Y/n's funny interview moments

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"Who is your superhero in your life?"

"That's a tough question...I'd say either Spiderman or Ironman" y/n said taking a moment to asnwer.

"Ohhh ok but I was asking a superhero in your life not a character" the interviewer said confused.

"OHHHH. Oh god, I am so sorry. I literally heard your favourite superhero" y/n started laughing and covered her face in embarrassment.

The audience and interviewer laughed at the funny moment. 

"I will say my mom then. She is a great role model in my life" she said smiling.


"Who is the worst secret keeper?"

"Tom Holland" y/n said without skipping a beat.

Tom looked at her and pretend to be offended, "I am deeply upset that you think I can't keep secrets."

"Sorry Tom, but the whole world knows you're not the best with secrets."


"I want to test your Disney knowledge" the interviewer said.

"Ooo ok. I love Disney so I should be able to answer this" y/n said as Anthony Mackie and Chris Evans looked at her.

"Can you name all the seven dwarves?"

"Uhhh Droopy?" Anthony said unsure.

"There's no Droopy" disappointed that Anthony said that.

"Man press out the gate."

"We got dopey, happy, sleepy sneezy..."y/n said as she thinked.

"Bashful, doc and grumpy" continued Chris. "Deal with that" Anthony said to the interviewer.

"If you were a Disney princess, which one would you be?"

Anthony answered immediately, "Cinderella cause she broke homie! She represent me yo!"

He turns to Chris and says, "let me borrow twenty dollars." Chris almost falls off his chair laughing, causing Anthony to pull him back effortlessly.

Y/n, on the other hand started crying out of laughter and was wheezing, "oh my god, that might be the funniest thing you've ever said."

Chris settles down, "I'm Belle. She's educated. She wants to read. She's not really taken by Gaston, the guy but she doesn't care."

Anthony joins in, "yea, she's really strong and focused on what she wants."

"I'm Belle."

"Definitely. Great hair too!" Y/n looks at them as they talked so enthusiastically about Belle.

"I think I am Aurora. She's shy like me. I'm an introvert so our energies kinda match. The most important thing is sleep. I love to sleep."

"Oh yea, you are definitely Aurora" Chris says.


"So, in this movie, you guys had to talk louder and faster than normal. How hard was that?"

Timothée Chalamet interrupts him and does a weird noise causing the interview to give him a weird look.

Y/n looked at Timmy weirded out and looked at the crew, breaking out a concerned face with a smile.

"I'm sorry guys. I don't know why I did that."

"Umm it's ok. It seemed like you let your intrusive thoughts win there" y/n said laughing causing everyone to laugh.


"I'm like really hungry even though I had lunch an hour ago" y/n said as her stomach growled. 

"We have Cheetos, if you want" 

"Oh yes please. This might be one of my favourite interviews cause I get to eat and talk" she said while grabbing the Cheetos from the crew.

"We are extremely honoured y/n." 

Later in the interview, a crew member gives her a coca-cola. "Coke??"

"You guys are so sweet. Thank you!"

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