Again with the Destiny Talk

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Onyx and the others stood on the deck, preparing to go after Pythor. Lloyd slowly walked from the cabin, carrying the case containing the Golden Weapons. "If Pythor returns the Fangblades to the City of Ouroboros, he'll awaken the Great Devourer," Wu said. "Well, we're not gonna let that happen," Nya said seriously. "Oh, what about me?" Lloyd interjected, setting the case down heavily and looking at Wu with hopeful eyes.

"We need someone to stay with the Bounty," Kai said. Lloyd's face dropped into a disappointed frown. "But did you see me fighting Pythor? I kick butt. And face," he said with a hopeful hop. Kai shook his head. "Patience, kid. You're too important now that you're the chosen one," he said. Wu gave a small smile. "Patience, hm? It seems the student has become the teacher," he said. "But... but what about Onyx?" He asked. Onyx held back a wince. Perhaps it was better if she was in danger. Then there was a chance that she'd be taken out. That would solve the problem.

Wu shook his head. "She has been through training and knows what we are facing. Onyx is more than capable of taking care of herself. You aren't prepared yet," he answered. Onyx much preferred that answer.

Jay opened the weapons case and pulled out the Nunchuks. "What do you say we play a little catch-up?" He said. Cole grinned and took the Scythe. "It's my favorite game," he replied as the others took their weapons. Onyx looked at Lloyd. "You'll be able to come along at some point," she said, before shouting "Ninja Go!" along with the others. She spun into Spinjitzu, leapt from the ship, and summoned her motorcycle.

They landed on the side of the volcano and hurtled down it. Jay's jet zoomed above them. "I've got him in my sights!" He called down to them. They merged from the volcano onto a road. Onyx sped up, and the others fell into her pace, gaining on the bus the Serpentine had hijacked. As they drew closed, two Fangpyres popped out of the ceiling hatches and chomped down onto the metal. Their venom snaked through the metal, changing it to a poisonous, scaly green. A long, pointed tail unfolded from the back of the bus, and its transformation was complete. "What is that, a truck?" Kai asked incredulously.

Nya's mech flew up beside them, Wu in the passenger's seat. "That's no truck; that's a moving fortress," he said. Cole swerved up behind it, only to immediately have to fall back as the tail swatted at him. "Watch out! Gah, how are we supposed to get close to that thing!?" Kai shouted. Two hatches popped open on either side of the vehicle, and a gun pod popped out of either side and began firing at Jay and the Mech. "How is their venom even able to do that!?" Onyx exclaimed.

Suddenly, two reptilian vehicles fell from a Rattlecopter above and landed behind the ninja. They sped forward and trapped Kai between them. Hatches in the side of the bus opened, and even more vehicles poured out.

Two sped towards Onyx, who leaned forward and prepared herself to make a risky move. As the vehicles closed in on her, she leaned back and threw her weight upwards. The bike launched up into the air, over the Serpentine, and landed in front of them. Onyx quickly grabbed two kunai knives from their sheathes and flung them at her enemy's wheels. She hit her targets straight on. The two bikes spun out and crashed into rocks on the side of the road.

"If we want to have any chance of stopping that truck, we need to work together!" Cole shouted. "I have an idea! Jay, follow me. Zane, get in close and cool then off!" Nya directed. "Everyone, give him an opening!" Onyx ordered, drawing a katana and preparing to give the snakes hell.

"Okay, I'm going in," Zane said. He sped through the opening the others had managed to clear and used Spinjitzu to get atop the tailcar. He kicked the serpentine off and leapt down between the cars and out of sight. A moment later, the ninja were zooming past the detached tailcar. "Nice one Zane! Now let's board that truck," Jay said.

