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Tony couldn't believe what he was reading, this was just getting too much. Bruce was next to him as they went over the files that Mel had given them, and he ran a hand over his face, moving to the other side of his lab as he paced... 'I honestly don't think I can handle any more surprises right now..'

'Fury clearly has made a deal with Hydra for her..'.. Bruce flicks to another file, reading it.

'Is he that far gone? What? SHIELD falls, so makes deals like this to rebuild, take back control? The same organisation that SHIELD was founded to stop..'.. Tony says, walking about, running a hand through his hair.

'This is a lot to take in, but why would she go to these lengths to lie? I get that we still don't know much about her, but she seems intent on protecting Clint..'.. Bruce looks over to Tony.

'She is the perfect weapon..'.. Tony moved back to the holo display, swiping through another file... 'If she can take us down, she can take down whole countries..'

'Do you think that's what they want her  back for?..'.. Bruce looked over to Tony.

'Shes strong, smart, deadly and powerful, her kid would be too. A weapon like that, raised from birth to be better than her..'.. Tony sighed, shaking his head... 'Didnt ever think Fury would be capable of something like this..'

'Boss, Fury will arrive in 5 minutes. His car just pulled onto the road..'

'Lets go. We need to calm the others down before he walks in, otherwise, I think Barnes will kill him..'.. Tony patted Bruce on the back, and rushed from the lab, with him in his heels.


Loki strolled back into the main room after dropping the file off in his chambers. He couldn't help but smirk, knowing that there was at least one who appreciated him for who he was, such a shame her heart belonged to another.

'What did she want with you?..'.. Loki smiled over at Barnes, sitting on the arm of a couch, frowning at him.

'That is between Melody and I..'.. He chuckled, using her first name, knowing it would nettle the others. He moved to sit on the couch opposite, next to Natasha... 'The only thing you need to know, is that she will do whatever it takes, to bring down Hydra, so I highly suggest that you trust her..'.. He made a drink appear in his hand and sipped.

'How are we supposed to trust her?..'.. Sam huffed, leaning against the dining table... 'I mean, am I the only one who doesn't trust her? She kicked our asses last year, has been spying on us this whole time. Lies about who she is, and then makes threats against us? What is there to trust?..'

'We're Clints family. She wants us to stay out of the way. She may be going about it the wrong way, but she's protecting us. We haven't been on any Hydra missions, why?..'.. Nat looks over to Sam... 'Because she's keeping us away. I can't ever imagine what she's been through, but everything she's done has always been to protect Clint..'

'Dont know why she bothers, she's made it clear she doesn't give a shit..'.. Clint scoffs, heading to the kitchen to get a bottle of water... 'Im not playing this game with her, and I'm not staying in compound, just because she says to..'

'Look, clearly she does give a shit, otherwise why would sh-..'.. Buckys word we're cut off by Tony rushing into the room.

'Only got a few minutes, but it's Fury. Long story I will fill you all in later, right now you just need to play it cool, if you can't, leave. He can't know we're onto him..'.. His eyes flick to Bucky, seeing him stand up, his fists clenched... 'Hes about to pull up, so you need to chill or go. We have to let him think we still don't know if she's Ace or not, give him false leads, alright?..'

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