Chapter 15

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While Ms Fulke continued her lecture, I was engrossed by my phone's screen. All I did was burn daylight during Sunday – and barely spoke to the big three since. Sure, I had greeted them, but other than that and telling them that my parents were either asleep or gone, it was dead silent.  So, to answer the million-dollar question, no, they didn't care if I was ok or not. Well...I might be overthinking it, but it seemed like they did care, however it's just weird for such behaviour coming from them.

A notification popped up on my phone and I could see Dad's name appear. I didn't have to read the message to know it's data. It's Monday, meaning it's the beginning of "warlock lessons" once again. In truth, it hasn't felt like days but weeks.

Just brilliant.

"Mr L/n, I didn't realise I was boring you." My attention shot up and Ms Fulke's face was wrinkled up in hideous scowl. Silence engulfed the atmosphere and Josh was observing closely from behind me.

I shut my phone off. "Well, I assumed this was Maths."

Without a response, she held out her hand and I reluctantly hand the device over. Most schools warn their students that phones will be handed to administration if caught in class, expect Ms Fulke decides to keep them till the end of the school day. Personally, I don't trust the school with my device, I just have a weird though that they go through their student's phones. I don't trust Ms either, but I'm tired of her detention threats. Once sh finally turned her back to proceed with the lesson, I stifled a groan and adjusted my posture.


* * *

"Teleportat- bud, I think it's little too soon to be learning that just yet."

"Why not?' I questioned while staring out at the world around us flying by. "What, is there less to magic than I assumed? Can I only make teacups levitate and stuff?" Dad rolled his eyes but maintained his focus on the wheel. "Don't be stupid, of course there's more, I'll show you when we get home, but you're not ready to be learning something so complexed." Music was the only thing keeping the silence from engulfing the car and I didn't intend to keep it that way. I wouldn't say I have a timeline, but the more of it I waste the more pressure I have over my shoulders.

I sighed. "Then can you give me a little presentation instead?" The more knowledge I have, the better understanding I'l have when doing the spell.

Dad's hesitation left a bitter taste until he began his speech.

"Well...there's different types of spells when it comes to teleportation, but they require an incredible amount of energy. Let's use the Ouija board for example. While trying to connect with spirits it involves you having a type of energy surrounding you. For teleportation, your main priority is focusing on where you want to go. However...these spells can lead to accidental teleportation to another also depends on the mood or health you're feeling. Not many warlocks or witches use this spell often, unless its crucial." He scoffed before glancing my way. "Look, I'm terrible at explaining this, so I'll let you borrow my grimoire."

"Your grimoire?" Grimoires are spell-books filled with texts on instructions to perform spells, they also can teach you how to make magical objects.

I've done my research.

What amazed me was the fact my Dad had one this whole time without mentioning it sooner. I suppose it's valid, since he's only given me one lesson so far. "Yeah, just don't damage it. The thing is really old," Dad explained as he pulled up onto the driveway, "and don't do anything stupid with it."

A frown plastered my lips. "Of course I won't..." Not making any promises...



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