24 - Girlfriend

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Mackenzie and I are hot. We are so fucking hot and I love it.

We went as Blair Waldorf and Serena Van der Woodsen for halloween. Except I'm only wearing a plaid skirt, white lace bra, and a black tie. She's wearing the same thing except her tie is blue.

All I've been able to think about is how much I want to touch her and I am sure my mindset won't change for the rest of the night.

But come on. Mackenzie has the body of a Goddess.

I stared at her. No shame in it now.

She looks really good even though wearing something like this is different for her. She usually goes for baggy clothes. Doesn't show off her body.

Now that she is- I can't even think straight.

"You see something you like?" She cocked an eyebrow, offering me a playful smirk. She just finished putting on her makeup. Not that she needs it at all. Mackenzie Valentine is effortlessly beautiful. That's something I envy about her; Her natural beauty.

"I do." I nodded, deciding against standing up off my bed. I wish we could just walk around the neighborhood scaring the shit out of little kids. That is my idea of fun. Not a party. Parties happen every weekend. This one just allows you to wear less clothing without it being frowned upon.

She moved closer to me, pulling her hands through her hair, "Do I look that good?"

"Oh you look better than good." I finally stood up, putting my hands on her waist, her hands rested on my arms. I don't compliment her enough. I just realized that. I need to do better. "You look beautiful Mackenzie."

Her cheeks went red and she looked away from me. "You don't have to say that."

"Well it's true isn't it? You know it just as much as I do." I put my fingers on her chin, making her look at me, "Beautiful."

She looked in my eyes for a moment before closing the gap and kissing me gently. Her lips are so soft and always taste like mango. I have to say thank you to her chapstick one of these days.

"Thank you Nattie." Her hands moved to my face, "We should get to the party. Fashionably late is a few minutes not a whole hour."

"You're the one who needed to take that extra long shower."

She pulled away, "You couldn't find your tie!"

"Can I drive?" I looked at her. I've become such a passenger princess. I don't mind it really. But I miss my baby.

"Of course." She pecked my cheek and led the way upstairs.

The drive to Marcus' lakeside mansion took 14 minutes. I blame the children in overpriced store bought costumes and parents who care more about posting said costume on Instagram. Mackenzie blamed my shitty driving.

But my driving is anything but shitty. I drive an automatic. She drives a stick. I'm just a little rusty.

"Hey, I need to find Eden." She looked at me with her hand on the doorknob, "And then I can spend the whole night with you."

"Don't let me keep you from your friends Mac. Just find me whenever okay?"

"Right. I'm sure you have people to say hi to."

I smiled at her, "I don't chase. I attract."

"Bet you attract a lot of people."

"We'll attract a lot of people when we walk into that house as sexy as we are."

"Did you call me sexy?"

I smiled even larger, grabbing her arm.

"What?" She ruffled her eyebrows together.

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