Never Trust a Snake

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Onyx walked into the boys' sleeping cabin just in time to see Zane sit up quickly and smack his head on the bunk above his. He was breathing quickly, like he had seen something terrifying. "Sleeping in? You're going to be late for training," Jay said. "Oh. Why did no one awaken me?" Zane asked, getting up. "We didn't think you wanted us to. You looked like you were having some dream," Kai said. Zane squinted suspiciously. "How do I know this isn't a dream?" He asked.

Cole hit him in the face with a pillow. "Does that feel like a dream?" He asked. Zane gave him a dirty look. "No. Thank you for your help," he said. "Confusing dreams with reality. The first sign of insanity," Onyx said. Kai looked at her. "How would you know?" He asked. Onyx shrugged. "I heard it from someone," she said. "And do you ever confuse dreams with reality?" Cole asked. Onyx shrugged again. "Sometimes," she said, then turned and left before things could get any weirder.

"Little slow today. What did you dream about?" Kai asked Zane as the boys joined Onyx in standing behind Wu, waiting for training to start. "I saw the falcon again," Zane answered. Jay gave a little hop. "Whoa! Zane, whenever you see that bird, something big happens. First, it led you to the treehouse," he said. "Then it led you to the Bounty," Cole interjected. "All right, stretches! First, the swooping crane." Wu said, interrupting their conversation and turning away to demonstrate a position.

The Ninja copied him. "This time it showed me the Green Ninja." Zane whispered. A slight pang of anxiety twisted Onyx's stomach. "The Green Ninja?" Kai, Cole, and Jay said at the same time. Onyx flinched as Wu turned around. Cole has his hands over his mouth, Kai's hands were over his eyes, and Jay was rubbing his ears, and Onyx, though in the right position, was so rigid she looked like a statue. "That looks more like the shocked monkey. Bad form, more focus. Onyx, loosen up. How are you supposed to stretch if you're stiff?" Wu corrected.

"Now, the pinching crab," he said, turning away again. This time, the ninja all got into the right position. "You can't just drop a bomb like that! Spill the beans," Jay whispered. "Yeah, what else did you see?" Kai asked. "He was fighting Lord Garmadon." Zane answered. "That's what the prophecy said; that the Green Ninja would defeat the Dark Lord. Did you have the chance to see which one of us it was?" Kai questioned.

Zane shook his head. "No. He shared attributes each one of us possessed," he said. "Even me?" Onyx asked. "He... um... well, he... looked young?" Zane said finally. Onyx was silent. "Well tell us everything. And don't leave anything out. Especially something that might let us know who the Green-Ow ow ow! Hey!" Kai shouted as Wu grabbed his hair and pulled.

"What was so important to ignore my teachings?" Wu asked. The boys fired off a round of denials. "Everyone was paying attention, Sensei," Zane said. Jay gave Onyx a look. She didn't respond in any way. She was sick of this prophecy, and wasn't going to help anyone get out of trouble.

"Since you all seem to be lacking in focus, then you can all share the same punishment," Wu said. "Punishment?" Jay asked. "What?" Kai said. "It was all Zane," Cole said quickly. "I was merely answering their questions," Zane defended. Onyx crossed her arms in frustration.

"No free time, no video games, and no reading. The rest of today can be used for training, and tomorrow too, for that matter," Wu said. Onyx knew full well she'd be reading late tonight, but she didn't say anything. "Training? For how long?" Kai asked. "Until you can answer this simple riddle: What is the best way to defeat your enemy?" Wu asked. "Easy, with a sword," Kai answered. "Your fists," Jay said. "Spinjitzu," Cole said. "Tornado of Creation?" Zane guessed. "What kind of enemy?" Onyx asked. "Any enemy," Wu answered. "Stealth attacks and tactical planning," she said promptly.

Wu sighed and shook his head. "Pace yourselves, you have a lot of training ahead. Make sure you sharpen your mind as well as your Spinjitzu," Wu said, walking away. "I'm pretty sure if I can outsmart a group of cats and steal their fish without them noticing, I'm pretty sharp," Onyx said. "Wait, why would you do that?" Cole asked. "I had the fish first," Onyx said. "What? I saw you stealing Jay's practice nunchucks to whittle with!" She said off of Kai's look.

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