Time To Bake

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"Hello people! Welcome to my youtube channel" y/n did her youtube video introduction. 

"The last time I did a video, I promised to do a video where I showcase my baking skills. So, here I am today where I am going to bake some cookies and attempt in making a milkshake or a frappuccino, basically, whatever it ends up being like" y/n gave the camera a thumbs up. Y/n moves around the kitchen gather the things needed to bake her cake.

"First, you grab a bowl that is large enough for you to mix the ingredients well. I'm making the cake from scratch so I am going to use 2 cups of all purpose flour. Then add, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon of salt" y'n said as she poured the ingredients into the bowl.

"The dry and wet ingredients need to be mixed in two separate bowls. I don't know the exact reason but based in common sense, I guess the ingredients mix better or something." 

Y/n grabbed another bowl, "so now add a cup of butter, 3/4 cup granulated sugar and another 3/4 cup of brown sugar and beat them."

Y/n started beating the butter and sugar, "can you guys hear me over this loud sound? Probably not" she talked to herself.

"I usually use white and brown sugar together when baking 'cause the sweetness is reduced. My mom used to do that whenever she made something sweet. The less the sugar the better it is guys."

"You can the that its kinda fluffy so now we add an egg and some vanilla essence and beat the wet mixture again and we're halfway through the baking process" y/n starts the stand mixer. 

"It's time to mix both the mixtures ladies and gentlemen! So, I add the liquid mixture in parts to the dry and while I do this let's talk about tv shows. I haven't been able to watch any new shows lately except modern family which I've seen many of the clips on Instagram. It's such a great show like the entire cast is amazing."

Y/n starts pondering on other things she's watched, "oh also talking about shows and movies, Barbienheimer era is amazing. I'm glad to be part of this generation."

"Alright, now mix the wet and dry mix together. This will be an arm workout 'cause that dough isn't going to dough up by itself."

After a hard 5 minute arm workout, "kneading the dough is my least favourite part as it gets a little messy. Now, cookies are not cookies without chocolate chips! Before we directly add in the chocolate chips, I'll cover them up in a little flour and pour them in. This helps with making sure they stay instead of sinking to the bottom."

Y/n set up the cooking tray with parchment paper and started to preheat the oven. "Preheat the oven to 375 degrees while you start separating your dough. Make sure each cookie is 2 inches apart. Once you're done place them in the oven and let them bake for about 10 minutes or until they are light brown."

Y/n quickly cleaned the kitchen are and got out a few other ingredients, "while the cookies bake, we'll make a nice drink. So, this is like my own recipe but also not. 'Cause many recipes are similar you know? Whatever."

Getting the blender out from a cabinet, "we need some milk, water, Starbucks coffee powder and some ice cream."

"In the blender container thing add some milk and water in a 2:1 ratio respectively. My measurements aren't very accurate since I usually just eye it. After that add about 1-2 spoons of the coffee powder, then a few scoops of ice cream. Today, I'm using vanilla ice cream so I am adding 2-3 scoops of ice cream and now we just blend it up."

Just as y/n finishes blending the frappuccino-milkshake drink the timer for the cookies went off. "Ooo la la just in time" y/n said taking out the cookie tray from the oven. 

"There you go beautiful people! Chocolate chip cookies and a frappucino wanna-be. Also add ice cubes to the drink cause it'll taste better then. I will let the cookies cool down for 30 minutes and they are perfect to eat."

*30 minutes later*

Y/n takes a bite out a cookie, "mhmmm. This is delicious and rico. Rico means tasty in Spanish guys. The drink is good too but not Starbucks level obviously. Hope you guys enjoyed watching me bake. Try out the recipe and let me know how it goes babes!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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