Chapter 6

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The bus ride home could've been relaxing if it wasn't for the damn anxiety I felt! My pulse was screaming through my head and I'll be honest when I say my hands were trembling while walking home.

Why am I  so shaky, I wasn't before. Maybe it was because of the fact I'd be spending the whole weekend with the trio. I took a deep breath, allowed my shaky hand to unlock the front door and finally made my way into the house. To be honest I was expecting a mess or even half the house blown up, but no. Instead I came back to where the house was before, while the kitchen was a little more tidy than were I left it. What the... I thought aloud, my eyes wandering for any sign of destruction...


Surprisingly, I didn't feel as shaky but was now just tense. With Bakugo's personality, I'd not only expect the place to be destroyed but for the whole house to be. Or maybe he'd plan to destroy the place if I didn't find a way to get them home fast- no no, I shouldn't over think it. I should have a plan A and B.

A- Find a way to get them out of her on my own.

B- Nag my dad to teach me about portal training (without him finding out).

But first things first, I had to look for the trio. I hurriedly made my way upstairs and to my room, only to find the place empty. Confused, I searched other rooms like the bathroom and laundry, even the backyard but they were gone. Did they already find a way home? My gut churned in a cautionary manner, warning me to not act careless. They can't just vanish into thin air!

A loud bang caused me to jump, and only silence pursued the atmosphere. My body was numb and stiff, my eyes darting to the door that led to the basement.

Oh no, no no no, I was not gonna do one of those fucking horror movie bullshits where the victim goes down the stairs to find a fucking clown in a pool of water! I made my way to its door without hesitation and opened it, yelling.

"Ok dickheads hurry up and get your arses out!" Slamming the door shut, I sat down at the dining table while staring daggers into the basement door. Ok I might of opened the basement but I didn't go down it, so it doesn't count.

Eventually, they finally made their way out of the basement and locked eyes with me. That's when it really did hit me. I was alone, alone with them. Not only are they from fiction, but they have abilities that so many people would kill for; and they had the power to kill me easily. My eyebrow rosed as I took notice of the black eye Deku hate on his face.

"What happened to you?" I asked, confused by his appearance. The bastard rolled his eyes and just wandered away to the bathroom, while I noticed a smug look on Bakugo's face as he walked into the lounge room. My eyes darted to Todoroki for some explanation but he just made his way into the kitchen. Dude...

"Hey, what happened?" I snapped, following Todoroki not so far behind. His eyes were icy as he stared daggers into me, which I'll admit was intimidating, but I didn't care. "Was there a fight?" He didn't respond and I held back the temptation to both leave and strangle him.

"...I don't know."

"Bullshit. Why does he have a black eye?" Todoroki's expression darkens, his irritation growing by the look on his face.

"Ask him." Before I could try squeezing out more info, Todoroki moved passed me and out of the kitchen, purposely bumping into my should with some force that caused me to tumble back a little. My shoulder throbbed like, it was fractured. It's funny how his behaviour has always been like this even in the show, well, at least in season 1 and a little of season 2. Fucking dickhead...

I yanked the freezer door open and grabbed a bag of non-opened peas, the low temperature sending a tingle through my hand. While walking to the bathroom, I couldn't help but think of his bruised face. Obviously Bakugo had something to do with it, but I know better than to risk my arse getting blown up. I gently knocked on the bathroom door and waited patiently.

"Oi, you all good?" I checked the handle and it was surprisingly unlocked. Slowly, I pushed the door slightly open to look in.

He stood opposite the mirror, hovering over the sink while gripping it in a tight fashion. His eyes were shut as he kept his head hung and his poker face didn't hold and hint off annoyance from before.

"Deku?" I spoke, cautiously stepping into the bathroom while my eyes didn't loose its grip on his bruise. His eyes snapped open from underneath his curls and it all just went in a blur. My throat felt clogged and my body was locked in place, unable to move from against the door. I can't breathe...why can't I breathe? Deku's eyes pierced through me, poisoning me with it's plaguing effect. His grip on my throat tightened while holding the tip of his knife underneath my chin. It was like a gentle caress that would slaughter.

I could've struggled or push him away due to his lack of binding to my hands, yet I was paralysed against the door. The silence kept hold of the rising tension between us; it felt like being changed guilty for a crime and you now just stood in court while everyone's eyes locked with you.

My body slowly began to break free from its trance as I cautiously held up the icy bag of peas and gently placed it against his eye. Deku's eyes widen ever so slightly at the gesture and just stared at me with the same dead expression, holding a light of confusion too. His grip on my neck loosened until he finally reached out, holding the bag of peas to his eye so I didn't have to.

"Thanks..." her murmured, removing the blade and taking a step back to fix his posture. I would've backed off it Deku hadn't closed the door, keeping us in here.

"What happened?" I asked, not bothering to hide my feelings. I was scared shitless due to his sociopathic tendencies.

"It's nothing serious..."

"Ok no, you can't do that, dickhead. Pointing a knife at me when I was only bringing a fucking ice pack. What happened?!" His eyebrow twitched while looking at me intensely.

"Let me rephrase," I continued, "why did Bakugo give you that?" Deku's eyes widen in shock as he looked at me before his composure settled back again. He just shrugged.


"And giving you a black eye?"

He rolled his eyes with irritation.

"Look, Y/n-"

"Don't call me that," I snapped, "L/n..." Yeah, like hell I wanted to hear them say my first name; the whole situation was already weird as it is. I didn't need another reason to cringe while at it. Deku hesitated before he continued slowly.

"...Training to become better at what you're capable of, not to just slack off and do what you can do. It's just lazy." I swear, this man-

"You sound like Bakugo," I scoffed. His eye twitched with irritation, staring daggers into me while clenching the bag of peas.

"Look," I sighed, carefully explaining my thoughts, "I'm not saying that trying to improve your skills is bad. I'm just saying that working to hard will just bring you down. might enjoy training, right? You might even love it, but working to much and it just becomes an obsession. Do you get it now?" His eyes widen ever so slightly while staring at me with an empty face. No anger, no crazy emotions or anything. It was just blank...

"Yeah..." he muttered, "yeah I understand." Deku finally left the bathroom, while my mind went blank. heart, I thought, placing two digits against my pulse; it was the only thing that echoed through the silence...



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