The Grand Finale and Final Bows

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The Constrictai began lashing their tails, sending chairs and random props flying. "Everyone get out!" Onyx shouted, projecting her voice above the panicked screams of the audience. The people all ran for the doors, and within moments, the theatre was empty save for the Serpentine, ninja, and Mr. Lou. The Constrictai tore holes in the stage, flinging wood and debris everywhere.

Onyx pulled out her kunai knives and engaged in combat with a snake. She ducked under his tail and threw a knife, hitting him directly in the eye. Instead of falling to the ground, however, he screeched and slammed Onyx in the ribs, sending her flying into the black stage curtain. The pulleys holding it up were already weakened from being hit by debris, and the remaining ropes lost their traction and released, sending the curtain falling down to cover everyone.

Onyx lay stunned for a moment, trying to force air back into her lungs. She caught her breath and flipped onto her stomach. She crawled through the complete darkness under the heavy curtain, coughing as dust shook itself free from the thick fabric. "Stupid border curtains," Onyx spat into the seemingly endless darkness. She could hear the sound of someone else struggling to free themselves from the fallen curtain to her left.

Onyx suddenly fell off the edge of the stage and back into the light. She leapt to her feet. A few feet away from her, Zane did the same. They scrambled back into the stage just in time to see slide under a cascade of falling boxes and stage lights in pursuit of the snake that had grabbed his father. Dust billowed out from the wreckage, filling Onyx's eyes and throat as she and Zane ran up to Jay. A black case burst open as it tumbled from the pile, sending the Golden Weapons sliding across remaining part of the stage.

Pythor's laugh echoed throughout the theatre, retreating farther and farther until he couldn't be heard anymore. "He stole the Fangblade," Jay whispered. 'I hate that stupid snake!' Onyx thought. "Cole!" Kai cried, running up and skidding to a halt at the foot of the pile. "What do we-?" Jay's question was cut short as Cole's Scythe, lying half underneath a fallen box, flared with a dazzling glow.

The ninja froze as it dawned on them. "He's found his true potential," Zane said in amazement. Cole suddenly emerged from the wreckage, lifting a huge metal beam as he lifted into the air. His body has taken on a magma-like appearance, and his eyes glowed like the inside of an active volcano. Mr. Lou looked up from where he was kneeling on the ground, hands over his head. "Wha-what?" How did we survive that?" He exclaimed.

"His relationship with his father must have been holding him back," Zane murmured to no one in particular. "He's indestructible!" Jay cried. "Ugh, great. Now I really am the only one who hasn't figured out my special power," Kai grumbled. Onyx heard him, and her hands tightened into fists.

Cole dropped down to the stage, his appearance returning to normal. "Is everyone alright?" He panted, sweat dripping from his face. Lou pulled himself up onto a box, wincing as he moved his injured foot. "We're all okay, son," he said, smiling proudly at Cole despite the pain. Onyx grinned at the heartwarming scene.


Onyx sipped a cup of honey ginger tea in Mr. Lou's living room. "That was amazing!" Jay exclaimed. "You found your true potential," Zane said. Cole rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. "It was impressive, but Pythor got the Fangeblade," Onyx pointed out. "Yeah. I guess the scoreboard now reads Pythor-2, Ninja-0," Jay sighed. "True, but we only need one Fangblade, and there are still two left to find," Cole said. "Yeah, that's true. The odds of us getting at least one blade are pretty good. It's not likely that we'll fail four times," Onyx said. "And who knows?" Maybe when I unlock my true potential, I'll become the destined Green Ninja," Kai added. Cole snorted in amusement. "Yeah, right. Dream on," he said. "Hah, okay," Jay laughed. "The only destiny you have to look forward to is an even bigger ego," Onyx said. Zane winced. "Ouch," he said, a slight smile on his face.

Mr. Lou stood, shaking his head in amusement at the ninja's antics. "Well, it may not be the Blade Cup, but it sure will look good on my wall," he said, hanging a photograph of the ninja all standing together amongst the wreckage of the theatre, smiling. Onyx grinned at the picture. "All right!" Cole cheered. "Excellent," Zane said. "Nice," Jay said with a chuckle. "As far as I'm concerned, you're all family," Mr. Lou said. Cole sighed satisfactorily. "You're right. It's a victory that we're all sitting here together," he said. Those words made every one of them smile.

Sorry about the chapter being short... I didn't want to make the last one too long. Anyhow, I finally got my phone back. And my little sister has said some hilarious things about Ninjago. We're watching Possession now, and I remarked on how Morro is basically not wearing pants. Her immediate reaction was, "yeah, well, that's because he's a tiny little man!" (For some reason...) I now headcanon Morro as a borderline midget.

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