Chapter 7

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A/n: Hello guys, I'm sorry for not updating in a while and if this chapter is lazy or bad, I'm on writer's block and it's just really irritating. Anyway, thank you and I hope you all have a good day/night. :)

For the following hour, I sat at my desk while looking through websites about warlocks and their magic. Every single one seemed to have the same crap but with different details, and I took notes on each one. I kept getting second thoughts and to just ask Dad for help, but I was determined to work this out myself...

"Fuck this shit, man," I groaned, slamming my head against the desktop, "there is nothing here about fucking portals and dimensions!"

I had been browsing websites and apps like Google and YouTube. Fuck, even Wikipedia and that shit scams viewers with false information. Fortunately, the trio wasn't such dickheads to annoy me, which I find both concerning and relaxing. Just then, my phone began to buzz, waking me from my grim state. Without even looking at the contact, I reached for my phone and answered.


"Hey mate," Dad's voice spoke over the phone, "your Mum and I were planning to go out for dinner and were wondering if you'd like us to pick you up?" The thought stuck with me for ages. God, I'd really kill for a steak right now...

I actually love going out. It doesn't matter what it is or where we are, getting out of the house is enjoyable, as long I don't have to force myself into social situations. Don't get me wrong, it's easy to talk to people if you're comfortable with it, but some days our social battery is only on 5%. Then there are those other days when staying home is the best...

"Not today, thanks," I sighed, "school was just a pain. I'd rather finish up my homework." The only pain I had to deal with was to stay home and make sure my house doesn't blow up.

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Positive, just let me know when you're coming back, please." I ain't letting them know that there's 'guests' over. Dad was hesitant but just told me I could have whatever I want for dinner. He hung up and a few minutes later he transferred around twenty bucks into my bank account. I closed my eyes and laid my head against my desktop, contemplating whether to get pizza or something else. Being a Friday evening, it did feel like a night to have take away. After a minute or so, I reluctantly grabbed my credit card and made my way to the kitchen, when I stopped dead in my tracks.

Crimson orbs collided within mine while some ash blonde hair hung over them, piercing through my soul and devouring it. Bakugo was only holding a glass of water, but what freaked me out was the fact that he was a bomb that'll easily go off at any moment. "Um...hi?" Are you fucking stupid!? That's the dumbest thing I could've said, just "UM", like really!? "I was gonna order pizza, do you want any?" The fact that I watched his glare turn from piercing to blaming caused my stomach to churn.

"You're fucking kidding, right?" he spat, "and what makes you think imma ruin my diet with that shit?" My jaw dropped in horror due to how his words hit, and I just gaped at him.

"Fuck off..." I blurted. That would backfire on me. His eyes widen in disbelief before grabbing the collar of my shirt and shook me uncontrollably.

"The fuck did you say to me you piece of shit?! I'll fucking kill you!!" To be honest I didn't feel frightened, probably since I felt sick due to him shaking me like a fucking smoothie.

"Can you stop!?" I cried, my head throbbing from nausea.

Reluctantly, he slowly stopped and just eyed me for a long agonising moment. Instantly, he shoved me into the counter and my rib to slam into its corner, knocking the air out of me from the impact. It didn't break fortunately, but it was painful. My grip on the counter was strong and I cautiously lowered my body, sitting down while my free hand caresses my side gently. Wait where's my...

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