The Green Ninja

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The ninja trained on the deck of the Destiny's Bounty, sparring against a dummy. "Earth!" Cole cried, hitting it with a shower of rocks. "Lighting!" Jay exclaimed, electrocuting the dummy. "Ice!" Zane shouted, freezing the dummy to the mast. "Darkness," Onyx hissed, spearing the wooden figure through the throat with a shard of solid darkness, which dissipated a moment later.

Nya walked over to them from the wheel. "Good training," she said. "Do you want to join in?" Onyx asked. "Nah, I trained for a while earlier." Then Nya frowned. "Where's Kai?" She asked. Onyx shrugged. "I haven't seen him for a while, actually," she said. "If you're quiet, you'll probably hear him shouting," Nya said. Onyx laughed softly and listened. A moment later, they heard Kai's voice exclaim something they couldn't make out. "Let's go see what trouble he's gotten up to now," Onyx said, turning to walk in the direction of the sound. Nya didn't argue Onyx's words. She grinned and followed the four ninja.

Kai was standing in a dark room, wearing a green gi and admiring himself in a mirror in Sensei Wu's room. The five stood in silence and watched him make a fool of himself. A little twinge of anger stabbed at Onyx. The gi wasn't his, and he had no right to wear it. And besides, if she was the one who would finally own it, she didn't want it to smell like Kai's hairspray.

"Bring heat!" Kai cried, thrusting his hands forwards. He growled in frustration when nothing happened. "Very nice. Maybe if you tried the phrase "Fire dork." That might work," Cole said, distracting Onyx. Kai whipped around. "How long have you been watching!?" He cried. "Long enough to know that you've got no hope of being the Green Ninja," Onyx said. "Where'd you find the suit? That's awesome!" Jay exclaimed.

Kai flushed. "Well, I was looking for some kind of clue from Sensei, and I found it by accident," he said. "Did you find a clue?" Nya asked. Kai shook his head. "No. He didn't leave anything to tell us where he went," Kai answered. Onyx sniffed. "Disappears without so much as a hint, and somehow expects us to find him. I thought he was done doing this," she said. There had been times where Wu had left her alone at the monastery for days on end. Cole sighed. "You're so difficult sometimes," he said quietly. Onyx made a face at him.

Zane spoke, voice slightly agitated. "But only the one destined to defeat Garmadon is the Green Ninja, and only he should wear the Green gi. Sensei would most likely be-" Kai interrupted him. "I know, I know. I just thought that if I tried it on, it might help me see my true potential. It's not fair that you guys have all unlocked your cool powers. And besides, Sensei isn't here. He won't find-".

A thump sounded from the deck. "Hello? I'm home!" Sensei Wu's voice called. Kai froze. "Sensei!" The other boys shouted. Onyx cracked one of her knuckles in frustration. "You're screwed now," she said to Kai before following the others. Onyx hung back, watching the other ninja chatter all at the same time about everything that had happened. Something felt off. And there, in the middle of the deck, was Wu, perhaps a touch more disheveled than usual, but otherwise looking exactly the same. Onyx suddenly tensed as a strange feeling washed over her. There was something about the atmosphere around Wu that seemed supercharged with dark energy. She'd never felt anything quite like it, and it put her on edge.

"All of us except Kai and Onyx have discovered our true potential," Zane told Wu as the others quieted down. "Have you now?" Wu glanced around. "And where is Kai?" He asked. "Right here!" Kai said, running onto the deck, trying to disguise how he was out of breath. "Did you bring us anything?" Jay asked suddenly.

Wu opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, four charcoal-black arms spread out behind him like skeletal wings. A familiar laugh came from the owner of the appendages. Onyx recognized it immediately.


"Behind you!" Kai cried, lunging for the Dark Lord. Jay and Cole did the same, while Zane lunged between the two with a cry of "Sensei!" Onyx stood completely still. If Garmadon had wanted to harm Wu, he would likely have done it before they had even gotten close to the Bounty, definitely not where the ninja could see. But if he did have intentions of harming Wu... then she would stop him. Onyx inched her hand closer to her kunai knives, just in case.

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