8th Operation: Queens of the Underworld Part 2

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Last time Lance was approached by Mustang, asking for his assistance in dismantling a gun trafficking gang in the Outer Rim known as the Obsidian Cobra. He is not alone however as he must work with the Underworld Queens, a Nikke Squad that control's the Ark's Criminal Underworld. He has already met with one of them, he must now meet the others.

Lance watched Sakura approached the door to the meeting room, the Nikke grabbed the handle before opening the door. The first person to step in was a woman with half black and half white hair, she had red eyes. She wore a button up suit top that showed off her midriff, short shorts, and black boots that reached well above her kneecaps. A white fur jacket was worn overtop of her shirt, in her hand was an ornate Tommy Gun.

 A white fur jacket was worn overtop of her shirt, in her hand was an ornate Tommy Gun

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"You're late." Sakura addressed the woman sternly who merely rolled her eyes before pushing past Sakura and entering the room. "Had some rowdy upstarts in my territory that I had to teach a lesson. Is this guy Mustang sent here yet?" The woman asked as she looked over at Sakura, a curious look in her eyes. Sakura gestured towards the chair Lance was sitting in as the woman turned her gaze in that direction, a smirk spreading across her face when her gaze landed on the Commander. The woman waltzed up to Lance before stopping in front of the chair and leaning towards Lance, locking eyes with Pilot.

        "My, I was expecting someone a bit older. I am Rosanna, head of Hedonia. Who might you be Mister?" Rosanna asked in a slightly flirtatious tone as she closely studies Lance, the commander studying her closely as well. "Commander Lance Miller, a pleasure Rosanna." Lance said as he offered his hand to the Nikke. Rosanna glanced at Lance's hand before she grabbed it, but then swiftly pulled him towards her, pressing her body against his. "A pleasure to meet you Mister, I hope we get to work more personally on this little issue." Rosanna purred in Lance's ear before she stepped away from the Commander. What neither of the duo saw was Sakura glaring daggers at Rosanna's back. Before anything could progress further, another figure walked into the room, closing the door behind her.

          The woman had long black hair and vibrant eyes. She was dressed in golden Chinese robes, a black jacket over top of it. A pair of circular sunglasses hung from the front of her robes and clutched in her hand was an ornate machine gun.

 A pair of circular sunglasses hung from the front of her robes and clutched in her hand was an ornate machine gun

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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