Onyx leapt from her vehicle to the top of the car and slipped down through the ceiling hatch. "Ding ding ding! I'll be handing out snacks now. Don't worry, my friends will take care of yours," she said. The serpentine in the car she had infiltrated stared at her for a moment. Then what had just happened clicked and they rushed at her. Onyx easily dispatched the snakes. She gave the few remaining ones a harsh look. "Ah, I seem to have missed you. Are you hungry?" She asked. The three Venomari shrieked and leapt out a window. "Heh. Cowards," Onyx muttered before clambering back out of the car and onto the roof.

She met up with Nya and the others just as Nya was lifting up the roof of the car Cole had chosen. They leapt in. "Cole. Good to see you," Wu said. "Good to see you too," Cole returned. The train suddenly swerved violently, and the ninja had to grab on to whatever they could reach to keep their balance. Kai wasn't so lucky and went tumbling down the car. Zane managed to catch him as he fell by and held on until the vehicle settled. "Heh, nice catch Zane," Jay said. Cole smirked. "Last one here's a rotten ninja," he said. Kai huffed. "So be it. There's still one more car to go. Pythor's in there with the four Fangblades. So who's first?" He asked.

Wu zipped past them, almost too fast to see. He stopped in the connector between the two cars, looking at them for a moment. Onyx realised what he was going to do a moment before he did. "Don't-" Wu hit the connector. The engine car zoomed away, leaving the ninja behind. "Sensei!" Jay shouted. "What are you doing?" Cole cried. "It is my destiny to face Pythor alone. It is yours to look after Lloyd," Wu said to them all. "Oh yeah? Well Destiny sucks!" Onyx screamed back. He didn't hear. Wu was already gone.


The ninja sat on the end of the train car, waiting for some thing to happen. Nya yawned. "This is really boring," she said. "If we'd walked, then we could've been one hour closer to Ouroboros," Onyx said. "Yeah, but we'd also be really tired and probably dehydrated," Cole said. Onyx sighed and nodded. Suddenly the train jolted and began to move. "What the-?" Onyx stood up and looked around. The anchor of the Destiny's Bounty was hooked into the side of the train, and was dragging them along. "Hook, line, and sinker!" Lloyd's voice yelled from above. Kai looked up at the ship. "To Ouroboros, as fast as you can!" He called. "Aye aye, captain!" Lloyd responded. The train lifted off of the ground, and sped towards the city of snakes.

After around fifteen minutes, the smoking wreckage of the engine car came into view. "Okay Lloyd, put us down right after that truck!" Kai called. He did so. The ninja leapt out of the train and took off running for the center of the city, where an ominous green glow was pulsing. "Wait up guys!" Lloyd called. A minute later he caught up to them. Onyx glanced at him. "Stay close. We don't know what we might find," she said grimly.

The ninja fling open the gates to the center. The venomous green light burned Onyx's eyes as they adjusted. Then she was able to take in the full sight before her. The stone ground had partially crumbled away, revealing a deep black abyss. And rising from the darkness, glowing within it were two reddish dots growing larger by the second. The eyes of a predator.

"What's going on? What's that creature under the ground!?" Kai cried. Wu looked at them across the abyss. "You must do everything in your power to stop the Great Devourer. Go ninja! Go," Wu ordered. "No, Sensei," Kai said softly. Then from the ground rose a huge creature. A snake so large, so huge, that all of the ninja wouldn't be able to wrap themselves around it if they held hands. Its scales were a wicked olive green, and its pupiless eyes glowed with a malevolent red light. It rose high into the sky, shrieking demonically as green lightning flashed around it, dying the sky an unnatural color. Then in lunged down again, devouring Wu and Pythor where they stood.

And that was when the presence hit her. An overwhelming sense of darkness and evil. She dropped to her knees, quivering. She instinctively knew what this was. Horror tore through Onyx's being. "We're too late," she whispered.

Well now things are about to get interesting. I auditioned for Finding Nemo yesterday, but I haven't heard back yet. I woke my parents up early because I took a morning shower and got in my vocal warmups by singing 'Phantom of the Opera' in the shower. Not a bad way to wake up, in my opinion. The worst part of auditions is the waiting. Anyway, have a good night.

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