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The Ninja walked down the street amidst a cheering crowd of people. Jay ran up to his parents and yanked them both into a hug. "Ooh, our little ninja!" Edna said, hugging him right back. The dragon landed behind them. Cole ran up to it and began rubbing Rocky's nose. "Hey there you are, you big lug! It's good to have you back," he said.

"I don't see my dad," Lloyd said anxiously. Kai glanced around as well. "He should be around here somewhere," Kai said. Zane shook his head. "Your analysis is correct. He is not here," he said. Cole groaned. "Then our golden weapons are gone too! Well isn't that convenient?" He growled, sarcasm dripping from every word. Nya pointed at a pile of goo, leading away from which were... "look! His footsteps," she said. Onyx squinted at them, then shook her head. They trailed off into oblivion after a few steps. "I have a feeling we'll see you father again soon," Kai said. Lloyd nodded. "I know, but that's what I'm afraid of," he said. Onyx put a hand in his shoulder. "It's gonna be okay. If anyone can help him, it's you," she said. Lloyd nodded.

Coke suddenly gave an excited gasp and pointed. "Sensei Wu!" He cried. The ninja ran up to their Sensei. "I can't tell you how glad I am to see you!" Wu exclaimed. He hurried past them and grabbed his teapot from a pile of goo. He poured some steaming tea into a cup that seemed to materialize in his hand. "The Devourer left a bad taste in my mouth." He sipped it, steam rising from the liquid. "Ah, much better. And still hot!" He said. Onyx shook her head. The magic of the teapot was one of her biggest questions about Sensei.

Then she rushed forward and hugged him. "I unlocked my true potential. I got lost, but Lloyd helped me get back," she whispered, too quietly for the others to hear. "I'm proud of you," Wu whispered back.

When Onyx finally released him, Lloyd spoke. "It's good to have you back Uncle! But my father left, and he took the golden weapons with him," he said. Wu nodded. "Ah, yes. The ability of the weapon is great, but the ability to better oneself makes you limitless," he said. Jay chuckled. "I couldn't have said it better myself," he said. "Besides, we have what is most important. You," Kai said, patting Lloyd on the shoulder. "Indeed. After all, we can't allow Ninjago to fall," Onyx said. Her resolve was strong as obsidian.

"The pupils have become the masters," Wu said. Lloyd frowned, troubled. "Am I really going to have to fight my father someday?" He asked. Wu nodded. "One day. But today we can feel good that Ninjago is saved, for tomorrow you will train for the day. Good will finally face evil and a final outcome will be decided for all of time," he said. "But don't worry. We're gonna teach you everything we know," Kai said. "And make sure that you're prepared for that fight," Jay said. "Because as we all know, good will always stand up to evil," Cole said. "And Ninja always stand up for what is right," Zane said. "Yeah. We'll do everything we can to help you," Onyx agreed. They all put their hands together. "Go Ninja, go!" They cried.


Onyx stood on an empty sidewalk, looking around. She saw the signs of destruction and pain. As hard as they'd tried, they hadn't been able to save everyone. The sound of soft crying reached her ears. She whipped around, listening closely. 'There.' Onyx hurried over to a fallen street sign leaning up against a pile of rubble. She pulled it aside, revealing a crying young girl.

Onyx crouched down in front of her. "Hey. Are you okay?" She asked softly. The blonde girl quivered and didn't answer. Onyx didn't know what to do. She sat beside the girl, trying to think. She didn't seem to be hurt, aside from a deep cut on her jaw. "I can sing to you," Onyx offered. She had always found it comforting. The girl still didn't speak. Onyx started singing a lullaby about spiders. It was an odd song, about a spider lying in wait as a person slept. As she sang, she wondered where her father had heard it.

The girl began to stop crying, her startlingly blue eyes instead hollowing out. Merely looking at her made Onyx's chest hurt. It was their fault. They hadn't been able to prevent this girl from suffering.

She had only finished the first verse when two paramedics ran up to her. "Are you two okay?" The male asked. Onyx shrugged. "I'm okay, but I don't know about her," she said. The two crouched down in front of the blonde girl. "Hey, sweetheart. Are you okay?" The woman asked. No answer. "Where are your parents?" She asked after a moment. Still silence. "Well you're a quiet one, aren't you?" The man joked, trying to get a smile from her, to no avail. A flurry of paper suddenly hit Onyx in the face.

She grabbed them to see drawings of the ninja. Her, Zane, Jay, and most of all, Lloyd. "Hm. So much for the ninja," the woman said. "Did you see that thing? Lord Garmadon and that dark woman destroyed it. They're the real heroes," the man agreed.  "Who do you think that woman was?" "I don't know. There was so much darkness around her I couldn't tell."

Onyx stood up, choking back tears. "S-sorry! We didn't mean-" Onyx shook her head at the man. "No. You're right. We weren't able to do enough. I'm going to search for more survivors," she said, shoving past the two and hurrying away. She didn't want to talk about her role in the destruction of the Devourer. Actually, she didn't want to talk about any of it. She didn't even want to think about it.

Onyx looked up at the sky and clenched her fists. I'll make sure something like this never happens again. No children will have to die. No kids will have to live without a family. Never again. Onyx realized she still had one of the girl's drawings in her hand. One of her and Lloyd fighting together. Onyx tucked it into her gi. I promise.

She stood on the street corner, looking around at the people. Some were crying, some were digging through rubble, some were being bandaged where they stood, and some were being loaded into the back of ambulances. "Hey, you okay?" Kai asked, jogging up beside her. Onyx shrugged. "I don't know," she murmured. Kai frowned at her. "Onyx, what's wrong?" He said.

Onyx looked at the ground. "I... can't save everyone," she said. Kai sucked in a sharp breath. He stepped in front of her and crouched down, looking at her with an empathetic frown. "I know. None of us can. That's why we have to keep fighting. To save the ones we can. Com'ere," he said softly, pulling her into a hug. After a moment, Onyx stepped away. "Okay. Let's go help the responders," she said. Kai gave her an encouraging smile and mussed her hair gently. "There we are. C'mon Tiny. Let's go," he said.

Onyx followed him, prepared to protect Ninjago, whatever it took.

You know, Ninjago is actually really messed up at times, when you think about it. But hey, I finally finished this season! Yay!

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