Chapter 2: Sugar glider

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Eventually, Izuku's mom was home. "Hello, Izuku! Who's your friend?" she asked. "I-I- shit!" Koda stuttered. This was the first time Izuku had ever heard him swear. "His name is Koji Koda, but you can call him Koda," Izuku said for him.

Koda nodded in confirmation. "Sorry for saying that. "No worries," Inko said. "It just surprised me is all. You seem so shy. You're so adorable." "Heh, thanks, I guess," Koda said, blushing a bit.

"Mom, me and Koda rescued these dogs from a kill shelter," Izuku said. "They weren't getting adopted just because they're pitbulls." "Oh, this one is so sweet though!" Inko said as Nozomi was sniffing her and licking her hand.

"I know," Izuku said. "They were just stereotyped just because they had 'pitbull' in the breed name." "What's their names?" Inko asked.

"Well, the mom is named Usagi," Koda said, trying not to let his shyness overcome him. "I'll be keeping her at my home. She's not overprotective at all, she'll only attack if someone is harming her, her friends, or her pups, but she knows if someone is safe."

"The one that you're petting is named Nozomi," Izuku said. "She's blind, and that's why she's sniffing you, to get a better idea of your scent." "Oh, I love her so much!" Inko said. She picked Nozomi up and began to snuggle her.

"And this brown male is named Aiko," Koda said. He picked up the puppy to show her. "He's really sweet, but a little shy." "Aww, he's adorable!" Inko said. She put Nozomi on her shoulder and petted Aiko a bit.

"And the gray male is Haru," Izuku said. He picked up the gray puppy. "He's really playful and a bit of a troublemaker, but never on purpose. His biggest traits are eating food, eating treats, and eating your socks." Inko laughed.

Koda put Aiko down and picked up Mochi. "This white puppy is Mochi," he said. "She's probably the sweetest one in the litter, which was her namesake!" She licked Koda's hand. "Yes you are!" he said.

"She's so sweet!" Inko said. "And that one?" She looked at the reddish brown dog. "This is Sakura," Izuku said. "She's a bit aggressive, but once you get to know her, she's a very sweet dog."

Sakura growled and sniffed Inko skeptically, but then she sat down and licked her. "Aww, hello, Sakura," Inko said. "I wouldn't mind keeping them at all!"

"Good," Izuku said. "I mean, me and Koda adopted them for a reason!" "Anyway, while I was out, I found something you might like," Inko said. She opened a box that she brought inside and pulled out a small animal, a sugar glider.

"Aww!" Izuku squeaked. "It's adorable!" Koda said. "I knew you'd like him," Inko said. "Her," Koda corrected. "She's a female." "Well, she'll have a home, right here with me and Izuku. Koda, you're welcome to visit at anytime," Inko said.

Koda gave a small nod of his head. "And I'll bring Usagi too if that's okay," he said. "Of course," Inko said. "She'll love to see her puppies sometimes." "I want to name the sugar glider Aoi," Izuku said. "It fits her."

"That's so cute!" Inko said

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"That's so cute!" Inko said. "I really love that name!" "Yeah, it's cute!" Koda said. "Anyway, I need to get home. My mom's going to be wondering where I am." "Aren't you fifteen already?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah, but I have to be home by midnight," Koda said. "My mom gets all, 'Ground Koda for a month, no matter how sweet he is,' if I'm home late." "Understandable," Izuku said. "Bye."

"See you around, Koda," Inko said. With that, Koda left with Usagi at his side. "He has a good heart," Inko said. "I'm happy you could find a friend in him." "Yeah, I know," Izuku said with a smile.

Izuku Midoriya And Koji Koda, The Animal Heroes 🐾🐕Where stories live. Discover now