41 - Mr Matthews

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The end of school really sneaks up on you.

Senior year has flown by.

It's the end of April. We have three weeks of school left. Two more until graduation. We're almost done.

And I still haven't picked between UCLA and NYU.

Mackenzie has been busy with last minute prom prep for this weekend.

Yep, prom is this Saturday at 6 pm. There's an after party at Marcus' house but i don't think I'm going.

And before you ask; No. I haven't asked her to prom yet. It's a given that we're going together. But I have to ask her. And it has to be great.

I'm in the gym next to Jackson. I haven't seen Mac all day. And now we're doing our graduation assembly.

It just gives our principal time to hear himself talk. At the end, we verify gown sizes.

"This has got to be over soon." Jackson leaned his head on my shoulder and sighed before sitting upright. "He's been talking for an hour."

I smiled knowing Mr. Ferraro was nowhere done speaking. He loves the sound of his own voice. "You know he's not done."

"Wanna go get lunch after this?"

Most of our friends are busy today. Finalizing things for prom, yearbook, and fixing grades. They have too much on their plates to sit in the cafeteria for lunch.

"Yeah. Rob's?"

"Fine with me."

We sat there for another 45 minutes before he finally released us. We had to sign a paper verifying the gown sizes were correct.

Jackson decided he should get to drive. He bought a green 1986 Geo Tracker a few weeks ago and thinks it's the coolest car ever. But in all honesty, it looks like a mix between a jeep and a smart car. Minus the smart part.

"So..." He sat across from me at the booth, "Ask Mac to prom yet?"

"If I had, you all would know." I unwrapped my cheeseburger and lifted the top bun so I could take off the onions.

"Have you figured out how you're going to?" He spread mustard across his burger.

I shook my head and ate a bite of my burger.

"Well I can help."

"How can you help with this?" I looked up at him, not caring about the ketchup I could feel on the corners of my mouth.

He smirked at me, "Jackson Thomas is the master of rizz and he will help you through your time of need."

I almost choked on my burger because of how hard I was laughing. "You are not the master of rizz," I finally said.

He smiled, "I so am."

"Who are you asking to prom?"

His face changed, "The person I wanted to ask has a date already."

"Is it that mystery crush you won't tell anyone about?"

"Yeah." He sighed, "He has a girlfriend though."

"So it is a guy." I nodded, smirking, "I knew it."

"Back to you," He looked up at me, "Please tell me you have some sort of an idea to ask her to prom."

I made eye contact with him. How do I tell him I don't have a plan?

"She doesn't have a plan." Cassie slid into the booth next to me, startling me slightly. London jumped over the back of Jackson's bench and sat next to him, "Jackson texted us. This is a group thing."

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