Chapter 9: Koda, no!

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"Midoriya!" Koda looked at his best friend. "Someone put this poster on our door! It's a disabled cat! Her name is Niji!" "Slow down, Koda, I can't understand you!" Izuku said.

Koda took a breath, then spoke more calmly. "Someone put a poster of a disabled cat on our door," he said. "No one wants her and if she doesn't find a home, she'll be euthanized." He showed the poster to Izuku.

It was a gorgeous brown and white cat with only three legs and green eyes. She also had small rips in her ears. "She's so cute though!" Izuku said. "I love the colors in her fur!"

"I know, but no one will take her because of her missing leg," Koda said

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"I know, but no one will take her because of her missing leg," Koda said. "Plus, she's a brown cat. Brown and black cats are least likely to be adopted. They think she can't give as much love as other cats."

"That's not true!" Izuku said. "Cats do really well as tripawds and can give just as much love as any other cats!" "I know," Koda said. "Should we go get her? The address was given too." "Of course!" Izuku said. "Let's adopt her!"

By the time they were home, they had the cat. "She's so sweet!" Izuku said. The cat meowed and licked Izuku's cheek, then turned to Koda and did the same.

"I know," Koda said. "You said she had a name, didn't she?" Izuku asked. Koda nodded. "Niji," he said. Izuku put the cat down and she immediately ran towards Soba and Rakku.

"She loves them!" Izuku exclaimed. Koda smiled and facepalmed. He could not with Izuku. He was an idiot. Niji used her remaining front leg to grab Soba and she started to lick him.

"That's so cute!" Koda squeaked. "Koda, what are you, a mouse?" Izuku laughed. "Oh, shut up," Koda said. He playfully nudged Izuku's shoulder, which Niji didn't like.

She immediately swiped her paw at Izuku's leg and hissed. She probably misjudged who the victim was and pawed at the wrong person. "Oh, I guess she didn't like that," Koda said.

"But she swiped at me, not you," Izuku said. "I know, probably misjudged who was being 'attacked,'" Koda said. "I guess," Izuku said.

Soba jumped forward and licked Niji's ear. "Do you think they might bond?" Izuku asked. "It looks like they already have," Koda said with a smile.

Furuyuki pounced on the two cats. Soba tried to get out from under her, while Niji just let her. "Alright, Furu, let Soba go," Koda said. He picked up the lion cub in order to let Soba get away.

Soba turned and hissed at Furuyuki. "Soba, calm down!" Koda said. "She just wants to play!" "Well, in Soba's defense, Furu doesn't understand her own strength," Izuku said. "She is a lion, after all."

Suddenly, the news came on. The boys turned their heads to see what was happening. Breaking news! Two baby American Alligators, a brother and sister, have been found In Japan.

They're both extremely sick and starving. This is heartbreaking to see. If the Animal Heroes are watching this, do you think you can come and help them? If so, why hesitate? Come now! That is all.

Izuku Midoriya And Koji Koda, The Animal Heroes 🐾🐕Where stories live. Discover now