Mauricio 12

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There was a buzz of excitement around the breakfast table, tomorrow was Piru's birthday and tomorrow night was the party... I could tell everyone couldn't wait, but there was one person who was more nervous than excited, my twin brother. I knew he wasn't sure how it would go, I had a few worries myself... what if Piru decides to leave with another dude? How would Marcelino react? I don't even know why I'm asking, I already know my brother would either show his ass or do something even more petty. I'd worry about that later, right now I wanted to focus on making it through the day without incident... school and home, that seemed like a pretty easy day but those were the days that made me the most nervous because ANYTHING could happen. Ka'Jai and Calvin struck up a conversation about sports, while Nayquinn and Denzel started whispering to each other... they seemed to be having a disagreement and while I was slightly curious I didn't try to eavesdrop because Marcelino had got up from the table and walked off. He didn't even finish his food, which told me something was definitely wrong... I followed after him and didn't catch up until I found him sitting on the edge of his bed, holding a present in his hand.

"Let me guess, you can't do it and you want me to take Piru his birthday present?" I asked. "Wait.... last time we had this conversation you said you couldn't so I'm guessing this time you want to take it to him yourself?" I asked, Marcelino had been going back and forth with himself for the past three days and it seemed like the closer we got, the more frequently he changed his mind.

"You take it to him, I'm not going to the party either...." Marcelino said tossing the gift to me but I wasn't ready for it and it dropped to the ground, which annoyed my twin brother. "You really couldn't catch it?" Marcelino asked, I didn't understand why he was getting mad at me, he was the one being indecisive.....

"Now you're not going to the party... we both know that's a lie. Marcelino, you and Piru are a whole fuckin headache... Y'all wanna be together but y'all are both too stubborn to admit it." I said picking up the gift and setting it on the dresser.

"I've told him that I wanna be with him... he's the one acting like he can't be with me and when I press him on the why he refuses to answer." Marcelino said, I wasn't getting involved, in my opinion, they were both slow. "But it's coo... he wants me to move on, then I'm going to do exactly that... I already got some new dick lined up."

"Knowing you, you're probably going to string that nigga along in an attempt to make Piru jealous... You may even let that nigga smash, but we both know there's no one who can replace Piru in your heart... Y'all really just need to sit down and have an honest conversation with each other." I said pulling out a blunt. "Anyways, I'm going to hit the mall... Supreme and Braxton wanna double date tonight and I don't have anything to wear, you wanna come?" I asked even though I had piles of brand new clothes sitting in a bag by my closet.

"Nah, I'm good... I'm just gonna sit in my room and sulk." Marcelino said sadly. "I'll probably end up going to the FedEx office and have Piru's present shipped to him, since my brother, my twin, my womb mate can't do this one favor for me..." Marcelino said, and I knew exactly what he was trying to do... and I still fell for it.

"Man leave it on the dresser, I'll take it over there tomorrow.... You really get on my fuckin nerves." I said pushing him, but knowing him he'd probably change his mind a few more times before tomorrow so there's a chance I may not have to do it. "Aight get out, I need to start getting ready...." I said pushing him towards the door, closing it in his face, and locking it.... but in typical Marcelino fashion, by the time I was ready to get in the shower, he had already ran into his bedroom and locked our bathroom door.

"Damn, what took you so long?" Montello asked after I was finally able to take a shower, I explained to him what happened and all he could do was laugh. "You know that nigga is petty as fuck.... but you should give him a pass, he's going through his first heartbreak right now, so it's only natural that he acts out just a little." Montello said.

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