Ladbible Snack Wars

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"Hey guys! It's me y/n l/n on Ladbible snackwars USA vs India" y/n said excitedly.

"I always wanted to be here on ladbible so I'm having a huge fangirl moment right now." 

The Ladbible crew set the snacks on the table while y/n drank her sprite. "Oh wow okay. So we have kurkure which is a famous indian snack and Flamin' hot cheetos as the American snack. I honestly love both equally."

Y/n opened up the bag kurkure, "This is the masala munch flavour which is my personal favourite. Lets try it."

Y/n tried the kurkure followed by the cheetos, "I love them both cause they taste so good.  As someone who loves spice, the kurkure has more flavour and taste to it, so I will go with Kurkure."

0 USA : 1 India

"Next we have magic masala lays and sour cream onion lays. Oh no this is going to be tough. Let me try them and inspect the flavours since I'm such a food critic." 

"These chips taste so good" y/n mumbled while munching on the chips.

"Ok my final decision is Magic Masala lays and let me explain how I came to this conclusion. I don't live in India so I miss these chips a lot and I can purchase the sour cream onion lays at any store."

0 USA : 2 India

"Now we have a New York style cheesecake and Indian fruit cake I'm guessing?"

"Yeah" the producer replied. 

"Okay this one is easy and I don't have to try either cause I despise fruit cake. I just hate the weird coloured jelly things inside the cake."

Taking a bite from the cheesecake, "Cheesecakes are one of my favourite desserts. This tastes like heaven."

1 USA : 2 India

"Alright we have some drinks now. Kool Aid tropical punch and almond milk also known as badam milk. These are like your go to drinks to cool down in the summer. Unfortunately badam milk is not my favourite."

"We were going to give you a mango lassi instead of the almond but we wanted to make things harder" the producer said.

Y/n smiled back kindly, "ohhh wow. That's okay though I don't mind but you guys really did your research. I'll go with the kool aid cause they are simply amazing."

2 USA : 2 India

"Let's see who will win with the tiebreaker" y/n looked at the camera excitedly.

"Finally we have an apple pie from McDonalds and a paneer puff. I really like the pie but I don't like the filling. Does that even make sense?" y/n laughed.

"I'm a really picky eater if you guys didn't know. Let me try the puff now."

After eating half the puff, "OOO THAT IS SO GOOD. The winner is easily the paneer puff. It tastes lovely!"

2 USA : 3 India

"The winner is India" one of the crew members said.

"That was a tough fight from the food of the 2 countries but yay India won! Win for India" y/n did the W sign towards the cameras. "I hope you guys had fun watching this video of snack wars. If you have never tried any of the snacks I had today, try them as soon as you can as they are the best. Thanks for watching beautiful people!"

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