The Lost City

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Onyx and Lloyd stood amongst hundreds of Serpentine in observation seats overlooking a huge arena. The city was covered in layers of sand, and the stone had all been worn smooth and shiny by years of being pummeled by the unforgiving weather of the desert. Pythor and Skales were at the head of the arena beneath the statue of a huge snake. Onyx shivered. There was a dark presence in this place, beneath the ground. It made her slightly nauseous and gave her a powerful sense of foreboding.

She turned to say something to Lloyd, but before she could speak Pythor slithered forwards and began to address the gathered snakes. "I bring you together to the Lost City of Ouroboros, before the statue of our very own Great Devourer, to speak of unity!" He shouted. Onyx's mind raced. 'The Great Devourer... Their god."

Mutters of dissent and complaint rose around her and Lloyd. "Where's the fight?" "What happened to a big show?" The snakes began to chant. "Slither Pit! Slither Pit! Slither Pit!" Onyx joined in, elbowing Lloyd to do so as well. If any of the snakes realized that they were disguised... she didn't want to think about what they'd do.

Pythor screamed in frustration. "Argh! You want a show? You want to see a fight? I ask for your allegiance but you will not give it. So I will take it!" He roared, leaping down from his podium and slithering toward the four other generals, whom Skales had rejoined moments before. "What are you ssssaying?" The Fangpyre general's right head hissed. Onyx leaned in close to Lloyd as the chanting ceased. "I think we're about to witness a coup," she whispered. Lloyd tilted his head questioningly. "I think Pythor's going to overthrow them," Onyx explained quietly.

"I challenge the four tribe Generals for their staffs and their allegiance at once!" Pythor screamed. "And there it is," Onyx whispered, leaning forward slightly to get a better look at what was happening below. "I fought hard for this staff, and I will not give it up easily!" The Venomari leader growled. "There's no way he can defeat the four of us at once," the Constrictai general cried.

The four generals charged at Pythor, the Venomari, Fangpyre, and Constrictai spreading out and flanking him from the front. Skales slipped around behind Pythor. 'He has the vantage point. He can easily take him-' Onyx's train of thought stopped in its tracks as she saw Skales slide something thin and wooden into Pythor's hand. Suddenly Onyx understood. Skales had never been on the other generals' side. He was Pythor's loyal pawn.

Lloyd gasped as the music of the Sacred flute filled the arena. "He's using the flute against his own kind!" He whispered. Onyx nodded, clenching her fists. The whole thing was so unjust. Screams of pain suddenly pierced the night, making Onyx and Lloyd cover their own ears. "Bow to your master. Bow to your master, Serpentine!" Pythor shouted triumphantly, snatching the staffs from the three generals lying prone on the ground.

Onyx and Lloyd dipped into a bow, and as they did Onyx saw the worst case scenario begin to happen. As Lloyd leaned over, his hooded serpent cap began to slide off. Onyx reached to grab it, but she was too late. She watched as if in slow motion as the costume element slipped over his hair and fell into the arena below with a thwap. Pythor's laughter and the mumbles of the Serpentine went completely silent. The wind whistled through the arena as Pythor's eyes slid from the fallen cap to Lloyd's face.

After another moment, the magnanimity of the  situation hit Lloyd and he tried to dash off. A Venomari beside him grabbed his arm before he could escape. Onyx froze, unsure of what to do. Run? Fight? Try to help Lloyd? She glanced around, quickly realizing that she had no chance if she tried to fight, but she couldn't just leave him there. "Lloyd!" Pythor shouted. "Wait a moment, he was with another Serpentine earlier!" Skales cried. Onyx's grey eyes met Lloyd's. She tried to communicate her intention with her them. 'I'll come back for you.'

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