Chapter 13

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Y/n's POV:

The pain in my head slowly begun to expand each passing moment. I groan, tossing to my side and the throb worsens. The pain, wasn't a normal headache, it was more in the back of my head. I can't even remember what I was doing.


Mum and I arrived home, and she went back down to the shops to buy more items that slipped her mind. I went to check on the others and...I fainted? The muscles in my shoulder stiff up at the playback. I fainted...I actually fainted. In movies they describe it like it's not even a big deal, as if you're going into a sudden slumber. Experiencing it is way different. Of course, I don't know how others have reacted to passing out themselves, but I was anxious.

The headache only spread through to my temples, and I toss over yet again till my cheek pressed against the ground. Was the floor always this comfy? Just the feeling was restful and gentle. The only difference was the soft touch.

It was soothing with a hint of something else...


The comfort I felt was heavenly, and yet an offish sense continued to uprise within me. I finally recognised the unwelcoming feeling of confusing settling in my gut. No, this didn't feel right.


The sudden appearance of light was unsighted, and I hurriedly squint back it's burn. It was just so sudden and a few moments later my vision adjusted. The light remained blinding, but I redirected my focus on the surroundings. Instead of the white tiles and basement door, I was met with the spare mattress's embrace, storage and wooden stairs leading up. Other than the two mattresses lied out, nothing was out of place.

I was still in a daze, but my body jolts at the soft stroke across my forehead. The touch was like a feather's caress, yet I couldn't help but feel anxious. Light slowly faded from my gaze, replaced with a figure that loomed over me. It was too soon to tell who. "He's awake..." they spoke, and I swear I knew the voice, but the softness in their tone left me oblivious. In the background I could hear two other voices, one loud and the other nervous.

My eyes began to droop, and it only challenged me to keep them from closing. The gentle caress compelled me otherwise.

"Shh, just rest..." As much as I wished to resist, my body had already given in to this voice and its gentle embrace. While my eyelids proceed to slide shut, the soft stroke along my cheek didn't recede. The feather's touch was gentle, but anything other than sweet...

Todoroki's POV:

"Will he be ok?" Midoriya asked while glancing between Y/n and I; his expression wouldn't expose whatever he felt inside. Nor did I care.

It's just been a minute or two when Y/n had gone back to sleep. Midoriya was sitting not to far, waiting expectantly for my response. On the other hand, Bakugo was leaned back against the wall, watching from afar with a horrific scowl on his face. With that displeasing face, he'll have wrinkles by the time he's twenty. I slightly nod and I didn't bother looking back up.

My priority was fixated on Y/n...

During the whole time of knowing him, witnessing this untroubled side of him was...intriguing. Yes, he's unconscious, but besides the point. It's all been with his irritable snark (fortunately better than Bakugo's) and curses. This side of him wasn't only tamed but composed, the better term would likely be a satisfactory attitude. Only once have I seen him tamed; once...

"I was getting a book. Are you a new worker?" Y/n questioned.

"Wha- how did-"

"I like coming here."


The page began to crinkle in my grip while I glimpse between Y/n and that brunette, my presence blocked out due to the bookshelves. My attention was focused on her. The tint of pink heating her cheeks while she gazed at Y/n. If I hadn't of looked at him, I wouldn't have seen the nervous expression on his face. But it was how different his attitude was towards her than us. Sweeter...

"Y/n, oh my- there you are!"

My focus darts towards the new voice that intrudes. Y/n's mother, seemingly a pleasant individual that's done her duties as a responsible parent. Personally, I don't think much of her. She isn't a priority of mine. Long story short, Y/n and his mother both make their leave. I intentionally only came to observe him, expect now I've met her. Once the mother and son had left, I followed her with my eyes once she went back to the registers. I didn't like this; I didn't like her.

The muscles lock in my jaw and my hand that once stroked Y/n was replaced with cramped fist. It didn't take long for my knuckles to turn white before I slowly stood. Even though I couldn't pinpoint my explanation, it was just the exasperation that lingered while he spoke to her...

A/n: I was gonna try posting Ch.14 with Ch.13, but I haven't finish it and I'll need to edit it (I usually don't like editing but still...). This chapter might seem a little shorter so sry bout that. I'll post Ch.14 the moment I'm finished with it. Have a good day/night guys :)



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