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Clint walked from his bathroom, ready to go to bed, when then lights shut off in his room. He waited for a moment, before calling out... 'Friday?..'.. When he got no response, he quickly got dressed, thankful that there was enough moonlight coming through the windows that he could see. Once he was dressed, he opened his closet, snatching his bow and quiver, as well as his gun. Slipping it into his waistband, and the quiver on his back, he headed for his door.

He didn't have a comm in his room, as they didn't usually need one. Carefully opening his door, he listened out for sounds, before opening the door wider, and peeking out. 

He could hear fighting going on, down the hallway, towards the main area. He looked across to the rooms opposite, seeing both doors open, but no Sam or Pietro in their rooms.

He carefully made his way down to where the fighting was, now hearing gunfire. He didn't know where the others were, but he hoped that whoever had gotten in, wasn't stupid enough to attempt to take on all the Avengers.


Bucky caught Nat as she was thrown, and the two of them landed in a pile on the floor... 'You ok?..'... He panted out, looking over at their attacker. He knew who it was, knew why she was here.

'I'm just peachy, though your friend is really strong..'.. He helped her to her feet with him... 'How do we stop her?..'

The two of them watched as Steve went one on one with the assailant... 'We can't stop her. Not even the soldier could..'.. Bucky felt the cold wave of fear wash over him. If she was here, then it meant they had no chance. She would kill every single one of them, and drag him back, alive or almost dead.

'Ace can't be stopped Nat, no matter what you try...'.. He threw himself forward, just as Ace got the upper hand on Steve, kicking him hard in the chest, knocking him across the floor and out. She spun to her next target, Wanda.

Wanda tried to use her power on the attacker, but nothing was working. It was if they were immune to it, nor could she read their mind. She watched, standing in shock as the attacker came for her.

'Ace no!..'.. Bucky hooked an arm around Aces neck, trying to get her away from Wanda... 'Wanda, run!..'.. He gritted out, as Ace gripped his metal arm from around her neck, and pulled it away. She turned, backhanding him with a closed fist around the face, before bringing a leg up, and hooking it around the back of his neck, flipping to the floor, pinning him.

He didn't see the needle she pulled, but felt it as she plunged it into his neck, and darkness took him.

Tony managed to get out of his broken suit, and tried to summon another one, knowing that they were close to losing this fight. He saw Wilson, Rogers, Pietro, Vision, Barnes, and most shockingly Hulk knocked out. Only he, Wanda, Nat, the godly duo and Barton, wherever the hell he was, remained.

'Thor, Loki, now would be a good time for one of you to make yourselves useful..'.. Tony dove behind the kitchen counter, next to Wanda as the attacker opened fire towards him. He pushed himself to sit, turning his head to Wanda, seeing her having a panic attack.

'Breathe Wanda, you're good, ok. Don't go for her, use what's around you, you understand?..'.. She nodded at him, and Tony was beyond pissed at whoever this was.

He could hear Thor and Loki grunting in pain, as blows were being traded. He needed another suit, but even then, he wasn't sure it would work, seeing as she literally tore apart his other one, and that was nanotech with vibranium.

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