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Mel stood at the windows of her office, that overlooked the bar. She could see that her girls, and their friends were having fun. She knew the avengers would be there tonight, and how much Casey loved Sam Wilson. She thought it was time to see if they would know it was her.

Taking a deep breath, she locked up her office and headed down to the others. She wasn't nervous, in fact she was a little excited to see if she was as good as she thought she was. Pushing open the door to the bar, she smiled.

Mel slipped behind the bar, as she was on shift for the evening so the others could relax... 'I got the files you sent, and he's been arrested, charged with GBH and attempted murder..'.. Tina says as she takes a seat on the other side of the bar.

Mel nodded and passed her a beer... 'Im sure he wasn't expecting that when he woke up this morning..'

'How is she doing?..'.. Tina asked as she drank.

'Shaken up, scared but now safe. Abby has her in her care, and she's staying with Zoe. She's one of ours now..'.. Mel poured herself a gin, and leaned on the bar.

'How did Zoe handle it?..'.. Tina smiled at the thought. Mel always ensured the girls were safe.

'She was scared, but she did well. She tasered the guy as he went for her, but happy that Tara is safe..'.. She gulped her drink down... 'Zoe is explaining everything to her, and I'll speak with her tomorrow about what she wants to do. For tonight, she needs comfort and safety..'

'Hey boss..'.. Mia bounded over, grinning... 'Is it true the avengers are coming here?..'

Mel chuckled at her excitement and exchanged a glance with Tina, who was one of a handful to know the real truth of her... 'Yeah they are. Casey is dating Sam Wilson, Falcon, so the whole team is invited..'

Mia sighed wistfully... 'Do you think Captain America is single? I mean, that's a man I'd love to meet..'.. She sat down next to Tina, putting her chin in her hand.

Mel shook her head, poor Mia was going to be heartbroken... 'I suggest you ask him..'

'I can't wait to see the look on Wilson's face when he meets you..'.. Tina chuckled... 'He has no idea what he's in for..'

'What can I say? I'm protective over my family..'.. She began to set up a long row of shots, and poured vodka in them all.

'They're here, they're here..'.. Casey squealed, running to the door, to let them in.

'Here we go..'.. Mel whispered, as she watched the team and a few others enter the bar. Her eyes snagged on one, now that she knew who he was. Oh, she had missed him, she had given up everything for him to be safe, and now knowing he was part of the team, that were heroes, she couldn't help but smile in pride at it.

She watched as Casey practically dragged Wilson over, and she came around the bar to meet him... 'Sam this is Mel, boss, mom, you know..'

She smiled across at him, and held out her hand... 'Nice to meet you Mr Wilson, you can call me Miss Bird. First names are reserved for family only. If you ever get that far to join us, then it'll be Mel to you..'.. She heard a few sniggers from others around them.

'Uh likewise. Casey has talked about you and everyone, all good things..'.. He gestured to the team behind him... 'I hope it's alright that the others came this evening. Casey said one of her friends passed the bar and you were celebrating..'

'Its perfectly fine..'.. She moved to shake hands with them all, but when she got to the former soldier, she felt his grip tighten on her hand, and he stared her down... 'Mr Barnes, is there a problem? I'd like my hand back before you crush it..'.. She could see anger in his eyes, but he still didn't let go.

'Buck, let her go..'.. Rogers nudged him, but he didn't move.

'Its her..'.. He gritted out, glaring at her.

Mel found that interesting. She kept her cool, fighting the urge to slam him to the floor... 'Mr Barnes, I'd like for you to let go of my hand, you are hurting me..'

She saw him, twitch and knew his next move. She caught his metal arm with her other, as he brought up a knife towards her. Ripping her other hand from his grip, she twisted around, disarming him, and throwing him over her shoulder to the floor.... 'Girls, out!..'.. She called, not taking her eyes off him.

Her girls knew not to question, and they all shuffled through the back door, that led up into the apartments, going home. She knew that they would take care of their own guests, while Tina and Casey remained... 'Mr Wilson, would you please walk Casey to her door? I'm sure she would not like to continue being around this kind of behaviour..'

'What the fuck!..'.. She heard Stark say, and she put her foot to Barnes chest, keeping his metal arm in her grip as he struggled. She heard Casey leave with Wilson, and she knew it was just the avengers, her and Tina left.

'Tina, would you mind getting everyone a drink please? Now Mr Barnes, I'm going to let you go, and I highly suggest you take a moment to consider your actions. You are in the presence of a NYPD detective, plus I have security cameras everywhere. You can and will be charged. I doubt that's what you want to happen..'.. She let him go, and stood back, putting her hands on her hips as she watched him get to his feet.

'Its her Steve, it's Ace..'.. Barnes growled out, his whole body twitching as he glared at her.

Mel feighed disinterest as she looked at him, and around the team... 'Who?..'.. Tina came over, handing Mel a drink.

'Do you want to press charges? He had a weapon, attempted assault, possibly murder, not to mention he's the former winter soldier. Not to sure the government would be happy to hear about this..'.. Tina folded her arms, standing with Mel.

'Buck, are you sure? Doesn't look like her..'.. The captain said, looking between his lover and her.

'I can't read her, or her friend..'.. Mel smiled at Miss Maximoff.

'I created something for each of my girls, and their families, when I heard Casey was dating Mr Wilson. I was sure there would be some interaction with you all, and for their safety, you won't be able to..'.. Mel moved to sit down at the bar, facing them all.

'Now, you were invited to join our private celebration for one of our own, as extended guests of Casey's and Mr Wilson. You haven't even been here for 20 minutes, and not only did you, Mr Barnes attempt to harm me, but you also frightened my girls..'.. She drank her glass empty, placing it on the bar... 'Each one of them had some sort of abusive past, and your actions may have triggered some unwanted memories for them..'

'Sorry, that wasn't the intention tonight..'.. Mel turned to the widow.

'It shouldn't be the intention of any night Miss Romanoff, yet it happened..'.. She turned back to Barnes... 'I do not know what is going on with you Mr Barnes, but I do not appreciate being attacked in my workplace..'.. She clasped her hands in front of her... 'You say I'm, what was it?..'.. She turned her head to Tina.

'Ace, is what he said. Don't know what that is, a compliment maybe?..'.. Tina shrugged.

'Considering how he acted, I think not..'.. She sighed, looking back at Barnes... 'Whatever this Ace is, it seems to have an impact on you. I suggest you seek help to deal with it, before returning to society..'

'Look..'.. The captain stepped forward, holding his hands up... 'You just reminded him of someone from his past, and he instinctively acted. He shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry. We will go, please let the others know we're sorry..'... He turned to the team, and nodded towards the door.

'Tina, please see that they leave, I need to check on the others, and what is taking Mr Wilson so long..'.. She turned and headed for the back door, leading into the apartments.

She smirked as she walked away, knowing now that the only one who had an inkling was the soldier. She knew he'd return, and watch her. Pushing open the door, she grinned.

*Game on soldier*


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