Chapter 10: A new friend... is he just a friend?

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Izuku woke up to- hissing? Yes. As if there was a snake. But he knew it was not Chikara. It sounded too different from him. He looked around and saw a snake... on his chest.

He screamed, then Koda came in and allowed the snake to climb onto his arm

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He screamed, then Koda came in and allowed the snake to climb onto his arm. "Calm down, Zuku, she's a hognose snake. She's not even venomous." "It just surprised me is all," Izuku said, still breathing heavily.

The snake climbed off of Koda and back to Izuku. She hissed in his face as if she was making sure he was okay. "He's fine," Koda answered. "Huh?" Izuku questioned. "Hezeru," Koda said. "She was asking if you're okay."

"Yeah, I'm fine, girl," Izuku said. He put his hand in front of the snake. She climbed onto his arm as he giggled a bit. "She's like Chikara." "Heh, I guess she is," Koda said. "She's a bit different, but that's just a difference between rattlesnakes and hognose snakes."

Hezeru kept hissing and slithering around Izuku's body. "Think you can watch the animals?" Koda asked. "I want to take Usagi and her puppies to Pet Smart. They've been really good lately." "Alright," Izuku said. With that, Koda leashed the six dogs, then left Izuku with the other animals.

As he was walking, Aiko slipped out of his collar and ran down the street towards a boy, about his age, and his dog, a handsome white Huskydoodle. Koda's heart was racing. Him, Izuku, Inko, and the shelter employees were the only humans Aiko had ever met.

Well, it turns out, Aiko is really good with people and other dogs. "I'm so sorry about him," he said gingerly. "It's okay," the boy said. "He's really friendly! Are these his siblings and his mom?" He knelt in front of the other dogs.

Mochi climbed onto his knee and licked his face. Sakura growled skeptically, but then sniffed him and stopped. Haru began playing with his shoelace, Nozomi sniffed him, then licked him to get an idea of who he is, and Usagi wagged her tail, but stayed next to Koda.

"Yeah, this is Aiko's family," Koda said. "Aiko!" the boy exclaimed. "Is that his name?" "Yeah," Koda said. "The black puppy is Nozomi. Don't surprise her though, she's blind. And, the red puppy is Sakura. She growls at strangers, but then she sniffs them, and stops if she senses no danger."

Haru continued to yank at the boy's shoelace. "And the gray puppy is Haru," Koda said. "He's a troublemaker, but still a blessing to have around. As for the white puppy, her name is Mochi. I named her after the Japanese sweet because, well, that's her personality!"

The boy picked Mochi up and allowed her to rest in his arms. "And the mom is named Usagi," Koda said. "She's unlike most mother dogs, she's not overprotective at all and she's really friendly with all people and dogs."

His attention was now turned off of the dogs and onto, what could be described as the kindest person he's ever met. Well, besides Izuku and his mom. "Hey, I never caught your name," Koda said. "Rikido Sato," the boy said. "You?"

"Koji Koda," Koda said. "Oh, one of the animal heroes!" Sato said. Koda nodded. "I was taking Usagi and her puppies to Pet Smart since they've been good lately. Midoriya's at home t aking care of the other animals." "Oh, I was taking Kenji there!" Sato said.

"We can go together!" Koda said. Sato smiled, then Kenji barked at the puppies, startling them. Mochi jumped out of Sato's arms, Haru released his shoelace, Aiko tucked his tail behind him and whimpered, Usagi stood over the pups and growled, Sakura growled with her, and Nozomi whimpered and hid behind Koda's leg.

"Kenji! Bad boy!" Sato yelled. "Don't bark at the puppies! You scared them!" Kenji whimpered and backed away a bit. "Sato, don't yell at Kenji," Koda said. "Yelling will make the dog scared of you rather than train him. You have to look him in the eye, and firmly tell him, 'No!'"

"Oh, my bad," Sato said nervously. "It's fine, you didn't know," Koda said. "Let's just get the dogs something, k?" "Okay," Sato said. The two boys walked down the street with their dogs. This time, Koda tightened Aiko's collar.

A Pet Smart employee stopped them. "No dogs allowed," he said. "It's a literal pet store!" Koda objected. "Well, your dogs are pit bulls, they could bite me, it's not allowed," the employee said.

"You don't even know his dogs!" Sato yelled, which startled the dogs. "Sato, lower your voice," Koda reminded him. "Sorry. Anyway, you don't know Usagi or her puppies!" Sato said. "They're all really sweet dogs! The only one who's even remotely dangerous is Sakura, and even then, she never attacks unless she senses danger!"

Another employee approached them. "We allow any and all pets as long as they're on a leash and under control," she said. "Six of them are pit bulls!" the other snarled. "So?! They're not dangerous!" the lady hissed. "You should judge dogs on an individual, not on their breed!"

"Usagi is the only one that's even a full pit bull!" Koda said. "Her puppies are half Labrador!" "I see," the lady said. "You may come inside as long as the dogs are under control." The two boys headed inside with the dogs.

By the time they left, each dog had a toy in their mouth and a bag of treats. "So, you actually got hit by a car yesterday?" Sato asked. Koda nodded. "I named an alligator after the person who saved my life and sacrificed his own in the process."

Koda caught himself in a daze as he stared at Sato. He was truly kind, and extremely patient despite yelling at the dogs so much. "Koda? Koda!" Sato snapped his fingers next to Koda's ear. "You good?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Koda said. God, why did he have this feeling? "Are you sure?" Sato asked. "Your face is red." "Yeah! I'm fine!" Koda insisted. Sato dismissed his own thoughts, then took Kenji home. Little did Koda know, Sato had the same feelings.

What even are these feelings? Koda thought to himself. It feels... weird in my stomach. Am I in love with him? He shook his head quickly as he became a tomato. No! I literally just met him! I'm not even gay! God, why'd Aiko have to slip out of his collar?!

Oh, Mina! We've got some tea for you~

Izuku Midoriya And Koji Koda, The Animal Heroes 🐾🐕Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu