13 - I was protecting you guys

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My heart fell down to my fucking stomach. I can't tell if I need to throw up or cry or lay in bed or literally all three.

Kidd put his hand on my back. I would be beyond happy that my brother is here from college. Because he hasn't even visited in two years.

But I am not happy. I am not excited to see him. I just got the worst news any child could get about their mother.

She's dying.

"They say it is starting to spread. If we had caught it sooner- I have just been so busy with work-" Mom shook her head then immediately composed herself. "I have about 6 months. They say it could turn around. But it's unlikely."

I sat on the love seat right next to my dad. Kidd and Teddy remained standing. My mom and Mackenzie sat on the couch across from us. We're in the family room. It used to be a happy room. This is where we opened presents every year on Christmas Eve, where the kids were sent on New Years, where we played board games when there was too much snow to go outside.

"I have a good feeling." Kidd nodded. How can she even say that? He hasn't been around for 2 years and now he has a good feeling?

"Me too." Dad nodded, "I know how strong you are Maggie." He wiped his nose, "We can fight this."

She smiled, "Well, on a happier note," She turned to Kidd, "how's the girlfriend?"

Kidd sat on the small tan chair closest to the door, "We're so beyond great. I mean, we just moved in together. Small apartment in the middle of La." He smiled, "Charlotte's family is great. They live in the Hills so you know, we fit well together."

"That's amazing to hear!" My dad clapped his hands together, "What do they do?"

"Her dad is a Cardiothoracic surgeon. Her mom is a lawyer." He crossed his leg over the other and looked at mom, "I think you and Jessica would get along great." He turned back to all of us, "Charlotte's older brother goes to Caltech too. So they're all like crazy smart."

"Now how did you get with a girl like that?" Teddy smirked at him.

"It must be my charm and my amazing soccer abilities."

I was getting angry. They've all obviously known longer than I have. They had more time to process it. So they're sitting here laughing. They're just laughing about anything else.

I clenched my fists, feeling my nails dig into the skin of my palms.

"So how was your day out Mac? Nat?" Dad looked between us.

I couldn't speak. If I did I would say something horrible and I know it.

"It was good,"Mackenzie spoke up for the both of us, "I think we had a lot of fun."

"What did you two do?" Kidd eyed us while narrowing his eyes. As if he knows something no one else does.

Spoiler alert you jackass, there's nothing to know.

"We were just out and about. Went down to Marlene's Cafe for a while. Then got a muffin at the bakery next door. Hung out with London and what was his name?" Mackenzie looked at me, her expression immediately changing when she noticed my face, "His name doesn't matter. We saw a movie after that. Pretty packed day."

"Is that your car outside?" Kidd nodded towards the front of the house, where Mackenzie's car was parked in the long circular driveway, right in front of the house.

"Yeah." She nodded. This is a sensitive subject for her. I swear to God if Kidd keeps asking stupid questions-

"How'd you get a beauty like that?"

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