Chapter 15

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There was still the matter of Lucy and Alan-a-Dale to settle. Something told me I was better off setting the plot I had in mind in motion by myself, rather than risk Robin's involvement. Besides, matters of the heart did not seem to concern Robin at the present moment.

Since my aunt, Prince John, and the rest of their elaborate retinue had returned to London, Father had been spending much more of his time in solitude in his chamber in the solar. Having wrapped myself in a dark brown linen gown and stiff white wimple, I worked up the courage to rap on the door of his chamber. A gruff muffled voice invited me inside.

"I would like to call on Lucy, daughter of Harold, who is soon to be married to Sir Roderick."

"I know who Lucy is." Father did not even look up from his ledger. "What I am not aware of is what should possess you to call on a minstrel's daughter about to be married to a middling knight."

I took a step further into the shuttered chamber. "I feel in want of some female companionship. After her marriage, she will not be so below me."

Father slammed the ledger shut. "She will always be below you. You are the cousin of the king. Nonetheless, should you feel this sudden urge to socialize with your neighbours, I am sure it will do no harm."

"Thank you, Father." I curtsied my way out of the room.

"Be sure you have your dagger on you. You never know when you may need to carve open another of the queen's soldiers. No more secrets up your sleeves now." Father looked up, smiling for but an instant. "Also, you will take Sarah and Aldred with you. I will not have my daughter gallivanting across the countryside by herself any longer."

"Yes, Father." I shut the door behind me.

* * *

Flocked by Sarah, her starched, dirt coloured wimple not even shifting in the breeze, and Aldred, the sour faced, middle aged soldier Sir Guy had bestowed upon us as my personal guard, I plodded to Adney Hall.

"Upon our return, I will stop to make confession at Locksley," I announced as we entered the grounds of the small estate.

"That is not a part of our plan. I am not certain Lord Fitzwalter would approve," Aldred protested.

"I do not believe it is within your authority to question me. You will accompany me to Locksley Church."

I did not wait for Aldred's reply. Two stable hands ran out to help me dismount Shadowcrest, their blue and gold livery in stark contrast to the dismal visage of Adney Hall. The manor house itself was comprised of a tower and hall, the stones of which were already covered with rotting, creeping vines. The doors to the manor protested as the steward urged them open for me, bowing low as he gestured for me to enter into the poorly lit and freezing foyer. The hem of my dress left streaks of dirt in my wake as I proceeded to a casement.

To be wed to a place such as this would be like being joined to a prison.

"I am here to see Lucy," I said.

"Sir Roderick will be honoured by your call, my lady. Pray, follow me." The steward motioned to some dark recess beyond the foyer.

"I have no business with your master. It is Lucy I have come to call upon."

The steward seemed to require some time to think upon his answer. I folded my hands upon my gown for fear of soiling them on the sill of the casement or accidentally brushing them against the slimy stones.

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