7th Operation: Queens of the Underworld Part 1

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To start the amount of comments I got for each idea were 5, so I had to resort to a coin flip, best two out of three to decide. Underworld Queens won. If any of you plan on going back to check my count, I only count the comments themselves, not the likes they get. Only the comment itself counts as a vote. For those of you who voted for Real Kindness, do not worry that Arc will be happening after the Metis Arc that will follow this one, it was merely to decide which happened first. With that out of the way, let us begin.

It had been roughly two weeks since Lance began training both Counters and Absolute in how to utilize the Jump Kits. To his surprise, Absolute returned for additional training, Ingrid even requesting other Elysion Nikke Squads receive the training once it became a more efficient setup. Outside of these special training sessions, Lance performed his standard duties as a Commander. The construction of the agricultural buildings had been progressing smoothly, they should be operational within and four to five months barring any unexpected Rapture attacks on the outpost. However Lance's duties were interrupted by an email he had received from Mustang of all people. Lance never had the pleasure of meeting the Tetra Line CEO face to face, but considering the email requested an in person meeting, he assumed it was important.

            Lance stood in front of the doors to Mustang's office, adjusting his uniform. "I wonder what he could possibly need from me. He controls the Ark's entertainment industry, that's not exactly military oriented in most cases. On top of that he requested I come armed, something is definitely not adding up here." Lance thought to himself as he continued to wait in front of the door to the CEO's office. One of the double doors opened as a secretary stepped out before locking eyes with Lance. "Mustang will now see you Commander Miller." The Secretary said before she quickly walked past him to return to her station. Lance straightened his uniform before stepping towards the double doors before opening the right one and stepping into the rather lavish office space.

"Commander Miller! It is fantastique to finally meet you face to face! Générale Miller spoke highly of you and the recording of your last major mission was merveilleux!" Mustang said as he walked up to Lance, who looked the man over. Lance knew his mother mentioned that Mustang was rather flamboyant, but this was not the level Lance was expecting. "The pleasure is mine Mustang, how exactly can I help you?" Lance asked as he shook Mustang's hand, directing a curious look towards the Tetra Line CEO. Mustang gestures for Lance to sit at the chair in front of his desk as he took his seat behind his desk. Lance sat down as Mustang rested his elbows on the desk, intertwining his fingers as he does, a more serious expression spreading across his face.

"I must admit that I wish our first meeting could be over coffee and I could get to know you a bit better. However I am afraid something rather C'est terrible has occurred." Mustang said in a concerned tone as Lance's expression furrowed into a stern expression. Lance prided himself on being good on reading people, if someone as over the top as Mustang got serious over something, it was to be taken seriously. Mustang pulled a document from the his desk's drawer before placing it in front of Lance who opened it up to find the files on three Nikkes. "These are the Underworld Queens, they are a Squad of Nikkes under my company. They are the heads of the three largest crime syndicates in the Ark. their job is to control the organized crime in the Ark." Mustang explained as Lance read over the girls' files.

         "Have one of them gone rough? Is this why you called me here?" Lance asked, deciding to get the obvious potential issue out of the way immediately. Mustang shock his head in denial of Lance's question, however his expression only seemed to become more grim. "Heavens no, the Underworld Queens are dedicated to their work controlling the organized crime with the Ark. the issue is a new gang within the Outer Rim. They are known as Obsidian Cobra." Mustang explained as he handed another document to Lance who opened it and began reading over the gathered information on the gang. "So they have a large weapons dealing ring? You believe that they are responsible for over fifty percent of illegal firearms smuggled into the Ark?" Lance asked as he set down the document, once again locking eyes with Mustang.

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