Chapter 4

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The three sat on my bed, not bothered to act polite which was very confusing. I mean...I expected this from the blonde.

"Ok, who are you?" I asked, "and are you cosplaying? You guys are meant to wear those costumes, not these suits. Did Josh pay you to do this?"

"Who the fuck is Josh, and why the hell would we be cosplaying?" the blonde snapped. I just stared at them for a while, still trying to process the situation.

"Yeah right," I scoffed, "look. Can you just untie me and I'll pay you extra from whatever Josh gave you-"

Suddenly, the temperature in the room dropped rapidly, the cool air tickling the skin on my neck. The guy with the bicolour hair stood in front of me, holding a serrated blade to my throat. The touch of its edge was as cool as ice...or, it was ice. I stared at the weapon, glancing up at Todoroki who's death stare was just as cold as it is but animated.

Looking at the three, I was beyond confused. 'They're...real?' I thought, ' the fuck did did I...?' The book. It went through the roof and now. It still didn't explain their attitude, this wasn't the trio I knew unless...


"Sweetie? Are you up?" My heart almost leapt out of my throat hearing Mum knocking on the door.

"Uhh...yeah!" I called, "just...gimme a sec!" I looked at the three with slight discomfort, knowing what I had to do next.

"Ok look, I don't know what's happening," I explained, "but please just untie me." The trio gave each other glances, debating with each other whether to let me go. Deku sighed, walking behind me and untying my hands. I quickly did the rest and got to my feet, staring at the three. I only realised that they looked very different. They looked more mature, and actually kinda taller than their usual heights, even though they looked around my age, perhaps maybe older. After all they did come from a different dimension...apparently.

"I-I'll be back..." I mumbled, turning to leave, instead was met with Bakugo blocking my way.

"I'll answer your questions later, right now I need to go." Even though I said this, he didn't budge and I immediately knew why.

"I'm not gonna tell anyone, please just move."

"Kacchan..." Deku intruded, standing by Todoroki, "move."

"Don't tell me what to do you bastard!" Bakugo shouted. The silence afterwards was deadly, until the approaching footsteps made my stomach churn.

"Dammit, move!" I whisper yelled, pushing the blonde out of the way without thinking and opened the door, closing it behind me as quickly as possible. Mum walked up to me, crossing her arms.

"What was all that noise? Were you talking to someone?" she asked.

"Watching a video," I lied, "anyway, what do you need?" She stared at me for a moment with a sad expression. She's never giving me that look unless she felt  sympathetic.

"Do you want me to drive you to school?" she asked, "your Dad's gone to work and I was just gonna leave now or whenever you're ready."

I didn't know what to say, in a way I really wanted to not catch the bus. But I don't think I could just leave with those three in the house.

"Thanks Mum, but I'll catch the bus," I declared, a weak smile on my lips. She only gives me a nod and walked away.

The moment I heard the car engine, I open my bedroom door again and looked at the trio with slight annoyance.

"Ok get out, I don't want you in my room," I snapped and walked to the kitchen. I went into the fridge and grabbed some bread and butter. I heard the three come out of the room, but I tried not to pay any mind to them. I already saw my hands shaking and I didn't even want to think of the reason why. As I waited for my toast, I could tell someone was behind me.

"So...your names are...?" Look, I didn't wanna be weird and just say I already knew them, but I guess that didn't work. Especially when the book I lost was thrown infront of me, while I just stared at its cover.

"I think you already know," Deku's voice said calmly and dangerously. It gave me goosebumps hearing it up close.

"Yeah...but can you not be so creepy and back?"

"Says the one who knows our names."

"You know mine..."

Suddenly, a hand grabbed me and yanked me backwards, out of the kitchen. A chair saved my fall while I glared at Bakugo.

"My question is why the hell did we end up in this idiot's place?!" Bakugo yelled, glaring back at me.
"Fuck sake, how did you even get here!? Why are you in my house?!" The blonde raised his hand ready to strike, but Todoroki interrupted his attempt, grabbing his wrist in a strong hold.

"We were sucked into a portal and got trapped here, and obviously you're apart of this." I couldn't tell if they were assuming or they actually has an assumption.

"How do you know? I mean...just because I'm here doesn't mean shit." This was absolutely stupid, I mean I know it's real now but...

"Magnets." Todoroki and Bakugo glanced over their shoulders and stared at Deku in the kitchen, myself included.

"Magnets are attract to metal," he continued while staring at me, "and I think you're the metal while we're the magnets. You're the source that got us-"

"Shut the fuck up Deku!" Bakugo suddenly snapped, "you're giving me a headache!" As quick as light, I froze as the scene unfolded before me. Instead of being in the kitchen, Deku stood facing the ash blonde, holding a sharpened knife to his throat. Bakugo however had a different strategy, his hand gripping Deku's neck and I could see his quirk slowly beginning to trigger. Todoroki just stood there as the show blossomed.

Until he pushed pass the two, one with a cold crimson glare while the other held amusement in his intoxicated green eyes. 'I would've thought it'd be the other way around...' Todoroki walked into the kitchen, turning back as his eyes met mine.

"Heads," he said. Without any warning with his right side, the bicoloured hair male suddenly makes a sharp dagger of ice and suddenly throws it at my direction. This was real, this wasn't a book, a movie or an anime series.

This was happening right on the spot and that blade of ice looked very sharp. I close my eyes quickly and in a panic hold my hand up to shield my face, as it was directed right at my head. Any moment, I would feel the pain of the ice being impaled through my hand or something, but it never did. As I slowly open my eyes, lifting my hand down a little I could see the blade of ice which was only inches from my hand that was now levitating. Water dripping from the cold blade only made me picture blood dripping from a knife.

The moment I let my hand fall, the ice did too. Shattering into thousands of pieces, the tip of its point still gleaming, keeping me on edge. I look up and realize the trio were staring at me. Their gaze wasn't shocked, in fact they didn't seem to care less that I made an object fly. However, their eyes did hold a glint of...approval? That's when it hit me.

"You were baiting me," I thought aloud, staring at Todoroki who kept his ground, his face expressionless and very vulnerable to punch.

"And?" I almost grabbed the random coffee mug from the table, the urge to throw it at him was high. My rage, however, wasn't something I should lose with these guys around...

"You could've killed me, dickhead!" I shouted, my voice nearly cracked at my outburst. Todoroki didn't seem to care and I submerged my scoff as he rolled his eyes. Yet I soon felt as ease, realising the power I had was what they needed.

"And that I'm your only ticket back home." This seemed to drag their attention as they all seemed to have a concerned look on their faces.



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