Chapter 4: The dog and the lion

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The two boys took the dogs for a walk. They also brought the sugar glider, the cat, and even the tarantula. Seriously, this group of oddballs were completely inseparable!

Suddenly, Nozomi started to bark. "Hm? Nozomi, why are you barking?" Koda asked. Nozomi began tugging on the leash a bit. "I'm letting her off leash for a minute," Izuku said. "Good, I think she senses something," Koda said.

Izuku took the leash off of Nozomi's collar and she ran into an alleyway. The boys and the animals followed her to see a black and white husky puppy. He looked at the boys and whined, then pawed at the dumpster.

"Maybe there's something behind it?" Koda suggested. Izuku looked behind it and saw an animal. It was a gorgeous white lioness. "There's a lioness cub trapped behind it!" Izuku said. "We have to help her!"

(Both animals at once just bc I liked this picture)

(Both animals at once just bc I liked this picture)

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"Alright, we have to move it," Koda said. "Pitbulls and dogs in general are strong, so I can talk to them and ask them to help." The six pitbulls and the husky did no more. They all put their front paws on the dumpster as Rakku did the same.

"I guess Rakku wants to help too," Koda said with a chuckle. Both him and Izuku assisted the animals until the lion cub could get free. She mewled and immediately pawed at the husky. The husky barked and rolled onto his back.

"I think they're friends!" Izuku said. He clipped the leash back onto Nozomi's collar. "I think Rakku and Usagi are trustworthy enough to let off-leash," Koda said. He unleashed Usagi and took her collar off temporarily as Izuku did the same to Rakku.

Izuku put Rakku's collar and leash on the husky and Koda put Usagi's collar and leash on the lioness. "Most of the animals we've saved have been girls," Izuku realized.

"Yeah, true," Koda said. "We should get them their own collars and leashes though." "Won't the lioness grow out of it?" Izuku asked. "She will eventually," Koda said. "But we can always get her a new one when she gets bigger."

"True," Izuku said. "But now I think we should give the lion and the husky names." "Well, the lioness could be named Furuyuki," Koda suggested. "Yeah," Izuku said. "I like it. I mean, her fur actually looks like falling snow."

"And the husky, we can name him Hyo," Koda said. "To go along with Furuyuki." "Yeah, I like that," Izuku said. "Oh, I hope you don't mind me naming most of the animals," Koda said awkwardly. "No, I don't mind," Izuku said. "I mean, you're much better at coming up with names than I am."

"Well, I don't think I'm that good," Koda said. "But thanks. Anyway, do you think you can keep two more animals? I mean, I'm only allowed to have two and I already have Usagi, but I'd hate to separate Hyo from Furuyuki. I mean, I know they're friends. Hyo literally asked us for help to save her."

"True," Izuku said. "I'll take them." The two animals began playing around Izuku's legs. He laughed. Suddenly, a news reporter approached them. "Aren't you those two teens that saved that tarantula?" she asked.

Koda wanted to speak, but he couldn't. The words were stuck in the back of his throat. "Sorry, Koda gets anxious around strangers," Izuku said. Koda nodded in confirmation. "That's quite alright," the news reporter said. "God knows I'm the same."

"Anyway, yes we are!" Izuku said. "I'm Izuku Midoriya, and this is Koji Koda, my best friend." "Oh, you have so many cute animals!" the reporter said. "Did you rescue them all?"

"Yes, we did," Koda said nervously. "We saved Usagi, this dog, and her puppies from a kill shelter. Midoriya's mom adopted Aoi, the sugar glider, after she was abandoned. We rescued Rakku, the cat, after she got badly injured on the streets."

He rambled, "We saved Suzuki, the tarantula, from an abusive household. As for the husky, Hyo, we didn't save him, we just adopted him, but we did save his friend, Furuyuki, this white lion cub, after she got stuck behind a dumpster in an alleyway a few minutes ago. Uh, sorry for the rant."

"No, it's perfectly fine!" the reporter said. "It's interesting to hear how you got all of these animals! If you don't mind me asking, what inspired you to do this?" "Well, I'm quirkless," Izuku said. "I can't be a hero without a quirk."

"And I feel as if I'm too shy to be a hero, so instead, we decided to help the animals who are abandoned, injured, or mistreated," Koda said. "Yep, you hear it correctly!" the reporter looked at the camera. "These two teenagers, Izuku Midoriya and Koji Koda decided to help animals! After all, animals need heroes too!"

"Well, I wouldn't call us heroes," Izuku said. "But I guess we'll take that as a compliment!" "Yeah, thanks," Koda said quietly. "Oh, what's all of their names?" the reporter asked.

"Well, this is Usagi," Koda said, petting the pale furred pitbull. "And these are her puppies. The black one is Nozomi, the red one is Sakura, the white one is Mochi, the brown one is Aiko, and the gray one is Haru."

"And this is Aoi," Izuku said. He allowed the sugar glider to climb on his shoulder. "And the cat is Rakku." He knelt down and picked up the mangled cat.

"The tarantula, we named Suzuki," Koda said. "As for the husky, his name is Hyo, and the lioness is named Furuyuki!" The lioness purred a strong purr, a lion's purr.

"Oh, you're both so sweet!" the reporter said. After the, QnA, I guess, was over, she left. "That was a bit strange," Koda said. "Yeah, it was," Izuku said. "But I guess she just wanted to interview us."

They both went to Izuku's house, and Inko was surprised to see Izuku bring home a literal lion cub. "Izuku, what is the meaning of this?" she asked. "Oh, Furuyuki got herself stuck behind a dumpster, so we helped her, and we couldn't leave Hyo, so I brought him home too," Izuku said.

The little lion cub mewled and put her paws on Inko's leg. She smiled and picked her up. "She's so cute," she said. She picked Hyo up in her other arm and he licked her face.

"Aww, they love you!" Koda said. "I guess they do," Inko said. "I'm happy that Izuku found a way to become a hero, even if it's not in the way he originally wanted to." "Heh, I guess," Izuku said.

Izuku Midoriya And Koji Koda, The Animal Heroes 🐾🐕Where stories live. Discover now