Marcelino 3

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I should be extremely nervous, y'all should too... at one station was Mauricio and Nayquinn, the other Denzel and Ka'Jai.... process of elimination should tell y'all who my partner was and I was scared. Calvin, for all his skills... cooking definitely wasn't one of them and Big John insisted we take a cooking class and with Calvin as my partner, I would be forced to taste whatever concoction he created. At least it would take my mind off of Piru, lately I've been having these strange urges to flatten all his tires, throw a brick through his window, set his house on fire, and then beat his ass. Urges but I never went through with any of them, the worse thing I did was pour the wine on him the other night and I felt slightly guilty about doing that, then I remembered... I remembered how he broke up with me the day after I got out of the hospital, I remember that weak ass excuse he gave me 'I'm just not feeling it anymore', and I remember the pain in his eyes when I said 'maybe you wish that bullet would've killed me'... I could look at him and see he still loved me, the only question I had was why would he break up with me randomly. Something was going on and I wasn't going to stop until I got to the bottom of it.

"I mean... the presentation is nice." I said looking as Calvin began plating his food. Maybe I was being too harsh, it wasn't that Calvin couldn't cook it was more so that when he cooked he like to experiment. Mauricio would walk past our station and mumble 'everybody's so creative'.... that should give you an idea of Calvin's cooking.

"Umm this looks.... umm interesting. Calvin what did you cook?" Big John asked while giving me and apologetic look.

"I just wanna say for the record I requested Creamy Parmesan Garlic Mushroom Chicken." I said, see the idea behind his was pretty simple we were paired up with someone, one person cooked while the other read the recipe and judged the food, it was supposed to help us work on communication while also teaching us to deal with criticism... but working with Calvin always felt like a punishment.

"I decided to freestyle the recipe a little bit." Calvin said proudly, Big John looked at me expectantly and.... let's just say after a few bites I spent the rest of the day in the bathroom. All Calvin had to do was follow the recipe, I blame Izaia because he's the one who got Calvin experimenting in the kitchen.

The next day, I stared down at my phone... we were officially one week away from Piru's birthday... I had a gift for him and everything but I wasn't sure if I should give it to him or leave it alone. My stomach was still fucked up and I really wanted to just stay in bed all day and be miserable but school was important and since we were in the final stretch I just wanted to tough it out. So far this had been the worse year of my life, with the exception of my niece being born, I just wanted to forget this year ever happened.

"Man I'm taking you to the hospital, you look like shyt...." Mauricio said after third period. "And don't even try to pretend it's not that bad because you using the school bathrooms is a perfect indication of just how bad it really is...." He said touching my forehead but I smacked his hand away.

"I'm fine... I just need to go to the store and grab some Pepto and possibly some new boxers and I'll be fine... When are you getting my fat baby?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"Probably this weekend, Ashanti wants to go out with her friends and since I'm staying with Supreme I figured it would be better to just take her over there...." Mauricio said he refused to bring MiAnya to Brittany Hills, he said because the second one of the new staff say something slick about his daughter... he never finished his statement but I knew exactly what he'd do. "You sure you good?"

"Nah I'm probably bout to dip.... If I feel worse I'll go to the hospital." I said even though I was lying, I had no intention of ever setting foot in a hospital again... too many bad memories.

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