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A/N... Ok, so a lot of ⚠️⚠️⚠️ warnings. Too many to name, but this is a lot of emotions and feelings in this one. I'm sorry if I upset anyone, but this is about facing the past, and letting it all out.. 🥺


Loki watched as Barnes got to his feet and ripped the gun from her hands while she was stunned. His actions caused her to focus back, and she turned to him, growling. Loki conjured power dampening cuffs to her wrists, binding them together.

'What the fuck is this?..'.. She shouted out, clearly angry... 'Get these off me, now!..'.. No one moved to help her, in fact, they got to their feet and stepped back from her, except Barton.

'Barton, hold her..'.. Loki called to him, and he did as he was told, wrapping his arms around her, holding her back to him. Loki knew she wouldn't fight or hurt him... 'Mel..'.. Loki held his hands up, walking closer... 'I think I know why you deny her, being a part of you..'.. She glared at him, breathing heavily... 'Now is your chance to say it all..'

'No! I'm not doing this shit. Barton let me go, now..'.. She growled out at him.

'I can't do that. You won't hurt me, so there's no poi-..'.. She threw all her weight forward, and he came over the top of her, landing on his back, on the floor, the wind getting knocked out of him. She stood back up, and took a few steps back.

'You sure about that now?..'.. She tried to control her breathing, and attempted to use her powers, but the damn cuffs were stopping her... 'Get these off me now, or you're going to have a real problem..'.. She gritted out, looking around at them, but avoiding 'her'.

'Why do you hate me?..'.. Mel ignored her, and then went towards the doorway, that led out.

'Friday, lockdown the room..'.. Tony went for her, hooking an suit arm around her middle to hold her back, as the doors began to lock. She dropped to the floor, and kicked backwards at him, hitting him in the stomach, knocking him down.

Steve and Bucky went for her at the same time, both linking their arms though hers and dragging her back from the door. She started cursing at them, and kicking her legs out... 'You're all just as bad as Hydra!..'.. She shouted at them, and the two soldiers, instantly let go of her.

'Thats a low blow Mel, really shitty move..'... Bucky looked down at her, and shook his head, disappointed. He walked away with Steve, not believing what she said.

'You're holding me against my will, got me cuffed up..'... She holds up her arms... 'And torturing me with that..'.. She points to 'Tessa'.

'Why do you hate me?..'.. 'She' asked again, and Mel ignored her.

Raven took a few steps forward to Mel sat on the floor, refusing to look at her... 'What happened, was not my fault..'.. Mel scoffed, shaking her head.

'Yeah it was..'.. She breathed out, feeling her emotions start to get the better of her... 'You were so fucking stupid..'

'Why do you say that?..'.. Raven moved into her line of sight, seeing her holding back tears.

'You went back..'.. Mel scoffed out a laugh... 'For love..'... She mocked... 'Your own mother, blamed you, for her almost dying when you were born, and treated you like shit, for years. Hell she drank herself to death, because she hated you, and at least she could pass out drunk as to not be around you..'.. She shuffled to her knees.

'The foster home after that didn't want you, but took you in because of the money they got for you. The kids there, tormented you, but none of that mattered, because at least they paid you some sort of attention, which was better than being ignored. Oh, but it's when you met him..'.. She glared at 'Tessa'.

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