4th Operation: The Outpost Development Plan

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Last time Andersen and the CEOs were debriefed on the mission and got to witness the capabilities of a Pilot and Titan first hand. Now Elaine and Lance have plans to start turning the Outpost into a proper settlement. However Ingrid has plans of her own.

The sun was only starting to rise over the Outpost as Frontier personnel milled around the Outpost to begin their daily duties. One such person was Lance. He was dressed in a black tank top, a pair of dog tags dangled from his neck. He wore a pair camouflage combat pants and black combat boots, he was currently jogging next to the walls that guarded the Outpost. It had been awhile since Lance had run through training drills, but with him combat able again he wanted to get back into the swing of things. "Morning Maverick!" Lance looked up and saw one of the Militia Riflemen standing guard in one of the wall's guard towers wave down to him. "Morning to yourself Corporal, any signs of those tin cans?" Lance asked as he jogged in place to keep himself going while conversing.

"Those rust buckets haven't reared their ugly heads in two weeks! Honestly Maverick, when are the boys and I gonna get the green light to go scrap those freaks in the field?" The Corporal asked as he gave Lance a slightly irritated look. Lance almost snorted, it was good to see the Riflemen were still as eager as ever to get to the action. "Don't worry, you boys are beginning training with the Nikkes this week! Once you lot learn how to keep up with them, then you guys should get the green light to go scrap some Raptures." Lance said as he was about to continue on his jog as he heard the Corporal let out an amused snort as the answer he was given. "I think the only person that should be worried about keeping up is you Maverick!" The Corporal said jokingly as Lance snorted before looking at the wall.

              Lance then leaped into the air as the Jump Kit on the back of his waist propelled him towards the wall. Lance ran his gloved hand along the wall as he ran across it for about fifteen feet before kicking of the wall. Lance landed on the ground again and kept running, however he turned around to run backwards. He then outstretched his arms and shrugged his shoulders at him. The Corporal simply shook his head in amusement, never challenge the Maverick. Lance turned back around and started running faster, he wanted to get this morning jog in before he had to start work for the day. "The girls are probably still asleep, wonder if I'll beat them back to my office or not." Lance thought to himself as he continued to run.

Lance's Office
Rapi was walking down the hall to the Commander's office/room as she was ready to begin today's duties. "Commander is probably still asleep." Rapi thought to herself as she as his secretary and second in command knew his habit of staying up late to finish work all to well. "Perhaps I should start monitoring his sleep patterns as well, it can't be healthy for him to get as little sleep as he does." Rapi thought to herself as she arrived at the door to Lance's office before she gently grabbed the door knob and turned it. Rapi let herself into the office as she quickly scanned the surroundings, as she expected the Commander was nowhere to be found. Rapi let out a sigh as her suspicions were all but confirmed.

Rapi then walked over to a door inside the office that led to the bedroom connected to it. "Commander, it is time to get up. We have a lot of work to get done." Rapi said as she opened the door and expected to find Lance still under the covers, sleeping peacefully. However Rapi's eyes widened in shock when she saw the bed empty, neatly made, and the commander's uniform neatly folded and set on top of the bed. "Commander? Are you in here?" Rapi called out in hopes of getting a response from the man. However she was met with a deafening silence that did nothing to alleviate her concerns. "Was the Commander pulled away for an early morning meeting?" Rapi thought to herself as she tried to seduce why her Commander wasn't anywhere to be found.

"No, if he was in a meeting he wouldn't have forgotten to wear his uniform." Rapi thought to herself as worry started to set in, where could he be. "Did Syuen take him hostage for information about his pilot equipment and Val?" Rapi thought to herself as she started going through the worst case scenarios of what could've happened to her commander. As she tried to rationalize what was going on she only grew more concerned. "I failed to keep him safe, I need to notify Anis and Neon, we need to begin searching for the commander immediately!" Rapi thought to herself as she swiftly turned on her heel and was about to walk out of Lance's bed room. However with her frantic mental state she didn't realize someone had entered the bedroom. Rapi's face bumped into a well toned chest that caught her off guard.

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