Chapter 11: A kitten-filled box with a couple of foxes

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As Koda walked through the door, Izuku looked at him. "Ooh, you look flustered," he said. "Well, I met this boy today," Koda said. "He has a Huskydoodle named Kenji, and his name is Rikido Sato."

"Do you like him?" Izuku asked. Koda had a sinking feeling inside of him. "No!" he objected. "I mean, he's nice and all, but I literally just met him! He's just my friend!"

"Are you sure, Kodamigo~" Izuku teased. "Oh, shut up!" Koda snarled. His face turned even brighter from embarrassment. "I won't stop until I have answers~" Izuku laughed.

"I hate you so much," Koda said. "Love you too, brother!" Izuku said. Brother? Did Izuku really see him as a brother? Damn it! Koda mentally cursed. Now he definitely knows! Why'd I tell him that I met Sato?!

"Koda, should we take the animals to the park?" Izuku asked. "I mean, Furu seemed jealous that you took the pitbulls and not her." "Yeah, let's go," Koda said. "The wolf pups started walking and their eyes and ears are finally open, so even they should be old enough."

They leashed the pets, not including Suzuki or the snakes. Instead, they let the snakes wrap around their arms and Koda let Suzuki climb on his shoulder, then they left the house.

As they were walking, a brown haired girl, around their age approached them. "Your animals are so cute! Can I pet them?" she asked. "Yeah, you can pet them!" Koda said. The girl knelt down in front of the animals. The first she petted was Furuyuki.

"What a friendly lion cub!" she said. "Yeah, her name is Furuyuki, but we call her Furu for short," Izuku said. Fyo barked, then licked the girl's hand. "And this is Fyo. He's Furu's best friend," Izuku added.

Koda petted the ocelot and the caracal. "This is Nyoko, and the caracal is Koko. Thanks a lot, Midoriya." "No problem!" Izuku said. "Love you too!" Koda growled. If Izuku wasn't his best friend, he'd hate him.

"And the pitbull is Usagi, and her puppies are named Sakura, Mochi, Nozomi, Haru, and Aiko," he added. "As for the wolf pups, their mother is named Yoru, and they're named Akira, Suki, Natsukashii, Kirito, Shinju, Hana, Kei, and Hiroshi," Koda said.

"The black cat is Soba, the gray one is Rakku, the brown one is Niji, and the hairless ones are called Midori and Taiyo," Izuku said. "And our sugar glider is Aoi. Our tarantula is Suzuki." "I'm afraid of spiders," the girl said.

"Me too, but I've gotten used to her," Koda said. "Hell, if I didn't get used to her, I would've convinced Midoriya to name her Ms. Lord Have Mercy." The girl laughed. "Our rattlesnake is named Chikara," Izuku said. "And our hognose snake is named Hezeru."

"Okami is the Shiba Inu," Koda said. "And the foxes, the black one is Gunso, the brown one is Azula, and the red one is Shoga. The goats are named Kaito, Raito, and Kurumi."

"The Shar-Pei is Aka. The female alligator is Tenshi, and her brother is Kacchan," Izuku's voice cracked as he said the last name. Kacchan. Kacchan... Then, the girl processed it.

"You're the animal heroes!" she said. Her smile faded. "And... Kacchan was named after Bakugo. I miss him." "You knew our friend, practically our brother?!" Izuku asked.

"Yeah, he was kind of rude, but UA isn't the same without him," the girl said. "Oh, I never introduced myself! What's wrong with me?! My name is Ochaco Uraraka!"

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, and this is Koji Koda, but you probably knew that already," Izuku said. "I see that Katsuki made it into UA." "Yeah, one student was expelled and since Bakugo's gone, there's place for three students in Class 1A!" Uraraka said.

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