. Almost everyone had given up on him, they didn't see a point in dealing with him if they didn't have to... maybe I was delusional but I didn't believe anyone was worth giving up on... let me rephrase that statement, some people were (like my mom) but I could see a lot of pain inside of Roland and he didn't have the necessary tools to deal with that pain. Roland was in the middle of the street threatening to beat any and everyone's ass if they came near him, Dejon looked close to saying fuck it but I was usually good at calming him down so when Dejon saw me he started to relax a little... Dejon was usually pretty good at keeping his guard up, so when he relaxed Roland tried to charge him... Thankfully I was able to step in between them and prevent Roland from making the biggest mistake of his life.

"Woah, chill there Ro' come on let's talk...." I said placing my arm over his shoulder and steering him away from Dejon who looked like he was ready to send Roland into orbit. Nayquinn gave me an agitated look as I directed Roland into the house, I knew he'd love to see Roland get knocked out but some dudes just needed to vent.

"You should've let me knock that dirty nigger out." Roland said, nigger... hard 'ER' at the end. I was tempted to remind Roland that he was black but his hatred for black people... black men to be more specific ran deep. "And I wish he would touch me... I'd leave that monkey hanging from a tree." Roland added.

"Ayy I get it, but you know fighting doesn't really solve anything. It takes a bigger man to simply say 'you got it' and walk away... you don't need to fight every person you feel does you wrong." I said calmly, mainly because I was tired of him getting knocked out.

"Well I'm not going to let any nigger tell me what to do... them damn twins monkeys need to learn their fuckin place... So what if I spit on one of them, those nigs are worse than garbage and will be treated as such. Hell, the ONLY reason I tolerate you is because you're half white which means you have SOME redeeming qualities." Roland said and there was so much to unpack in this statement that I didn't even know where to start. Had I known he spit on one of the twins I wouldn't have intervened because that's fuckin nasty... second while my mom was half-white, I considered myself to be black, and if that's the only reason.... you know what I'm not even going to let him get me worked up.

"Here, just smoke this blunt... calm down, and let's try to chill for the night. We got enough problems dealing with the staff, we shouldn't be fighting each other." I said and I could tell Roland was trying to ignore me but I also knew he heard every word. "Just chill in here until you're calm...." I said getting up and walking towards my door, the whole time I was talking to Roland I had noticed a shadow moving outside the door, there was only one person who would pull some shyt like this....

"Why you always ruining the fun? Mauricio was about to beat that nigga's ass." Nayquinn said as I stepped into the hall and thankfully Roland didn't hear him otherwise they would've started arguing and I'm pretty sure that's what Nayquinn wanted.

"Chill, Spring Break is coming up and I'm not trying to have anything stop us from getting our revenge on them Columbus dudes... they won most of the events when we were there but we got home-field advantage this time. Plus that nigga Carter been running his mouth, someone's gotta humble him." I said thinking about what Devin could have planned for us. "Now why are you eavesdropping?" I asked.

"I uhhh... I kinda need a favor. You got that nigga Tahir's number?" Nayquinn asked quietly and I looked at him for a second. "I'll take that as a yes... look come into my room and I'll explain why I need it." Nayquinn said taking off down the hall. "You really leaving that nigga in your room?" Nayquinn asked.

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