Chapter 5

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My hand collided into the back of Josh's head with full force, causing him to grunt in shock.

"Dude what the- what was THAT FOR!?" he shouted and turned to glare at me. I only just got to school and hopped off the bus, but I can notice any of my friend's faces from afar.

"I don't need to give you an answer," I stated.

"You're so mean, this is child abuse bro!"

"I'm younger than you."

"Still abuse!"

I rolled my eyes and began walking away, not bothered by Josh's cursing as he followed close behind. Drama, my life was filled with drama at the moment. First, I have voodoo magic; second I summon three characters but they're villains, and finally, I have to go to school not knowing what the fuck those three are doing! They could be committing arson for all I know! I just pray that wasn't the case and they're smart enough to keep low. I still wonder why I was helping them, but then again...the trio were in my fucking house.

I told Josh that I was gonna head down to the school library and if he wanted to join me, he could. Knowing him, the dumbass obviously declined and I made my way down the busy hall to the library. Not only was it the only place where there was peace and quiet, but there might be some answers to whatever the hell was going on. 

Again, the last thing I wanted was to bring Dad involved and let him go ballistic. He might not be as strict as Mum, but he was intimidating and fucking scary. I remember this one time at this parent teacher conference, my science met my father for the first time.

"He looked like he was 'bout to shit herself," I remember Dad claiming while getting wasted with a few of his mates and watching the game.

Mum wasn't happy that evening and didn't bother making dinner for them. Somehow, I nagged her to get us take away while Dad fed from his beers. My Dad was a tough looking man, so most people (when seeing him drink) thought he'd be aggressive. Nope, he's just a man-child and my mother just thinks he's being an immature idiot, especially when in front of me. Yet I've seen the way she smiles at him...

"Get a room," if you ask me.

As expected, when I got to the library the place was empty; almost having an abandoning feeling about it, but it felt more relaxing to me. The silence was comforting and the books were just scripts that would play out in your imagination.

I couldn't suppress the smile I had, knowing that I had the whole place to myself. Well, unless some students came to study or read. My search began as I went looking through the books on the shelves, hoping to find any information that'll help me. Magic, warlocks, dark fantasy; even goddamn Harry Potter! Alas, there was nothing.

"You've been looking around there for at least ten minutes now." I jumped in shock and spun around, ebony eyes meeting mine.

"I-Iris?" She was staring up at me, holding a book by her side. As usual, she wore her sports uniform; but there was something different about this quiet girl. She didn't look...much like the robot most people saw, but wore a neutral face.

"What are you looking for?" her voice still was the same, however I could head the softness in her tone. It was almost...comforting.

"Umm..." Gosh, why did she have to ask something like that!? What was I suppose to say; "Oh yeah, I'm just looking for a way to get these three anime characters who turned evil back to their own dimension because I'm a warlock"? Might as well just send me to the mental institution.

"Oh, well uhh...I was looking for...books with magic, per se?" 

"...In the Non Fiction?"

"Well, you never know what you can find." Stupid excuse, I know but the truth was ridiculous. A white lie as such wouldn't hurt anyone though, right?

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