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Mel was working the bar with Ava, as her other girls had studying or other commitments going on. It was a quiet Tuesday lunch time anyway, and there were only a handful of customers in. She sat at the end of the bar, going through paperwork to acquire an old community center in one of the poorer areas, when Max was from. She had explained to Mel how the families needed something to help them all, and Mel wanted to support the families.

She had plans on having a lunch kitchen, a laundry room, showers, a large walk in closet, so should anyone need anything, they could use them. The large hall would hold classes, and parties if anyone wanted to have a celebration there. She smiled, excited at the thought of bringing assistance to those in need.

The door opened, and she knew who entered, without looking up. The way her body reacted, she knew it was him... 'Good afternoon Mr Barton, Mr Rogers, Miss Romanoff..'.. She lifted her head and smiled over at them, before closing her file and putting it away as she headed down the bar to them... 'I take it this is not a social call?..'.. She looked between the three of them, and could feel the tension radiate off Rogers as he glared at her.

'Can we speak in private?..'.. Romanoff asked, her hand on Rogers back.

'Of course. Ava..'.. She called to her as she was over talking with a friend.

'Yes boss?..'.. Ava stood up, coming over to the bar.

'It would seem I have an unscheduled meeting. Would you mind watching the bar for me please? If there's any problems, call me..'.. Mel nodded to the girl, and she came around, taking position.

'Yeah, no problem..'.. Ava looked over at the other three... 'Would you like me to call Matt or Tina?..'

'Its fine Ava, I'm sure we'll be alright..'.. Mel gestured for the other three to follow her, and she came out from behind the bar, pushing open the door to the back, and up the stairs to her office... 'Please come in, take a seat..'.. She gestured to the couch by the windows, overlooking the bar.

Once they were all sitting, she moved to lean against her desk in front of them... 'To what do I owe the pleasure of your company today?..'

'You can drop the act, we know who you are..'.. Rogers continued to glare at her, she could see him clench his fists.

'Im Melody Bird, Mr Rogers. I did introduce myself two weeks ago, before your boyfriend attacked me..'.. She raised an eyebrow at him, seeing the shock in his face. It was really hard not to laugh at his reaction.

'I-I don-..'.. He sputtered out and she held a hand up to him.

'Mr Rogers, I have an IQ of 212, I am not stupid, so please don't lie to me..'.. She said.

'Then don't lie to us..'.. Romanoff turned to Mel... 'You're Ace, aren't you?..'

'No, I'm not. Whoever this Ace is, has impacted you all. Perhaps you should find them, instead of accusing me to be someone I'm not..'.. Mel sighed.

'Can we see your neck?..'.. Barton asks, gesturing to her.


'Your neck. Ace has a scar across her neck..'.. Barton said, and she stood up straight, and undid the buttons on her shirt, and pulled the collar open, showing them.

'Is there anything else?..'.. She gave them an irritated look, and Romanoff sighed.

'We're sorry..'.. The widow said, nudging Rogers next to her.

'I have friends I can reach out to if you're looking for someone, but may I ask, as to why you thought it was me?..'.. She did her buttons back up, and moved to her small bar and grabbed them all a beer.

'Bucky said he felt the same around you, as he did with Ace. Shes someone from his past..'.. Rogers shook his head defeatedly, as he took the beer she passed him.

'I have a traumatic past too, and I can understand being jumpy around people. Took me some time to get past it all. Look..'.. She pulled a chair from in front of her desk, to sit with them... 'You can think that the protection order was a bit much, but I want you to understand as to why. Mr Barnes has a past, and his actions that night did scare some of my girls. They have seen him around the building the next few days after that, and it triggered a few panic and anxiety attacks..'

'Im really sorry..'.. Mel put her hand up, stopping Rogers.

'I get it, I do. But the order isn't just to protect my girls, it's to protect him as well. I can't stop if any of them go to the police to complain about him. Considering his past, the government will want any excuse to put him away, I'm sure. But I needed him to stay away, and seek the help he needs. I'm more than happy to talk with you all, with any questions you have about me, but don't question my girls, they've been through enough..'.. She took a long pull on her drink.

'You seem to have come out of nowhere, there's hardly anything about you in the system..'.. Romanoff said, watching her.

Mel smiled as she sat back... 'I have my reasons. Past experience taught me to hide in plain sight from the ones who hurt me. Yes, I have a whole new identity, I won't deny that, but if it wasn't for an old friend..'.. She couldn't help but smile... 'He saved me without even knowing he did. I put myself in the first abusive position, as a way to protect him. I was then..'.. She waved her hand, thinking of the word... 'Used, abused and discarded, before I was found by a different man. He told me he would help me, but instead, it was just even more abuse..'

'I just wanted to check, for Buckys sake..'.. Rogers sighed, shaking his head.

'I know. Myself and Mr Barnes have a little in common with each other, so I understand his reactions. But not at the expense of my girls. They've come too far, for someone chasing a ghost to set them back..'.. Mel gave him a small smile... 'I actually have the number for a great therapist who specialises in PTSD in veterans. I can pass the information on to you, if you'd like?..'.. Mel looked between the three.

'You do seem familiar though..'.. She turned to Barton, fighting a smirk.

'As do you Mr Barton. I may have seen you on tv, in the news, or even during the battle of New York, a few years ago..'.. He chuckled at her, and she hated how her body reacted to that damn smile of his.

'Again, I'm sorry for the trouble..'.. Rogers said as he stood up.

Mel got to her feet too, and held a hand out to shake his... 'No apologies needed. You're all heroes, it's to be expected that after everything you've all been through, there would be some that you would find suspicious. I'm flattered actually..'.. She chuckled... 'To have gained such attention from you all. You should come by more, could really boost my customers..'

The other two laughed at her words... 'The order is only 3 weeks, so hopefully in that time, Mr Barnes has the help he needs. Tell him you can all drink here for free once it's up..'

She shook hands with the other two, but Barton held onto her hand longer, peering at her... 'Theres something about you, that seems familiar..'

She slipped her hand from his, smiling... 'Again, flattered, but I'm afraid I'm not interested Mr Barton. Though I'm sure a gentleman like yourself would be more suited for Alex, or Willow..'

Romanoff clapped him on the back, sniggering... 'He won't settle for anyone who's not Tessa'

Mel felt her blood run cold at the name. He still remembered her old name, the fact that he had spoken about her, to the others, sent a sense of cold dread running through her. Keeping her composure, she nodded and headed to the door, opening it for them... 'Come back any time. It was nice to meet you all..'

Once they left, she moved to the windows, watching as they walked through the bar, and out the door. She sank down on the couch, feeling as though she was about to pass out... 'Vee, call Matt..'.. She spoken loudly to her AI.

'Mel, everything ok?..'.. She heard Matt's voice echo around her office, as she fought to breathe.

'Matt, I need you, please..'... She managed to say, before passing out on the couch.


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