Chapter 9

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Why were they home!? When did they get home!? I didn't even hear their car drive in. Seriously, I asked them to let me know when they're coming home too so I could get these idiots into the basement. Bakugo was still out, wasting my money, Todoroki was most certainly plotting my demise and Deku finds this all fun and games!

"Don't move," I snapped in a hoarse whisper, rushing upstairs before my parents could come looking for me. Honestly, why didn't they call, I asked them to but instead they didn't. I'm not the only one who has parents like this, right?

"Mum? Dad?" I called, closing the basement door from behind as I listened carefully, "where are you?" The dishes clattering gave me an answer and I made my way towards the kitchen without a thought. Either Mum was doing the dishes or Dad was searching for something. They usually split the chores between all of us.

"Dad is that you? I thought we agreed you call-"

Placing grocery bags on the counter and removing the food calmly was...Bakugo? Wait...I but I thought. Heat began to flush all over my face as it all struck me. How could I be so stupid, no wonder I couldn't hear the car. There wasn't even a car! Bakugo looked so relaxed, like how one would wake up from a restful dream. He looks so...calm...

His eyes met with mine and that gentle look was replaced with annoyance.

"The fuck do you want?" he snarled. I take that back, he's still a hot head. I crossed my arms while eyeing him coolly.

"Can I just have my card please?" At this point I wasn't even angry, just annoyed and exhausted. All I did was ask if Bakugo wanted pizza and he then stole my card, Todoroki broke my phone and now I just wanted to go to bed. Forget about dinner, I'll just have a big breakfast tomorrow.

He scowled before slamming my card against the counter; reluctantly if I'd like to add. Unlike my phone, my card was unharmed which was both relieving and surprising. I made sure to inspect for any damages or a single scratch. Nothing...

A heavy sigh caught my breath and I looked at the bags. "What did you even buy?" I took on of the bags and looked in, finding things like chicken, white rice, green onion and etc.

"Dude, what are you even making?" My eyes land on Bakugo while his rage continued to consume him.

"Teriyaki, now can you just get the fuck out!?" Either I was gonna get beaten or burnt by this motherfucker.

"Um...don't you need help?" I mumbled, impassively. His whole manner took a drastic turn and just stood there in astonishment. Instead of fuming and preparing to strike out in angry, Bakugo didn't; he was no longer trying to outstare me or intimidate me but gawked my way.

"You're...fucking kidding me..." he retaliated, "why the hell would you wanna help me you pierce or shit!"

Ok, maybe only a little mad but not boiling. Cautiously, I walked pass him and began taking out the utensils.

"Well so we can get dinner over and done with," I lied; to be honest I actually only asked because I was confused, "wouldn't you wanna get this over and done with too?" The silence was agonisingly brief once he scoffs and pointed at me.

"If you fuck up, I'm going to kill you."

"Seriously?" I deadpan, "why would I offer my help if I didn't know what I was doing!?"

"Then why were you gonna buy pizza?" I swear this man was being a snarky pain in the ass.

"Dude it's Friday, and my suffering is over till Monday, so don't ask stupid question." His eye twitched as he outstared me. Goosebumps trailed down my arms and I felt my stomach churn. Fuck, what is this...

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